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Leonidjp (会話 | 投稿記録)
タグ: モバイル編集 モバイルウェブ編集
| commander1={{flagicon2|大日本帝国|army}} [[百武晴吉]]<br />{{Flagicon2|日本|naval}} [[塚原二四三]]<br />{{flagicon2|大日本帝国|army}} [[一木清直]] {{KIA}}<br />{{flagicon2|大日本帝国|army}} [[川口清健]]
| commander2={{flagicon|USA|1912}} [[アレクサンダー・ヴァンデグリフト]]<br />{{flagicon|USA|1912}} [[リッチモンド・K・ターナー|リッチモンド・ターナー]]<br/>{{flagicon|USA|1912}}[[ロバート・L・ゴームレー]]<br/>{{flagicon|USA|1912}}[[ウィリアム・ハルゼー]]<br/>{{flagicon|USA|1912}}[[フランク・J・フレッチャー]]<br/>{{flagicon|USA|1912}}[[メリット・A・エドソン]]<br/>{{flagicon|USA|1912}}[[アレグザンダー・パッチ]]
| strength2 = 60,000人以上(地上部隊のみ)<ref>Frank, pp. 57, 619–621; Rottman, p. 64. Approximately 20,000 U.S. Marines and 40,000 U.S. Army troops were deployed on Guadalcanal at different times during the campaign. Figures for other the Allies are not included.</ref>
| strength1=36,204
| strength1 = 36,200人(地上部隊のみ)<ref>Rottman, p. 65. 31,400 [[Imperial Japanese Army]] troops and 4,800 men of the [[Imperial Japanese Navy]] were deployed to Guadalcanal during the campaign. Jersey states that 50,000 Japanese army and navy troops were sent to Guadalcanal and that most of the original naval garrison of 1,000–2,000 men was successfully evacuated in November and December 1942 by [[Tokyo Express]] warships (Jersey, pp. 348–350).</ref>
| strength2=60,000
| casualties2 = 死者7,100人<ref name= "Tucker p. 213">{{harvnb|Tucker|2014|p=213}}</ref><br>負傷者7,789人以上<ref>The USMC History Division states that the US ground forces (Army and Marine Corps) suffered 4,709 total wounded. Marine air units add another 127 to this figure. Frank notes that the Bureau of Personnel, World War II Casualty List, Books 2 and 3, Naval Historical Center, Washington, D.C. lists US Navy wounded over the course of the campaign as 2,953, (Frank, p. 644) but this number appears to be an understatement.</ref><br>捕虜4人<br>軍艦29隻損失<br>航空機615機<ref>Frank, pp. 598–618; and Lundstrom, p. 456. 85 Australians were killed in the [[Battle of Savo Island]]. Total Solomon Islander deaths are unknown. Most of the rest, if not all, of those killed were American. Numbers include personnel killed by all causes including combat, disease, and accidents. Losses include 1,768 dead (ground), 4,911 dead (naval), and 420 dead (aircrew). Four U.S. aircrew were captured by the Japanese during the [[Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands]] and survived their captivity. An unknown number of other U.S. ground, naval, and aircrew personnel were, according to Japanese records, captured by Japanese forces during the campaign but did not survive their captivity and the dates and manners of most of their deaths are unknown (Jersey, pp. 346, 449). Captured Japanese documents revealed that two captured Marine scouts had been tied to trees and then [[vivisect]]ed while still alive and conscious by an army surgeon as a medical demonstration (Clemens, p. 295). Ships sunk includes both warships and "large" auxiliaries. Aircraft destroyed includes both combat and operational losses.</ref>
| casualties1=戦死 22,493{{Sfn|太平洋戦争研究会|2005|p=185}}
| casualties1 = 死者19,200人<br>内戦闘による死者8,500人<ref>Cowdrey (1994) p. 71: "Of the 19,200 dead, only 8,500 were 'killed in actual combat,' the majority perishing by malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea, and beriberi." Naval personnel deaths both on land and at sea are not included.</ref><br>捕虜1,000人<br>軍艦38隻損失<br>航空機683機 <ref>{{Cite web |url=http://www.combinedfleet.com/turningp.htm |title=Title}}</ref><ref>Frank, pp. 598–618; Shaw, p. 52; and Rottman, p. 65. Numbers include personnel killed by all causes including combat, disease, and accidents. Losses include 24,600–25,600 dead (ground), 3,543 dead (naval), and 2,300 dead (aircrew). Most of the captured personnel were Korean slave laborers assigned to Japanese naval construction units. Ships sunk includes warships and "large" auxiliaries. Aircraft destroyed includes both combat and operational losses.</ref> <br>撤退10,652人
| casualties2=戦死 6,842{{Sfn|太平洋戦争研究会|2005|p=185}}
'''ガダルカナル島の戦い'''(ガダルカナルとうのたたかい、Battle of Guadalcanal)は、[[第二次世界大戦]]において[[1942年|1942(昭和17)年]]8月以降[[日本軍]]と[[連合軍]]が西[[太平洋]][[ソロモン諸島]]の[[ガダルカナル島]]を巡って繰り広げた戦いである。[[ミッドウェー海戦]]と共に[[太平洋戦争]]([[大東亜戦争]])における攻守の転換点となった。