「上田実 (医学研究者)」の版間の差分

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Mint-Ue (会話 | 投稿記録)
Mint-Ue (会話 | 投稿記録)
# Sugito T, Kagami H, Hata K, Nishiguchi H, Ueda M.Transplantation of cultured salivary gland cells into an atrophic salivary gland. Cell Transplant. 13: 691-9, 2004
# Yamada Y, Itano N, Narimatsu H, Kudo T, Morozumi K, Hirohashi S, Ochiai A, Ueda M, Kimata K.Elevated transcript level of hyaluronan synthase1 gene correlates with poor prognosis of human colon cancer.Clin Exp Metastasis. 21: 57-63, 2004
===# adaYamada Y, Ueda M, Naiki T, Nagasaka T.Tissue-engineered injectable bone regeneration for osseointegrated dental implants. Clin Oral Implants Res. 15: 589-97, 2004
# Yam
=== ada Y, Ueda M, Naiki T, Nagasaka T.Tissue-engineered injectable bone regeneration for osseointegrated dental implants. Clin Oral Implants Res. 15: 589-97, 2004
# Ryoyama D, Sawaki Y, Ueda M.Experimental study of mechanical analysis in mandibular lengthening. Application of strain gauge measurement.Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg.33: 294-300, 2004
# Takahashi M, Yamada Y, Ozawa R, Ohya M, Ito K, Ueda M.Expression of odontoblastic-related genes in human dental follicle cells, dental pulp stem cells, and oral mucosal cells.Int J Oral Med Sci. 3: 41-48, 2004
302 ⟶ 301行目:
# Narita Y, Hata K, Kagami H, Usui A, Ueda M, Ueda Y.Novel pulse duplicating bioreactor system for tissue-engineered vascular construct. Tissue Eng. 10: 1224-33, 2004
# Ito A, Takizawa Y, Honda H, Hata K, Kagami H, Ueda M, Kobayashi T.Tissue engineering using magnetite nanoparticles and magnetic force: heterotypic layers of cocultured hepatocytes and endothelial cells.Tissue Eng. 10: 833-40, 2004
# Ito A, Hayashida M, Honda H, Hata K, Kagami H, Ueda M, Kobayashi T.Construction and harvest of multilayered keratinocyte sheets using ===magnetite nanoparticles and magnetic force.Tissue Eng.10: 873-80, 2004
==== 見出しタイトル ====
magnetite nanoparticles and magnetic force.Tissue Eng.10: 873-80, 2004
# Yamada Y, Ueda M, Naiki T, Takahashi M, Hata K, Nagasaka T.Autogenous injectable bone for regeneration with mesenchymal stem cells and platelet-rich plasma: tissue-engineered bone regeneration.Tissue Eng. 10: 955-64, 2004<br>