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タグ: モバイル編集 モバイルウェブ編集 改良版モバイル編集
=== 主な原著論文 ===
# Ueda M, Hata K, Sawaki Y, Kaneda T.In vitro analysis of wound healing with a mucosal tissue model.Advances in wound dressing and culture skin substitute 113-127, 1994<br>
# Ueda M, Hata K, Sawaki Y, Kaneda T.In vitro favrication of bioartificial mucosa for reconstraction of oral mucosa; clinical trials. Advances in wound dressing and culture skin substitute 128-135, 1994
# Katsuragawa T, Usami T, Niimi N, Tomita S, Ueda M, Ohsuka S. Study of oral immunity in HIV-hemophilias.AIDS research Newsletter 8: 127, 1994
# Tohnai I, Fuwa N, Hayashi Y, Kaneko R, Tomaru Y, Hibino Y, Ueda M.New superselective intra-arterial infusion via superficial temporal artery for cancer of the tongue and tumour tissue platinum concentration after carboplatin (CBDCA) infusion.Oral Oncol. 34: 387-90, 1998
# Ueda M, Hata KI, Sumi Y, Mizuno H, Niimi A.Peri-implant soft tissue management through use of cultured mucosal epithelium. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod.86: 393-400, 1998
# Yamada T, Sawaki Y, Tohnai I, Takeuchi M, Ueda M.A study of sports-related mandibular angle fracture: relation to the position of the third molars. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 8: 116-9, 1998<br>
# Tohnai I, Hayashi Y, Mitsudo K, Shigetomi T, Ueda M, Ishigaki T.Prognostic evaluation of preoperative thermochemoradiotherapy for N (3) cervical lymph node metastases of oral cancer.Oncology. 62: 234-40, 2002
# Okada K, Yamada Y, Kagami H, Ueda M, Hata K.Mechanical stress up-regulates on osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells in vitro. Tissue Eng Abs.8: 1157-1158, 2002
# Furuichi F, Yamada Y, Yamamoto M, Matsuyama T, Obata T, Kinji M, Nakamura T, Yoshimoto T, Hata K, Kagami H, Okazaki Y, Ito K, Izumi Y, Ueda M.Periodontal tissue regeneration using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) with platelet rich plasma (PRP) and/or barrier membrane. a preliminary study in dogs.Tissue Eng Abs. 8: 1162-1163, 2002<br>
# Nishikawa M, Hayashi Y, Yamamoto N, Fukui T, Fukuhara H, Mitsudo K, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Mizuno M, Yoshida J.Cell death of human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line induced by herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene and ganciclovir. Nagoya J Med Sci. 66: 129-37, 2003
# Yamada Y, Itano N, Narimatsu H, Kudo T, Hirohashi S, Ochiai A, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Kimata K.CD44 variant exon 6 expressions in colon cancer assessed by quantitative analysis using real time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction.Oncol Rep. 10: 1919-24, 2003
# Fukuhara H, Hayashi Y, Yamamoto N, Fukui T, Nishikawa M, Mitsudo K, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Mizuno M, Yoshida J.Improvement of transduction efficiency of recombinant adenovirus vector conjugated with cationic liposome for human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines.Oral Oncol. 39: 601-9, 2003<br>
# Ito A, Takizawa Y, Honda H, Hata K, Kagami H, Ueda M, Kobayashi T.Tissue engineering using magnetite nanoparticles and magnetic force: heterotypic layers of cocultured hepatocytes and endothelial cells.Tissue Eng. 10: 833-40, 2004
# Ito A, Hayashida M, Honda H, Hata K, Kagami H, Ueda M, Kobayashi T.Construction and harvest of multilayered keratinocyte sheets using magnetite nanoparticles and magnetic force.Tissue Eng.10: 873-80, 2004
# Yamada Y, Ueda M, Naiki T, Takahashi M, Hata K, Nagasaka T.Autogenous injectable bone for regeneration with mesenchymal stem cells and platelet-rich plasma: tissue-engineered bone regeneration.Tissue Eng. 10: 955-64, 2004<br>
# Hamamura K, Furukawa K, Hayashi T, Hattori T, Nakano J, Nakashima H, Okuda T, Mizutani H, Hattori H, Ueda M, Urano T, Lloyd KO, Furukawa K.Ganglioside GD3 promotes cell growth and invasion through p130Cas and paxillin in malignant melanoma cells.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102: 11041-6, 2005
# Ito A, Ino K, Hayashida M, Kobayashi T, Matsunuma H, Kagami H, Ueda M, Honda H.Novel methodology for fabrication of tissue-engineered tubular constructs using magnetite nanoparticles and magnetic force.Tissue Eng. 11: 1553-61, 2005
# Ito A, Hibino E, Kobayashi C, Terasaki H, Kagami H, Ueda M, Kobayashi T, Honda H.Construction and delivery of tissue-engineered human retinal pigment epithelial cell sheets, using magnetite nanoparticles and magnetic force.Tissue Eng. 11: 489-96, 2005<br>
# Mitsudo K, Tohnai I, Fujimoto Y, Sawaki Y, Sugimura T, Nishiguchi H, Fukui T, Yamamoto N, Ueda M.Leiomyosarcoma of the maxilla: Effective chemotherapy with docetaxel (DOC) and cisplatin (CDDP) using superselective intra-arterial infusion via superficial temporal artery.Oral Oncol Extra. 42: 258-262, 2006
# Mizuno H, Hata K, Kojima K, Bonassar LJ, Vacanti CA, Ueda M.A novel approach to regenerating periodontal tissue by grafting autologous cultured periosteum. Tissue Eng. 12: 1227-335, 2006
# Matsunuma H, Kagami H, Narita Y, Hata K, Ono Y, Ohshima S, Ueda M.Constructing a tissue-engineered ureter using a decellularized matrix with cultured uroepithelial cells and bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells.Tissue Eng.12: 509-18, 2006<br>
# Ohno K, Hattori T, Kagami H, Ueda M.Effects of preceding sialadenitis on the development of autoimmunity against salivary gland. Oral Dis. 13: 158-62, 2007
# Ueda M.The use of fibroblasts.The Biochemist 29: 11-15, 2007
# Honda M, Ueda M.Growth your own teeth.The Biochemist 29: 16-19, 2007<br>
# Narita Y, Kagami H, Matsunuma H, Murase Y, Ueda M, Ueda Y. Decellularized ureter for tissue-engineered small-caliber vascular graft. J Artif Organs. 11: 91-9, 2008
# Kinoshita K, Hibi H, Yamada Y, Ueda M.Promoted new bone formation in maxillary distraction osteogenesis using a tissue-engineered osteogenic material.J Craniofac Surg. 19: 80-7, 2008
# Yamada Y, Nakamura S, Ito K, Kohgo T, Hibi H, Nagasaka T, Ueda M.Injectable tissue-engineered bone using autogenous bone marrow-derived stromal cells for maxillary sinus augmentation: clinical application report from a 2-6-year follow-up.Tissue Eng Part A. 14: 1699-707, 2008<br>
# Okuda K, Yamamiya K, Kawase T, Mizuno H, Ueda M, Yoshie H.Treatment of human infrabony periodontal defects by grafting human cultured periosteum sheets combined with platelet-rich plasma and porous hydroxyapatite granules: case series.J Int Acad Periodontol. 11: 206-13, 2009
# Oda T, Kinoshita K, Ueda M.Effects of cortical bone perforation on periosteal distraction: an experimental study in the rabbit mandible.J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 67: 1478-85, 2009
# Ando Y, Honda MJ, Ohshima H, Tonomura A, Ohara T, Itaya T, Kagami H, Ueda M.The induction of dentin bridge-like structures by constructs of subcultured dental pulp-derived cells and porous HA/TCP in porcine teeth.Nagoya J Med Sci. 71: 51-62, 2009<br>
# Mizuno H, Kagami H, Mase J, Mizuno D, Ueda M.Efficacy of membranous cultured periosteum for the treatment of patients with severe periodontitis: a proof-of-concept study.Nagoya J Med Sci.72: 59-70, 2010
# Katagiri W, Yamada Y, Nakamura S, Ito K, Hara K, Hibi H, Ueda M.Regulation of the wnt signaling pathways during cell culture of human mesenchymal stem cells for efficient bone regeneration.Oral Sci Int.7: 37-46, 2010
# Yamada Y, Nakamura S, Ito K, Sugito T, Yoshimi R, Nagasaka T, Ueda M.A feasibility of useful cell-based therapy by bone regeneration with deciduous tooth stem cells, dental pulp stem cells, or bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells for clinical study using tissue engineering technology.Tissue Eng Part A. 16: 1891-900, 2010<br>
# Sugiyama M, Iohara K, Wakita H, Hattori H, Ueda M, Matsushita K, Nakashima M.Dental pulp-derived CD31-/CD146- side population stem/progenitor cells enhance recovery of focal cerebral ischemia in rats.Tissue Eng Part A. 17: 1303-11, 2011
# Umemura E, Yamada Y, Nakamura S, Ito K, Hara K, Ueda M.Viable cryopreserving tissue-engineered cell-biomaterial for cell banking therapy in an effective cryoprotectant.Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 17: 799-807, 2011
# Shibuya H, Hamamura K, Hotta H, Matsumoto Y, Nishida Y, Hattori H, Furukawa K, Ueda M, Furukawa K. Enhancement of malignant properties of human osteosarcoma cells with disialyl gangliosides GD2/GD3. Cancer Sci. 103: 1656-64, 2012<br>
# Hibi H, Ueda M.Interfaces of titanium implants and a vascularized osteocutaneous scapular graft revised with distraction osteogenesis.J Craniofac Surg. 23: 1549-50, 2012
# Osugi M, Katagiri W, Yoshimi R, Inukai T, Hibi H, Ueda M.Conditioned media from mesenchymal stem cells enhanced bone regeneration in rat calvarial bone defects.Tissue Eng Part A. 35: 1102-10, 2012
# Inoue T, Sugiyama M, Hattori H, Wakita H, Wakabayashi T, Ueda M.Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous tooth-derived conditioned medium enhance recovery of focal cerebral ischemia in rats.Tissue Eng Part A. 19: 24-29, 2012<br>
# Yamagata M, Yamamoto A, Kako E, Kaneko N, Matsubara K, Sakai K, Sawamoto K, Ueda M.Human dental pulp-derived stem cells protect against hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in neonatal mice. Stroke. 44: 551-4, 2013
# Sugiyama M, Hattori H, Inoue T, Wakita H, Hibi H, Ueda M.Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth enhance recovery from focal cerebral ischemia in rats. J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol. 24: 10.1016/j.ajoms.2013.04.014, 2013
# Hagiwara S, Yamamoto N, Furue H, Sakakura H, Shigetomi T, Murakumo Y, Hibi H, Takahashi H, Ueda M.Pathological analysis of Ki-67 and CD109 expression in tongue squamous cell carcinoma.J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol. 25: 276–281, 2013<br>
# Sakakura H, Murakumo Y, Mii S, Hagiwara S, Kato T, Asai M, Hoshino A, Yamamoto N, Sobue S, Ichihara M, Ueda M, Takahashi M.Detection of a soluble form of CD109 in serum of CD109 transgenic and tumor xenografted mice. PLoS One. 9: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083385, 2014
# Al-Sharabi N, Xue Y, Fujio M, Ueda M, Gjerde C, Mustafa K, Fristad I.Bone marrow stromal cell paracrine factors direct osteo/odontogenic differentiation of dental pulp cells.Tissue Eng Part A. 20(21-22): 3063-72, 2014
# Hironaka K, Ozaki N, Hattori H, Nagamine K, Nakashima H, Ueda M, Sugiura Y.Involvement of glial activation in trigeminal ganglion in a rat model of lower gingival cancer pain.Nagoya J Med Sci. 76(3-4):323-32, 2014<br>
# Shimojima C, Takeuchi H, Jin S, Parajuli B, Hattori H, Suzumura A, Hibi H, Ueda M, Yamamoto A.Conditioned Medium from the Stem Cells of Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth Ameliorates Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis.J Immunol. 196(10):4164-71, 2016
# Hirata M, Ishigami M, Matsushita Y, Ito T, Hattori H, Hibi H, Goto H, Ueda M, Yamamoto A.Multifaceted Therapeutic Benefits of Factors Derived From Dental Pulp Stem Cells for Mouse Liver Fibrosis.Stem Cells Transl Med.5(10):1416-1424, 2016
# Hishida S, Ozaki N, Honda T, Shigetomi T, Ueda M, Hibi H, Sugiura Y.Atrophy of submandibular gland by the duct ligation and a blockade of SP receptor in rats.Nagoya J Med Sci.78(2):215-27, 2016<br>
# Kaunas Medical Academy (1993.6.21-25 Kaunas, Lithuania) Ueda M Recent advance of maxillofacial surgery in Japan.
# International Symposium on Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration (1995.2.22-24 Hiroshima, Japan) Ueda M, Hata K, Takahashi K. Cell kinetic analysis of wound contraction using connective tissue model and computer simulation.
# Academy of Osseointegration 10th Annual Meeting (1995.3.2-4 Chicago, U.S.A.) Ueda M, Ohkubo H, Yamamoto H, Sawaki Y.
Mandibular Mandibular lengthening by intraoral distraction using osseointegrated implants.
# Brånemark System 30 Year Anniversary (1995.8.17-19 Gothenburg, Sweden) Ueda M, Ohkubo H, Hibi H, Sawaki Y.
Mandibular Mandibular lengthening by distraction osteogenesis using osseointegrated implants and an intraoral device Ueda M, Hata K, Murakami I, Niimi A. Vestibloplasty for implant therapy using cultured mucosal epithelium.
# Academy of Osseointegration 11th Annual Meeting (1996.2.29-3.2 New York, U.S.A.) Ueda M, Sawai Y, Ohkubo H, Yamamoto H. Osteomorphous control of craniofacial skelton by distraction osteogenesis using osseointegrated implants.
# 12th Annual Meeting Academy of Osseointegration (1997.3.6-8 San Francisco, U.S.A.) Ueda M, Hata K, Niimi A.Peri-implant soft tissue management using cultured mucosal epithelium.
# International Congress on Cranial and Facial Bone Distraction Processes (1997.6.20-21 Paris, France) Ueda M. Maxillofacial bone distraction processes using osseointegrated implant and intraoral device.
# 13th European Conference on Biomaterials (1997.9.4-7 Gothenburg, Sweden) Ueda M.
Establishment Establishment of bio-skin bank using human living cells.
# 13th International Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (1997.10.20-24 Tokyo, Japan)Ueda M. Osteomorphous control by distraction osteogenesis using osseointegrated implant in maxillofacial region.
# 13th Annual Meeting of Academy of Osseointegration (1998.3.5-7 Atlanta, U.S.A.) Ueda M, Sawaki Y, Oda T.
Ridge Ridge augmentation by distraction osteogenesis using osseointegrated implants.
# Association for Dental Science of the Republic of China (1998.4.10-12 Taiwan)Ueda M. The effect of teeth loss on spatial memory and acetylcholine release from the parietal cortex in aged rats.
# The 3rd Japan-China Conference on Oral Biology and Science (1998.8.10-13 China) Ueda M. Bioartificial skin using cultured living cells - the present and the future.
# 29th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the Controlled Release Society (2002.7.22-25 Seoul, Korea) Ueda M. Strategy for maxillofacial bone reconstraction using tissue engineering concept.
# 13th International Alexandria Dental Congress (2002.10.29-11.1 Alexandria, Egypt) Ueda M. Maxillofacial bone regeneration using tissue engineering concept.
# Academy of Osseointegration 18th Annual Meeting (2003.2.27-3.1 Boston, U.S.A.) Ueda M, Yamada Y, Ito K, Okazaki Y.
Tissue Tissue engineered bone using mesenchymal stem cells and platelet-rich plasma.
# 5th Annual Meeting of Korean Tissue Engineering Society and 1st Korea-Japan Joint Symposium (2003.5.24 Seoul, Korea) Ueda M.
Tissue Tissue-engineered bone applied for implant surgery and its commercialization.
# 5th Pan-Pacific Connective Tissue Societies Symposium (2003.6.3-7 Yamaguchi, Japan) Ueda M. Application of tissue engineering to bone and periodontal tissue.
# Korea Food and Drug Administration Current Status of Gene and Cell Therapy (2003.9.3 Korea) Ueda M. Skin and bone engineering using human living cell.
# 2nd Annual Conference Commercialization of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (2004.11.18-19 London, U.K.) Ueda M
.Tissue-engineered and its commercialization in Japan.
# 1st congress of ICOI Korea-KSOI (2006.3.12 Korea) Ueda M.Tissue engineering and anti-aging therapy.
# Astra World Congress Parallel Session (2006.4.8 New York, U.S.A.) Ueda M.
Anti Anti-aging therapy using cell & implant.
# IADR Plenty Lecture (2006.6.28 Australia) Ueda M.Tissue engineering and anti-aging therapy.
# 2006 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Association for Dental Sciences of the Republic of China (2006.8.25 Taiwan) Ueda M.
Tissue Tissue Engineering and its Commercialization.
# The 3rd World Congress of G.O.I.A (2006.10.14 Germany) Ueda M. Tissue engineering and anti-aging therapy.
# Australia New Zealand Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Society (2006.10.19 Australia) Ueda M.
Tissue Tissue engineering and implant.
# Finnish Dental Society APOLLONIAʼs Research Days (2007.3.15 Finland) Ueda M. Tissue engineering and anti-aging theraphy.
# Molecular Biomometics and Bionanotechnology (2007.5.25 Istanbul, Turkey) Ueda M. Tissue engineering and its clinical applications.
# Esthetic Forum (2008.5.24 Tokyo, Japan) Ueda M. Clinical parameters for successful implant and esthetic treatment.
# Lecture in Yuan's General Hospital (2008.9.7 Taiwan) Ueda M. Tissue engineering and anti-aging therapy.
# Jeddah International Dental Congress (2008.11.3-5 Saudi Arabia) Ueda M. Part 1: Tissue Engineering and Anti-aging in Dentistry.
Part Part 2: The future possibilities of teeth pulp stem cell for tissue engineering therapy.
# Lecture in Kaohsiung Medical University (2009.3.24 Taiwan) Ueda M. The future possibilities of teeth pulp stem cell for tissue engineering therapy.
# The 2nd International Symposium Bone Conduction (2009.6.12 Sweden)Ueda M.
Tissue Tissue engineering and osseointegration.
# TERMIS World Congress 2009 (2009.8.31 Korea) Ueda M. Tissue engineering and anti-aging in dentistry
# FDI (2009.9.3 Singapore) Ueda M.
The The future possibilities of teeth pulp stem cell for tissue engineering therapy.
# BIOKOREA2009 (2009.9.17 Korea) Ueda M.
Recent Recent advances of tissue engineering in dentistry.
# 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of European Association for Osseointegration (2009.10.2-3 Monaco)Ueda M. Tissue engineering and implant.
# AOI-ROCʼs annual Symposium (2009.10.11 Taipei, Taiwan) Ueda M. Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
# Lecture in Kaohsiung Medical University (2009.12.13 Taiwan) Ueda M.
Tissue Tissue engineering and implant.
# The World Gene Convention ( 2016. 10.19 Shanghai )[ Plenary Lecture ] Ueda M.The First in Human Study of Diabetes Type II with the Conditioned Medium from Stem Cell of Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth.
# Joint Work Shop Between Norway and Japan in Regenerative Medicine ( 2018.6.4 Tokyo )[ Key Note Speech ]Regenerative Medicine by Mesenchymal Stem CellUeda,M [ Symposium Session 2. Central Nerve Regeneration ]Functionary Recovery of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Stem Cells from Human Exfoliated Deciduous Tooth-Derived Conditioned Medium.Ueda M.<br>
# Hayashi Y, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Nagasaka T.Sarcomatous overgrowth in recurrent ameloblastic fibrosarcoma. Oral Oncol. 35: 346-8, 1999
# Sumi Y, Nakamura Y, Mitsudoh K, Ueda M.Application of titanium-alloy endodontic implants in conjunction with periradicular surgery. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 88: 484-7, 1999
# Watanabe K, Niimi A, Ueda M.Autogenous bone grafts in the rabbit maxillary sinus.Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 88: 26-32, 1999<br>
* 21390524 乳歯・永久歯由来幹細胞バンキングの有用性の検討と難治性疾患に対する再生治療研究
* 23659914 ヒト歯髄幹細胞の培養上清をもちいた中枢神経再生療法の開発
* 厚生労働科学研究費補助金<br>
 ** 事業名:再生医療実用化研究事業<br>
 ** タイトル:歯髄幹細胞の神経分化能の検証とその治療応用<br>
 ** 研究期間:2010-2012 配分額:39,000千円<br>
* 文部科学研究費補助金<br>
 ** 研究種目:挑戦的萌芽研究 研究課題/領域番号 23659914<br>
 ** タイトル:ヒト歯髄幹細胞の培養上清をもちいた中枢神経再生療法の開発<br>
 ** 研究期間 (年度):2011 – 2012<br>
 ** 配分額:3,770千円 (直接経費 : 2,900千円、間接経費 : 870千円)<br>
* 研究種目:基盤研究(B)<br>
 ** 研究課題/領域番号21390524<br>
 ** タイトル:乳歯・永久歯由来幹細胞バンキングの有用性の検討と難治性疾患に対する再生治療研究<br>
 ** 研究期間 (年度)2009 – 2012<br>
 ** 配分額 :18,200千円 (直接経費 : 14,000千円、間接経費 : 4,200千円)<br>
* 研究種目:萌芽研究 研究課題/領域番号19659525<br>
 ** タイトル:低酸素培養による歯髄幹細胞の分画の選択培養とそのキャラクタライズ<br>
 ** 研究期間 (年度): 2007 – 2008 <br>
 ** 配分額:3,300千円 (直接経費 : 3,300千円)<br>
== 取材・会見 ==