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タグ: モバイル編集 モバイルウェブ編集
| commander1 = {{Flagicon|ISR}} [[ゴルダ・メイア]]
| commander2 = {{Flagicon|EGY1972}} [[アンワル・アッ=サーダート]]<br/>{{Flagicon|SYR1972}} [[ハーフィズ・アル=アサド]]
| strength1 = {{plainlist|
| strength1 = [[イスラエル国防軍|以]]200,000人<ref name="Jewish Virtual Library">{{Cite web |url=https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/military-casualties-in-arab-israeli-wars |title=Israel Defense Forces: Military Casualties in Arab-Israeli Wars (1948 - 1973) |publisher=Jewish Virtual Library |accessdate=2023-03-18}}</ref>
* 375,000<ref name="Rabinovich, p54" />–415,000人
| strength2 = [[エジプト軍|埃]]400,000人<br/>[[シリア軍|叙]]350,000人<br/>[[イラク治安部隊|イ]]400,000人<br/>[[ヨルダン軍|約]]60,000人{{R|"Jewish Virtual Library"}}
* 戦車:1,700輌 <ref>Insight Team of the London ''Sunday Times'', pp. 372–373.</ref>
| casualties1 = 以2,688人[[戦死]]{{R|"Jewish Virtual Library"}}
* 装甲車:3,000輌
| casualties2 = 戦死者<br/>埃15,000人<br/>叙3,500人<br/>イ125人<br/>約23人<br/>[[:en:Royal Moroccan Armed Forces|茂]]200人<br/>[[サウジアラビア軍|沙]]100人{{R|"Jewish Virtual Library"}}
* 火砲:945 <ref name=100mm>The number reflects artillery units of caliber 100&nbsp;mm and up</ref>
* 航空機:440機 }}
| strength2 = '''エジプト''':{{plainlist|
* 650,000<ref name="Rabinovich, p54" />–800,000人{{sfnp|Herzog|1975|p=239}}
* 戦車:1,700輌 <ref name="Shazly p.244" />
* 装甲車:2,400輌
* 火砲:1,120 <ref name=100mm/>
* 航空機:400
* 戦闘ヘリ:140 <ref>Shazly, p. 272.</ref>
* 艦艇:104
* 地対空ミサイル:150 <ref name="Haber & Schiff, p 30 31">Haber & Schiff, pp. 30–31.</ref>}}
* 150,000人<ref name="Rabinovich, p54" />
* 戦車:1,200輌 <br />装甲車:800–900輌
* 火砲:600 <ref name=100mm/><ref name=knapp />}}
* 120,000人 <ref name="Rabinovich, p54" />
* 戦車:500–670輌 <ref name="Rabinovich, 314" /><ref>{{cite book |last=Bar-On |first=Mordechai |title=A Never Ending Conflict |publisher=Greenwood Publishing |year=2004 |page=170}}</ref>
* 装甲車:700輌 <ref name="Rabinovich, 314" />}}
23,000人 <ref name=sauditw>{{cite book|author=Neil Partrick|title=Saudi Arabian Foreign Policy: Conflict and Cooperation|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=LeiKDwAAQBAJ|year=2016|publisher=Bloomsbury Publishing|isbn=978-0-85772-793-0|page=183}}</ref><ref name=Rabinovich464-465/><ref name="okaz2019">{{cite web|title=بطولات السعوديين حاضرة.. في الحروب العربية|url=https://www.okaz.com.sa/local/na/1756574|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210216061810/https://www.okaz.com.sa/local/na/1756574|archive-date=16 February 2021|work=Okaz|date=17 November 2019|access-date=13 August 2021}}</ref><ref name="cmu1978" />}}
* 5,500人 <ref name=afrique>{{cite web |last1=Touchard |first1=Laurent |title=Guerre du Kippour : quand le Maroc et l'Algérie se battaient côte à côte |date=7 November 2013 |url=https://www.jeuneafrique.com/167404/politique/guerre-du-kippour-quand-le-maroc-et-l-alg-rie-se-battaient-c-te-c-te/ |publisher=[[Jeune Afrique]] |access-date=4 December 2022}}</ref><ref name=temps>{{cite news|title=Le jour où Hassan II a bombardé Israël |url=http://letempsmag.com/Articles/14/Le+jour+o%C3%B9+Hassan+II++a+bombard%C3%A9+Isra%C3%ABl/568 |access-date=25 December 2013 |newspaper=Le Temps |url-status=dead |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131014191251/http://letempsmag.com/Articles/14/Le%2Bjour%2Bo%C3%B9%2BHassan%2BII%2B%2Ba%2Bbombard%C3%A9%2BIsra%C3%ABl/568 |archive-date=14 October 2013}}</ref>
* 戦車:30輌 (シリアからの提供) <ref name=afrique/><ref name=temps/>
* 航空機:52機 <ref name=temps/>}}
* 500<ref name="auto3">{{Cite magazine|url=https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1988/08/cuba-havanas-military-machine/305932/|title=Cuba: Havana's Military Machine|first=John Hoyt|last=Williams|date=1 August 1988|magazine=[[The Atlantic]]|access-date=19 September 2022}}</ref>–1,000人<ref>{{cite book |title=The Cuban Intervention in Angola, 1965–1991 |date=2004 |page=47 |publisher=Routledge |isbn=978-1-134-26933-4 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gcR_AgAAQBAJ}}</ref> }}
* 914,000–1,067,500人
* 戦車:3,430–3,600輌
* 装甲車:3,900–4,000輌
* 火砲:1,720
* 航空機:452
* 戦闘ヘリ:140
* 艦艇:104
* 地対空ミサイル:150 }}
| casualties1 = {{plainlist|
* 死者:2,521<ref name="autogenerated6" />–2,800人<ref name="Garwych, p. 243" /><ref>Journal "الأهرام","Al Ahram". 14 October 1974</ref>
* 負傷者:7,250<ref>{{cite book |last=Rabinovich |title=The Yom Kippur War |page=497}}</ref>–8,800人<ref name="Garwych, p. 243" />
* 捕虜:293人
* 被撃破戦車:400輌 , 鹵獲ないし損傷:663輌 <ref name="Rabinovich, 496" />
* 被撃破ないし鹵獲装甲車:407輌
* 被撃破航空機:102–387機 <ref name="White House Military Briefing" /><ref>"القوة الثالثة، تاريخ القوات الجوية المصرية." ''Third Power: History of Egyptian Air Force'' Ali Mohammed Labib. pp. 187</ref>}}
| casualties2 = {{plainlist|
'''エジプト:''' 死者:5,000<ref name="Garwych, p. 243" />–15,000人<ref name="autogenerated87" />
* 捕虜:8,372 <ref name="autogenerated2004" />}}
* 死者:3,000<ref name="Garwych, p. 243" />–3,500人<ref name="autogenerated87" />
* 捕虜392人 <ref name="autogenerated2004" />}}
* 捕虜:6人 <ref name="autogenerated2004" />}}
* 死者:278人
* 負傷者:898人 <ref name="Dunstan, p. 200">Dunstan, p. 200.</ref>
* 捕虜:13 <ref name="autogenerated2004" />}}
* 死者:180人
* 負傷者:250人 <ref name="Ra'anan">Ra’anan, G. D. (1981). ''The Evolution of the Soviet Use of Surrogates in Military Relations with the Third World, with Particular Emphasis on Cuban Participation in Africa''. Santa Monica: Rand Corporation. p. 37</ref>}}
* 死者:23人
* 負傷者:77人 <ref name="Dunstan, p. 200"/>}}
* 死者:8,000<ref name="Garwych, p. 243" />–18,500人<ref name="autogenerated87" />
* 負傷者:18,000<ref name="Garwych, p. 243" />–35,000人<ref>Rabinovich p. 497</ref>
* 捕虜:8,783人
* 被撃破戦車:2,250<ref name="Rabinovich, 496-7" />–2,300輌<ref name="Garwych p 244" />
* 被撃破航空機:341<ref name="Garwych, p. 243" />–514機<ref name="Herzog, 260" />
* 艦艇:19 {{sfnp|Herzog|1975|p=269}}}}
| notes =
| campaignbox = {{Campaignbox Yom Kippur War}}