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[[File:Cumbre de Washington.jpg|thumb|400px|[[第1回20か国・地域首脳会合|2008年G20ワシントン・サミット]]に出席した首脳たち。[[G20]]のメンバー国のほとんどはミドルパワーとみなされ、同時に数国は[[列強|大国]]に位置づけられる。]]
[[File:Cumbre de Washington.jpg|thumb|380px|[[第1回20か国・地域首脳会合|2008年G20ワシントン・サミット]]に出席した首脳たち。[[G20]]のメンバー国のほとんどはミドルパワーとみなされ、同時に数国は[[列強|大国]]に位置づけられる。]]
'''ミドルパワー'''({{lang-en|Middle power}})とは、[[超大国]]や[[大国]]ではないが、一定程度の穏健な国際的影響力を持つ国家を指す。日本語では「'''中国家'''」と表記されることが多い<ref>[https://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/40000166627 日本国縦横無尽-7-「大国」,「中国」,「小国」]</ref>。

== 概要 ==
'''ミドルパワー'''(Middle power)とは、[[超大国]]や[[大国]]ではないが、一定程度の穏健な国際的影響力を持つ国家を指す、[[国際関係論]]の概念である。日本語では「'''中国家'''」、「'''中堅国'''」<ref>http://www10.plala.or.jp/antiatom/jp/NDPM/Mov/mpi.htm</ref>ないし「中国」(ちゅうこく)と表記されることが多い<ref>[http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/40000166627 日本国縦横無尽-7-「大国」,「中国」,「小国」]</ref>。
ミドルパワー国家の明確な定義は学者や研究者の間で意見が分かれており、一部大国との重複が見られる<ref>Mehmet Ozkan. "A NEW APPROACH TO GLOBAL SECURITY: PIVOTAL MIDDLE POWERS AND GLOBAL POLITICS" Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs XI.1 (2006)</ref>。[[アメリカ合衆国]]、[[中華人民共和国]]、[[ロシア]]、[[イギリス]]、[[フランス]]は[[国際連合安全保障理事会]]における[[国際連合安全保障理事会常任理事国|常任理事国]]であり、巨大な経済力や強大な軍事力、公式な[[核兵器]]の保有などから大国の地位にあると考えられている一方で、超大国とされるアメリカと中国を除きミドルパワーと扱う事例も存在する<ref name="European Security After 9/11'" />。[[日本]]と[[ドイツ]]は経済力の大きさから一般的には大国と考えられる。[[イタリア]]については評価が分かれており、強力な経済力や[[G7]]としての地位から[[大国]]の一員であると考える学者もいる<ref> [https://web.archive.org/web/20160211162346/http://www.hcss.nl/reports/why-are-pivot-states-so-pivotal-the-role-of-pivot-states-in-regional-and-global-security/150/ Why are Pivot states so Pivotal?]. Archived from the original on 11 February 2016. Retrieved 24 February 2016.</ref>。同じくカナダも大国とする場合がある<ref>Gwynne Dyer ,Canada in the Great Power Game 1914-2014</ref>。[[新興国]]([[グローバルサウス]])では、経済力のあるインドやブラジルも大国や[[列強]]の一員とする場合がある<ref> [https://archive.org/details/strategicvisiona0000brze Strategic Vision: America & the Crisis of Global Power] by Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, pp 43–45. Published 2012</ref><ref>Malik, Mohan (2011). China and India: Great Power Rivals. United States: FirstForumPress.</ref><ref> Kwang Ho Chun (2013). [https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=LgDJNAEACAAJ&redir_esc=y The BRICs Superpower Challenge: Foreign and Security Policy Analysis]. Ashgate.</ref><ref>Heine J (2006) On the Manner of Practising the New Diplomacy</ref>。

== 一覧 ==
== 一覧 ==
=== グレートパワー(大国)と一部重なる国家 ===
; グレートパワー(大国)と一部重なる国家
* {{flagcountry|United Kingdom|size=23px}}<ref name="European Security After 9/11'"/>
* {{flagcountry|United Kingdom|size=23px}}<ref name="European Security After 9/11'"/>
* {{flagcountry|France|size=23px}}<ref name="European Security After 9/11'">P. Shearman, M. Sussex, ''[http://books.google.ie/books/about/European_Security_After_9_11.html?id=T55xTVQq4IIC&redir_esc=y European Security After 9/11]''(Ashgate, 2004) - According to Shearman and Sussex, both the UK and France were great powers now reduced to middle power status.</ref>
* {{flagcountry|France|size=23px}}<ref name="European Security After 9/11'">P. Shearman, M. Sussex, ''[https://books.google.ie/books/about/European_Security_After_9_11.html?id=T55xTVQq4IIC&redir_esc=y European Security After 9/11]''(Ashgate, 2004) - According to Shearman and Sussex, both the UK and France were great powers now reduced to middle power status.</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Russia|size=23px}}<ref>{{cite journal|first=Iver B.|last=Neumann|title=Russia as a great power, 1815–2007|journal=[[Journal of International Relations and Development]]|year=2008|volume=11|pages=128–151 [p. 128]|quote=As long as Russia's rationality of government deviates from present-day hegemonic neo-liberal models by favouring direct state rule rather than indirect governance, the West will not recognize Russia as a fully fledged great power.|doi=10.1057/jird.2008.7 }}</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Russia|size=23px}}<ref>{{cite journal|first=Iver B.|last=Neumann|title=Russia as a great power, 1815–2007|journal=[[Journal of International Relations and Development]]|year=2008|volume=11|pages=128–151 [p. 128]|quote=As long as Russia's rationality of government deviates from present-day hegemonic neo-liberal models by favouring direct state rule rather than indirect governance, the West will not recognize Russia as a fully fledged great power.|doi=10.1057/jird.2008.7 }}</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Japan|size=23px}}<ref name="Harris"/><ref>Robert W. Cox, 'Middlepowermanship, Japan, and Future World Order, ''International Journal'', Vol. 44, No. 4 (1989), pp. 823-862.</ref><ref>Soeya Yoshihide, 'Diplomacy for Japan as a Middle Power, ''Japan Echo'', Vol. 35, No. 2 (2008), pp. 36-41.</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Japan|size=23px}}<ref name="Harris"/><ref>Robert W. Cox, 'Middlepowermanship, Japan, and Future World Order, ''International Journal'', Vol. 44, No. 4 (1989), pp. 823-862.</ref><ref name="Soeya Yoshihide" />
* {{flagcountry|Germany|size=23px}}<ref name="Otte-Greve">Otte M, Greve J (2000) [http://books.google.com/books?id=rqoJL6yuSqwC A Rising Middle Power?: German Foreign Policy in Transformation, 1989-1999], ''St. Martin's Press''</ref><ref name="Sperling">{{cite journal|journal=British Journal of Political Science|title=Neither Hegemony nor Dominance: Reconsidering German Power in Post Cold-War Europe|author=Sperling, James|year=2001|doi=10.1017/S0007123401000151|url=http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract;jsessionid=BAF3F6B6103D4CEF49834F52571F68B0.tomcat1?fromPage=online&aid=68015|volume=31|issue=2}}</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Germany|size=23px}}<ref name="Otte-Greve">Otte M, Greve J (2000) [https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=rqoJL6yuSqwC&redir_esc=y&hl=ja A Rising Middle Power?: German Foreign Policy in Transformation, 1989-1999], ''St. Martin's Press''</ref><ref name="Sperling">{{cite journal|journal=British Journal of Political Science|title=Neither Hegemony nor Dominance: Reconsidering German Power in Post Cold-War Europe|author=Sperling, James|year=2001|doi=10.1017/S0007123401000151|url=http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract;jsessionid=BAF3F6B6103D4CEF49834F52571F68B0.tomcat1?fromPage=online&aid=68015|volume=31|issue=2}}</ref>
* {{flagcountry|India|size=23px}}<ref>Charalampos Efstathopoulosa, 'Reinterpreting India's Rise through the Middle Power Prism', ''Asian Journal of Political Science'', Vol. 19, Issue 1 (2011), p. 75: 'India's role in the contemporary world order can be optimally asserted by the middle power concept. The concept allows for distinguishing both strengths and weakness of India's globalist agency, shifting the analytical focus beyond material-statistical calculations to theorise behavioural, normative and ideational parameters.'</ref><ref>Robert W. Bradnock, ''India's Foreign Policy since 1971'' (The Royal Institute for International Affairs, London: Pinter Publishers, 1990), quoted in Leonard Stone, 'India and the Central Eurasian Space', ''Journal of Third World Studies'', Vol. 24, No. 2, 2007, p. 183: 'The U.S. is a superpower whereas India is a middle power. A superpower could accommodate another superpower because the alternative would be equally devastating to both. But the relationship between a superpower and a middle power is of a different kind. The former does not need to accommodate the latter while the latter cannot allow itself to be a satellite of the former."</ref><ref>Jan Cartwright, 'India's Regional and International Support for Democracy: Rhetoric or Reality?', ''Asian Survey'', Vol. 49, No. 3 (May/June 2009), p. 424: 'India’s democratic rhetoric has also helped it further establish its claim as being a rising “middle power.” (A "middle power" is a term that is used in the field of international relations to describe a state that is not a superpower but still wields substantial influence globally. In addition to India, other "middle powers" include, for example, Australia and Canada.)'</ref><ref name="Harris" />
* {{flagcountry|Canada|size=23px}}<ref name="Adriansyah" /><ref name="Jordaan">Jordaan E (2003) [http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a714856417?words=eduard|jordaan&hash=2263085018 The concept of a middle power in international relations], ''informaworld''</ref><ref name="Behringer">Behringer RM (2005) [http://cac.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/40/3/305 Middle Power Leadership on the Human Security Agenda], ''SAGE''</ref><ref name="Crosby">Crosby AD (1997) [http://www.jstor.org/pss/424829 A Middle-Power Military in Alliance: Canada and NORAD], ''JSTOR''</ref><ref name="Petersen">Petersen K (2003) [http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Articles4/Petersen_Canada-Iraq.htm Quest to Reify Canada as a Middle Power], ''Dissident Voice''</ref>
*{{flagcountry|Italy|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" /><ref>"[[Operation Alba]] may be considered one of the most important instances in which Italy has acted as a regional power, taking the lead in executing a technically and politically coherent and determined strategy." See Federiga Bindi, ''Italy and the European Union'' (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2011), p. 171.</ref><ref>"Italy plays a prominent role in European and global military, cultural and diplomatic affairs. The country's European political, social and economic influence make it a major regional power." See ''Italy: Justice System and National Police Handbook'', Vol. 1 (Washington, D.C.: International Business Publications, 2009), p. 9.</ref>
*{{flagcountry|Brazil|size=23px}}<ref name="Wood" /><ref name="Heine">Heine J (2006) [http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=PublishingHouse&fileid=EBFD6763-36B0-7571-5B36-97F6502F60DC&lng=en On the Manner of Practising the New Diplomacy], ''ISN''</ref><ref name="Lechini">Gladys Lechini, ''Middle Powers: IBSA and the New South-South Cooperation. NACLA Report on the Americas'', Vol. 40, No. 5 (2007): 28-33: 'Today, a new, more selective South-South cooperation has appeared, bringing some hope to the people of our regions. The trilateral alliance known as the India, Brazil, and South Africa Dialogue Forum, or IBSA, exemplifies the trend … The three member countries face the same problems and have similar interests. All three consider themselves "middle powers" and leaders of their respective regions, yet they have also been subject to pressures from the North.'</ref><ref>Daniel Flemes, ''Emerging Middle Powers' Soft Balancing Strategy: State and Perspective of the IBSA Dialogue Forum.'' Hamburg: GIGA, 2007.</ref>

=== ミドルパワー ===
; ミドルパワー
* {{Flagcountry|Angola|size=23px}}<ref name="A Balancing Act">Willem Oosterveld and Bianca Torossian,Strategic Monitor 2018-2019[https://www.clingendael.org/pub/2018/strategic-monitor-2018-2019/a-balancing-act/ A Balancing ActThe Role of Middle Powers in Contemporary Diplomacy]</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Argentina|size=23px}}<ref name="Wurst">Wurst J (2006) [http://www.gsinstitute.org/docs/ClingendaelBrief_Final.pdf Middle Powers Initiative Briefing Paper], ''GSI''</ref><ref name="Cooper">Cooper AF (1997) [http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?is=033368186X Niche Diplomacy - Middle Powers after the Cold War], ''palgrave''</ref><ref name="Wood">Bernard Wood, 'Towards North-South Middle Power Coalitions', in ''Middle Power Internationalism: The North-South Dimension'', edited by Cranford Pratt (Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1990).</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Australia|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" /><ref name="The United States and the Great Powers">{{Cite book| last =Buzan | first =Barry | coauthors = | title=The United States and the Great Powers | publisher=Polity Press | year=2004 | location=Cambridge, United Kingdom | pages =71 | isbn =0-7456-3375-7 | url=}}</ref><ref name="Hazleton">Hazleton WA (2005) [http://www.allacademic.com/meta/p_mla_apa_research_citation/0/7/1/2/0/p71207_index.html Middle Power Bandwagoning? Australia's Security Relationship with the United States], ''allacademic''</ref><ref name="Adriansyah">Yasmi Adriansyah, 'Questioning Indonesia's place in the world', ''Asia Times'' (20 September 2011): 'Countries often categorized as middle power (MP) include Australia, Canada and Japan. The reasons for this categorization are the nations' advanced political-economic stature as well as their significant contribution to international cooperation and development. India and Brazil have recently become considered middle powers because of their rise in the global arena—particularly with the emerging notion of BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China).'</ref><ref name="Harris">Tobias Harris, 'Japan Accepts its "Middle-Power" Fate'. ''Far Eastern Economic Review'' Vol. 171, No. 6 (2008), p. 45: 'Japan is settling into a position as a middle power in Asia, sitting uneasily between the U.S., its security ally, and China, its most important economic partner. In this it finds itself in a situation similar to Australia, India, South Korea and the members of Asean.'</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Argentina|size=23px}}<ref name="Wurst">Wurst J (2006) [http://www.gsinstitute.org/docs/ClingendaelBrief_Final.pdf Middle Powers Initiative Briefing Paper] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20070614193536/http://www.gsinstitute.org/docs/ClingendaelBrief_Final.pdf |date=2007年6月14日 }}, ''GSI''</ref><ref name="Cooper">Cooper AF (1997) [http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?is=033368186X Niche Diplomacy - Middle Powers after the Cold War], ''palgrave''</ref><ref name="Wood">Bernard Wood, 'Towards North-South Middle Power Coalitions', in ''Middle Power Internationalism: The North-South Dimension'', edited by Cranford Pratt (Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1990).</ref>
* {{Flagcountry|Algeria|size=23px}}<ref name="Martín,Lucas">Martín,Lucas(5 June 2020),[https://atalayar.com/en/content/morocco-and-algeria-struggle-regional-leadership Morocco and Algeria, the struggle for regional leadership]</ref>
*{{flagcountry|Australia|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" /><ref name="The United States and the Great Powers">{{Cite book| last =Buzan | first =Barry | coauthors = | title=The United States and the Great Powers | publisher=Polity Press | year=2004 | location=Cambridge, United Kingdom | pages =71 | isbn =0-7456-3375-7 | url=}}</ref><ref name="Hazleton">Hazleton WA (2005) [http://www.allacademic.com/meta/p_mla_apa_research_citation/0/7/1/2/0/p71207_index.html Middle Power Bandwagoning? Australia's Security Relationship with the United States], ''allacademic''</ref><ref name="Adriansyah">Yasmi Adriansyah, 'Questioning Indonesia's place in the world', ''Asia Times'' (20 September 2011): 'Countries often categorized as middle power (MP) include Australia, Canada and Japan. The reasons for this categorization are the nations' advanced political-economic stature as well as their significant contribution to international cooperation and development. India and Brazil have recently become considered middle powers because of their rise in the global arena—particularly with the emerging notion of BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China).'</ref><ref name="Harris">Tobias Harris, 'Japan Accepts its "Middle-Power" Fate'. ''Far Eastern Economic Review'' Vol. 171, No. 6 (2008), p. 45: 'Japan is settling into a position as a middle power in Asia, sitting uneasily between the U.S., its security ally, and China, its most important economic partner. In this it finds itself in a situation similar to Australia, India, South Korea and the members of Asean.'</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Austria|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon"/>
* {{flagcountry|Austria|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon"/>
*{{flagcountry|Bangladesh|size=23px}}<ref name="A Balancing Act" /><ref>{{Cite web|和書|url=http://www.demosservices.home.pl/www/files/AB_Policy_paper_Golden_age_of_Middle_Powers.pdf |title=アーカイブされたコピー |accessdate=2016年6月4日 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20160304044203/http://www.demosservices.home.pl/www/files/AB_Policy_paper_Golden_age_of_Middle_Powers.pdf |archivedate=2016年3月4日 |deadlinkdate=2017年9月 }}</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Belgium|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" /><ref name="Inoguchi">Inoguchi K (2002) [http://www.disarm.emb-japan.go.jp/statements/Statement/kyoto020807.htm The UN Disarmament Conference in Kyote]</ref><ref name="Caplan">Caplan G (2006) [http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article13601 From Rwanda to Darfur: Lessons learned?], ''SudanTribune''</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Belgium|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" /><ref name="Inoguchi">Inoguchi K (2002) [http://www.disarm.emb-japan.go.jp/statements/Statement/kyoto020807.htm The UN Disarmament Conference in Kyote] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130116212429/http://www.disarm.emb-japan.go.jp/statements/Statement/kyoto020807.htm |date=2013年1月16日 }}</ref><ref name="Caplan">Caplan G (2006) [http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article13601 From Rwanda to Darfur: Lessons learned?], ''SudanTribune''</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Brazil|size=23px}}<ref name="Wood"/><ref name="Heine">Heine J (2006) [http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=PublishingHouse&fileid=EBFD6763-36B0-7571-5B36-97F6502F60DC&lng=en On the Manner of Practising the New Diplomacy], ''ISN''</ref><ref name=Lechini>Gladys Lechini, ''Middle Powers: IBSA and the New South-South Cooperation. NACLA Report on the Americas'', Vol. 40, No. 5 (2007): 28-33: 'Today, a new, more selective South-South cooperation has appeared, bringing some hope to the people of our regions. The trilateral alliance known as the India, Brazil, and South Africa Dialogue Forum, or IBSA, exemplifies the trend … The three member countries face the same problems and have similar interests. All three consider themselves "middle powers" and leaders of their respective regions, yet they have also been subject to pressures from the North.'</ref><ref>Daniel Flemes, ''Emerging Middle Powers' Soft Balancing Strategy: State and Perspective of the IBSA Dialogue Forum.'' Hamburg: GIGA, 2007.</ref>
*{{flagcountry|Canada|size=23px}}<ref name="Adriansyah"/><ref name="Jordaan">Jordaan E (2003) [http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a714856417?words=eduard|jordaan&hash=2263085018 The concept of a middle power in international relations], ''informaworld''</ref><ref name="Behringer">Behringer RM (2005) [http://cac.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/40/3/305 Middle Power Leadership on the Human Security Agenda], ''SAGE''</ref><ref name="Crosby">Crosby AD (1997) [http://www.jstor.org/pss/424829 A Middle-Power Military in Alliance: Canada and NORAD], ''JSTOR''</ref><ref name="Petersen">Petersen K (2003) [http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Articles4/Petersen_Canada-Iraq.htm Quest to Reify Canada as a Middle Power], ''Dissident Voice''</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Chile|size=23px}}<ref name="Inoguchi" /><ref name="Heine"/>
* {{flagcountry|Chile|size=23px}}<ref name="Inoguchi" /><ref name="Heine"/>
* {{flagcountry|Colombia|size=23px}}<ref name="Inoguchi" /><ref name="Heine"/>
* {{flagcountry|Colombia|size=23px}}<ref name="Inoguchi" /><ref name="Heine"/>
24行目: 30行目:
* {{flagcountry|Denmark|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" /><ref name="Behringer" /><ref name="Pratt">Pratt C (1990) [http://mqup.mcgill.ca/book.php?bookid=930 Middle Power Internationalism], ''MQUP''</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Denmark|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" /><ref name="Behringer" /><ref name="Pratt">Pratt C (1990) [http://mqup.mcgill.ca/book.php?bookid=930 Middle Power Internationalism], ''MQUP''</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Egypt|size=23px}}<ref name="Wurst" /><ref name="Cooper et al"/><ref name="Ploughshares">Ploughshares Monitor (1997) [http://www.ploughshares.ca/libraries/monitor/mons97a.html Scrapping the Bomb: The role of middle power countries]</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Egypt|size=23px}}<ref name="Wurst" /><ref name="Cooper et al"/><ref name="Ploughshares">Ploughshares Monitor (1997) [http://www.ploughshares.ca/libraries/monitor/mons97a.html Scrapping the Bomb: The role of middle power countries]</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Ethiopia|size=23px}}<ref>Alain Gascon,[https://www.cairn.info/journal-politique-etrangere-2015-4-page-105.htm L’Éthiopie, une puissance africaine ?]</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Finland|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" />
* {{flagcountry|Finland|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" />
* {{flagcountry|Greece|size=23px}}<ref name="Thanos-Veremēs">Thanos Veremēs (1997)[http://books.google.ca/books/about/The_military_in_Greek_politics.html?id=sn-yAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y The Military in greek Politics] "Black Rose Books"</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Greece|size=23px}}<ref name="Thanos-Veremēs">Thanos Veremēs (1997)[https://books.google.ca/books/about/The_military_in_Greek_politics.html?id=sn-yAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y The Military in greek Politics] "Black Rose Books"</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Hungary|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" /><ref name="Higott-Cooper">Higgott RA, Cooper AF (1990) [http://www.jstor.org/pss/2706854 Middle Power Leadership and Coalition Building]</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Hungary|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" /><ref name="Higott-Cooper">Higgott RA, Cooper AF (1990) [http://www.jstor.org/pss/2706854 Middle Power Leadership and Coalition Building]</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Indonesia|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon">Solomon S (1997) [http://www.issafrica.org/Pubs/Monographs/No13/Solomon.html South African Foreign Policy and Middle Power Leadership] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20150426220103/http://www.issafrica.org/Pubs/Monographs/No13/Solomon.html |date=2015年4月26日 }}, ''ISS''</ref><ref name="Ping">Jonathan H. Ping, ''Middle Power Statecraft: Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Asia Pacific'' (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2005).</ref>
* {{flagcountry|India|size=23px}}<ref>Charalampos Efstathopoulosa, 'Reinterpreting India's Rise through the Middle Power Prism', ''Asian Journal of Political Science'', Vol. 19, Issue 1 (2011), p. 75: 'India's role in the contemporary world order can be optimally asserted by the middle power concept. The concept allows for distinguishing both strengths and weakness of India's globalist agency, shifting the analytical focus beyond material-statistical calculations to theorise behavioural, normative and ideational parameters.'</ref><ref>Robert W. Bradnock, ''India's Foreign Policy since 1971'' (The Royal Institute for International Affairs, London: Pinter Publishers, 1990), quoted in Leonard Stone, 'India and the Central Eurasian Space', ''Journal of Third World Studies'', Vol. 24, No. 2, 2007, p. 183: 'The U.S. is a superpower whereas India is a middle power. A superpower could accommodate another superpower because the alternative would be equally devastating to both. But the relationship between a superpower and a middle power is of a different kind. The former does not need to accommodate the latter while the latter cannot allow itself to be a satellite of the former."</ref><ref>Jan Cartwright, 'India's Regional and International Support for Democracy: Rhetoric or Reality?', ''Asian Survey'', Vol. 49, No. 3 (May/June 2009), p. 424: 'India’s democratic rhetoric has also helped it further establish its claim as being a rising “middle power.” (A "middle power" is a term that is used in the field of international relations to describe a state that is not a superpower but still wields substantial influence globally. In addition to India, other "middle powers" include, for example, Australia and Canada.)'</ref><ref name="Harris"/>
* {{flagcountry|Indonesia|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon">Solomon S (1997) [http://www.issafrica.org/Pubs/Monographs/No13/Solomon.html South African Foreign Policy and Middle Power Leadership], ''ISS''</ref><ref name="Ping">Jonathan H. Ping, ''Middle Power Statecraft: Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Asia Pacific'' (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2005).</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Iran|size=23px}}<ref name="Ehteshami">Anoushiravan Ehteshami and Raymond Hinnesbusch, ''Syria and Iran: Middle Power in a Penetrated Regional System'' (London: Routledge, 1997).</ref><ref>Nayef H. Samhat, 'Middle Powers and American Foreign Policy: Lessons for Irano-U.S. Relations, ''Policy Studies Journal'', Vol. 28, No. 1 (2000), pp. 11-26.</ref><ref name="Ahouie">Ahouie M (2004) [http://web.mit.edu/ISG/iaqfall04ahouie.htm Iran Analysis Quarterly], ''MIT''</ref><ref name="Foreign Affairs">Foreign Affairs Committee (2006) [http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200607/cmselect/cmfaff/363/36310.htm Iran]</ref>
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*{{flagcountry|Netherlands|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" /><ref name="Behringer" /><ref name="Pratt" />
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* {{flagcountry|Nigeria|size=23px}}<ref name="Mace-Belanger" /><ref name="Solomon" /><ref name="Cooper et al"/>
* {{flagcountry|Norway|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" /><ref name="Behringer" /><ref name="Pratt" />
* {{flagcountry|Norway|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" /><ref name="Behringer" /><ref name="Pratt" />
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* {{flagcountry|Portugal|size=23px}}<ref name="Lacoste">according to Yves Lacoste, ''Géopolitique'', Larousse, 2009,p. 134, both Spain and Portugal exert a real influence in Africa and in the Americas.</ref>
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* {{flagcountry|Romania|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" />
* {{flagcountry|Romania|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" />
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* {{flagcountry|Spain|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" /><ref name="Lacoste"/>
* {{flagcountry|Spain|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" /><ref name="Lacoste"/>
* {{flagcountry|Sri Lanka|size=23px}}<ref name="A Balancing Act" />
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* {{flagcountry|Switzerland|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" />
* {{flagcountry|Switzerland|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" />
* {{flagcountry|Taiwan|size=23px}}<ref name="Asia-Pacific" />
* {{flagcountry|Taiwan|size=23px}}<ref name="Asia-Pacific" />
55行目: 68行目:
* {{flagcountry|Ukraine|size=23px}}<ref name=spero>{{Cite book|title=Bridging the European Divide |last=Spero |first=Joshua |year=2004 |publisher=Rowman & Littlefield |isbn=9780742535534 |id=ISBN 0-7425-3553-3 |pages=206 }}</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Ukraine|size=23px}}<ref name=spero>{{Cite book|title=Bridging the European Divide |last=Spero |first=Joshua |year=2004 |publisher=Rowman & Littlefield |isbn=9780742535534 |id=ISBN 0-7425-3553-3 |pages=206 }}</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Venezuela|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" />
* {{flagcountry|Venezuela|size=23px}}<ref name="Solomon" />
* {{flagcountry|Vietnam|size=23px}}<ref name="Asia-Pacific"/>
* {{flagcountry|Vietnam|size=23px}}<ref name="A Balancing Act" /><ref name="Asia-Pacific"/>

== 脚注 ==
== 脚注 ==
<ref name="Soeya Yoshihide">Soeya Yoshihide, 'Diplomacy for Japan as a Middle Power, ''Japan Echo'', Vol. 35, No. 2 (2008), pp. 36-41.</ref>

== 関連項目 ==
== 関連項目 ==
64行目: 80行目:
* [[大国]]
* [[大国]]
* [[地域大国]]
* [[地域大国]]
* [[小国]]
* [[BRICS]]
* [[NEXT11]]
* [[MIKTA]]


2024年6月30日 (日) 07:55時点における最新版


ミドルパワー英語: Middle power)とは、超大国大国ではないが、一定程度の穏健な国際的影響力を持つ国家を指す。日本語では「中堅国家」と表記されることが多い[1]






  1. ^ 日本国縦横無尽-7-「大国」,「中国」,「小国」
  2. ^ Mehmet Ozkan. "A NEW APPROACH TO GLOBAL SECURITY: PIVOTAL MIDDLE POWERS AND GLOBAL POLITICS" Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs XI.1 (2006)
  3. ^ a b c P. Shearman, M. Sussex, European Security After 9/11(Ashgate, 2004) - According to Shearman and Sussex, both the UK and France were great powers now reduced to middle power status.
  4. ^ Why are Pivot states so Pivotal?. Archived from the original on 11 February 2016. Retrieved 24 February 2016.
  5. ^ Gwynne Dyer ,Canada in the Great Power Game 1914-2014
  6. ^ Strategic Vision: America & the Crisis of Global Power by Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, pp 43–45. Published 2012
  7. ^ Malik, Mohan (2011). China and India: Great Power Rivals. United States: FirstForumPress.
  8. ^ Kwang Ho Chun (2013). The BRICs Superpower Challenge: Foreign and Security Policy Analysis. Ashgate.
  9. ^ Heine J (2006) On the Manner of Practising the New Diplomacy
  10. ^ Neumann, Iver B. (2008). “Russia as a great power, 1815–2007”. Journal of International Relations and Development 11: 128–151 [p. 128]. doi:10.1057/jird.2008.7. "As long as Russia's rationality of government deviates from present-day hegemonic neo-liberal models by favouring direct state rule rather than indirect governance, the West will not recognize Russia as a fully fledged great power." 
  11. ^ a b c d Tobias Harris, 'Japan Accepts its "Middle-Power" Fate'. Far Eastern Economic Review Vol. 171, No. 6 (2008), p. 45: 'Japan is settling into a position as a middle power in Asia, sitting uneasily between the U.S., its security ally, and China, its most important economic partner. In this it finds itself in a situation similar to Australia, India, South Korea and the members of Asean.'
  12. ^ Robert W. Cox, 'Middlepowermanship, Japan, and Future World Order, International Journal, Vol. 44, No. 4 (1989), pp. 823-862.
  13. ^ Soeya Yoshihide, 'Diplomacy for Japan as a Middle Power, Japan Echo, Vol. 35, No. 2 (2008), pp. 36-41.
  14. ^ Otte M, Greve J (2000) A Rising Middle Power?: German Foreign Policy in Transformation, 1989-1999, St. Martin's Press
  15. ^ Sperling, James (2001). “Neither Hegemony nor Dominance: Reconsidering German Power in Post Cold-War Europe”. British Journal of Political Science 31 (2). doi:10.1017/S0007123401000151. http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract;jsessionid=BAF3F6B6103D4CEF49834F52571F68B0.tomcat1?fromPage=online&aid=68015. 
  16. ^ Charalampos Efstathopoulosa, 'Reinterpreting India's Rise through the Middle Power Prism', Asian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 19, Issue 1 (2011), p. 75: 'India's role in the contemporary world order can be optimally asserted by the middle power concept. The concept allows for distinguishing both strengths and weakness of India's globalist agency, shifting the analytical focus beyond material-statistical calculations to theorise behavioural, normative and ideational parameters.'
  17. ^ Robert W. Bradnock, India's Foreign Policy since 1971 (The Royal Institute for International Affairs, London: Pinter Publishers, 1990), quoted in Leonard Stone, 'India and the Central Eurasian Space', Journal of Third World Studies, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2007, p. 183: 'The U.S. is a superpower whereas India is a middle power. A superpower could accommodate another superpower because the alternative would be equally devastating to both. But the relationship between a superpower and a middle power is of a different kind. The former does not need to accommodate the latter while the latter cannot allow itself to be a satellite of the former."
  18. ^ Jan Cartwright, 'India's Regional and International Support for Democracy: Rhetoric or Reality?', Asian Survey, Vol. 49, No. 3 (May/June 2009), p. 424: 'India’s democratic rhetoric has also helped it further establish its claim as being a rising “middle power.” (A "middle power" is a term that is used in the field of international relations to describe a state that is not a superpower but still wields substantial influence globally. In addition to India, other "middle powers" include, for example, Australia and Canada.)'
  19. ^ a b Yasmi Adriansyah, 'Questioning Indonesia's place in the world', Asia Times (20 September 2011): 'Countries often categorized as middle power (MP) include Australia, Canada and Japan. The reasons for this categorization are the nations' advanced political-economic stature as well as their significant contribution to international cooperation and development. India and Brazil have recently become considered middle powers because of their rise in the global arena—particularly with the emerging notion of BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China).'
  20. ^ Jordaan E (2003) The concept of a middle power in international relations, informaworld
  21. ^ a b c d Behringer RM (2005) Middle Power Leadership on the Human Security Agenda, SAGE
  22. ^ Crosby AD (1997) A Middle-Power Military in Alliance: Canada and NORAD, JSTOR
  23. ^ Petersen K (2003) Quest to Reify Canada as a Middle Power, Dissident Voice
  24. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Solomon S (1997) South African Foreign Policy and Middle Power Leadership Archived 2015年4月26日, at the Wayback Machine., ISS
  25. ^ "Operation Alba may be considered one of the most important instances in which Italy has acted as a regional power, taking the lead in executing a technically and politically coherent and determined strategy." See Federiga Bindi, Italy and the European Union (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2011), p. 171.
  26. ^ "Italy plays a prominent role in European and global military, cultural and diplomatic affairs. The country's European political, social and economic influence make it a major regional power." See Italy: Justice System and National Police Handbook, Vol. 1 (Washington, D.C.: International Business Publications, 2009), p. 9.
  27. ^ a b c Bernard Wood, 'Towards North-South Middle Power Coalitions', in Middle Power Internationalism: The North-South Dimension, edited by Cranford Pratt (Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1990).
  28. ^ a b c Heine J (2006) On the Manner of Practising the New Diplomacy, ISN
  29. ^ a b Gladys Lechini, Middle Powers: IBSA and the New South-South Cooperation. NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. 40, No. 5 (2007): 28-33: 'Today, a new, more selective South-South cooperation has appeared, bringing some hope to the people of our regions. The trilateral alliance known as the India, Brazil, and South Africa Dialogue Forum, or IBSA, exemplifies the trend … The three member countries face the same problems and have similar interests. All three consider themselves "middle powers" and leaders of their respective regions, yet they have also been subject to pressures from the North.'
  30. ^ Daniel Flemes, Emerging Middle Powers' Soft Balancing Strategy: State and Perspective of the IBSA Dialogue Forum. Hamburg: GIGA, 2007.
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