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[[Image:Sholom Aleichem listens.jpg|left|150px]]
'''ショーレム・アレイヘム'''('''Sholem Aleikhem''' ''(Šālôm ‘alêkhem)'', [[1859年]][[2月18日]] - [[1916年]][[5月13日]])は、[[ウクライナ]]出身の[[イディッシュ文化|イディッシュ]][[劇作家]]、[[小説家]]、[[ジャーナリスト]]。[[キエフ]]近郊[[ペレヤスラフ]] [[:en:Pereyaslav|Perejaslav]]生まれ。小説家というよりは劇作家と呼んだほうが良いとも言われる。''ショレム・アレイヘム''、''ショラム・アレイヘム''、''ショーロム・アレイヘム''とも
'''ショーレム・アレイヘム'''({{lang-yi|שלום־עליכם}}、{{lang-en|Sholem Aleichem}}、{{lang-he|שלום עליכם}}、[[1859年]][[3月2日]]([[ユリウス暦]]2月18日 - [[1916年]][[5月13日]])は、[[ウクライナ]]出身の[[イディッシュ文化|イディッシュ]][[劇作家]]、[[小説家]]、[[ジャーナリスト]]。小説家というよりは劇作家と呼ほうが良いとも言われる。
本名はソロモン・ラビノヴィッツ(Solomon(Shlomoh) Ya'aqobh Rabinowitz, ''Šolem Jakov Rabonovič'')。

== 名前 ==
本名はソロモン・ラビノヴィッツ(Solomon(Shlomoh) Ya'aqobh Rabinowitz, ''Šolem Jakov Rabonovič'')。''ショレム・アレイヘム''、''ショラム・アレイヘム''、''ショーロム・アレイヘム''とも。「ショレム・アレイヘム」とは[[イディッシュ語]]では「あなたに平和を」というほどの日常的[[挨拶]]。[[詩篇]]など参照。

== 生涯 ==


はじめコンパクトな短編で読者の心を捉え、次第に連作形式の小説から長編小説へと手を伸ばした。連作の短編としては『[[牛乳屋テヴィエ]]』(『[[屋根の上のバイオリン弾き]]』の項を参照)、長編では『{{仮リンク|ステンペーニュ|en|Stempenyu}}[[嵐の中で]]』、遺作『{{仮リンク|Mottel the Cantor's Son|en|Motl, Peysi the Cantor's Son}}』など。




アメリカ、故郷のウクライナなどに記念碑が建立されているほか、[[水星]]の{{仮リンク|ショーレム・アレイヘム (水星のクレーター)|label=クレーター|en|Sholem Aleichem (crater)}}に命名されている。
== イディッシュ文学の大衆化 ==
== イディッシュ文学の大衆化 ==
{{main|{{仮リンク|イディッシュ・ルネッサンス|en|Yiddish Renaissance|label=イディッシズム}}}}


19世紀後半になると、近代イディッシュ文学の揺籃期(『{{仮リンク|イディッシュ・ルネッサンス|en|Yiddish Renaissance}}』)が訪れた。ショーレム・アレイヘム、[[メンデレ・モイヘル・スフォリム]]、[[イツホク・ペレツ]]の三人は、[[イディッシュ文学]]の第一世代・師といわれ、イディッシュ文学史の黄金時代に位置するともいわれる。彼は「饒舌な口語体」を用い、「イディッシュ文学の大衆化」に道を開いたといわれる。演劇自体はあまり多作ではないが、物語や小説は多くのイディッシュ演劇の[[俳優]]、作家、[[プロデューサー]]にとって着想の源となり、舞台に生かされる。




== 作品と文献案内 ==
== 作品と文献案内 ==
38行目: 36行目:
* "''Tevye’s daughters''", 1948年
* "''Tevye’s daughters''", 1948年
* "''Tevye der milkhiger''", 1894年 『牛乳屋テヴィエ』([[屋根の上のバイオリン弾き]]の原作)
* "''Tevye der milkhiger''", 1894年 『牛乳屋テヴィエ』([[屋根の上のバイオリン弾き]]の原作)
** 『牛乳屋テヴィエ』[[西成彦]]訳, 岩波文庫, 2012年, ISBN 4003277910

== 参考資料 ==
== 参考資料 ==
44行目: 43行目:

== 外部リンク ==
== 外部リンク ==
{{commons|Sholom Aleichem}}
* [http://www.sholom-aleichem.org/ The Sholom Aleichem Network]
* [http://www.sholom-aleichem.org/ The Sholom Aleichem Network]
* [http://tal.forum2.org/bloody The Bloody Hoax] (a book review)
* [http://tal.forum2.org/bloody The Bloody Hoax] (a book review)
* {{Find a Grave|16}}

[[Image:Sholom_Aleichem.JPG|thumb|right|Sholom Aleichem]]
{{DEFAULTSORT:あれいへむ しよおれむ}}
'''Sholom (Sholem) Aleichem''' ([[February 18]] [[Julian calendar|(O.S.)]] = [[March 2]] [[Gregorian calendar|(N.S.)]], [[1859]] &ndash; [[May 13]], [[1916]]) was a popular humorist and [[Imperial Russia|Russian]] [[Jew]]ish author of [[Yiddish]] literature, including [[novel]]s, [[short stories]], and [[play]]s. He did much to promote Yiddish writers, and was the first to pen children's literature in Yiddish.

His work has been widely translated. The musical comedy ''"[[Fiddler on the Roof]]"'' (1964), based on Sholom Aleichem's stories about his character [[Tevye|Tevye the Milkman]], was the first commercially successful English-language play about Eastern European Jewish life.

Born '''Sholem Yakov Rabinowitz''' ([[Russian language|ru]]: ''&#1056;&#1072;&#1073;&#1080;&#1085;&#1086;&#769;&#1074;&#1080;&#1095;'') to a poor [[patriarchal]] Jewish family in [[Pereyaslav]] (near [[Kiev]]), [[Ukraine]]. Sholem's mother died when he was 13. His first writing was alphabetical vocabulary of the epithets used by his stepmother. At the age of fifteen, inspired by ''[[Robinson Crusoe]]'', he composed his own, Jewish version of the famous novel and decided to dedicate himself to writing. He adopted the [[pseudonym]] ''Sholom Aleichem'', a common greeting meaning "peace be with you".

After completing Pereyaslav local school with excellent grades in 1876, he left home in search for work. For three years, he taught a wealthy merchant's daughter Olga Loev, who on [[May 12]], 1883 became his wife. They had six children.

At first he wrote in [[Russian language|Russian]] and [[Hebrew language|Hebrew]], but from 1883 on, he produced over forty volumes in Yiddish, to become a central figure in [[Yiddish literature]] by 1890. Most writing for Russian [[Jew]]s at the time was in Hebrew, the language used exclusively by the learned Jews. Sholom Aleichem wrote for about three million Russian Jews whose only language was Yiddish.

[[Image:Israel_stamp_Sholom_Aleichem.jpg|right|thumb|134px|Israeli postal stamp dedicated to the centennial birthday of Sholom Aleichem]]
Besides his prodigious output of Yiddish literature, he also used his personal fortune to encourage Yiddish writers. In 1888-1889, he put out two issues of an [[annual]], ''Die Yiddishe Folksbibliotek'' ("The Yiddish Popular Library") which gave important exposure to many young Yiddish writers. A third issue was edited, but never printed, because he lost his entire fortune in a [[stock]] speculation in 1890. Over the next few years, while continuing to write in Yiddish, he also wrote in Russian for an Odessa newspaper and for ''[[Voskhod]]'', the leading Russian Jewish publication of the time, and in Hebrew for ''Hamelitz'' and for an anthology edited by Y.H. Ravnitzky.

Sholom Aleichem was often referred to as the "Jewish [[Mark Twain]]" because of the two authors' similar writing styles and use of [[pen name|pen names]]. Both authors wrote for both adults and children, and lectured extensively in Europe and the United States. When the two finally met late in life, however, Twain retorted that he considered himself the "American Sholom Aleichem."

After 1891 Sholom Aleichem lived in [[Odessa]], but as waves of [[pogrom]]s swept southern Russia in the early [[1900s]], he emigrated with the family in 1905, settling first in [[Switzerland]], and in 1914, in the [[United States]], where he made his home in [[New York City]]. He died there at the age of 57 and was laid to rest at the [[Brooklyn]] cemetery.

In 1997, a monument dedicated to Sholom Aleichem was erected in [[Kiev]]; another was erected 2001 in [[Moscow]].

== A short passage to illustrate Sholom Aleichem's style ==
: "Pinhas Pincus is of less than normal height, with one small eye and one bigger eye. When he talks, it seems as if the eyes talk to each other; the smaller eye asks for and seeks approval from the bigger eye; and the bigger eye gives its approval of every plan or undertaking. When he first came to Nuremberg, there was no limit to his sufferings; he had to endure starvation, misery and personal insults from his German brethren. In Nuremburg he was protected from massacres, but was not protected from starvation." &nbsp;&mdash;from ''An Early Passover'', translated by George Zinberg

== Quotes ==
: A bachelor is a man who comes to work each morning from a different direction.

: Gossip is nature's telephone.

: Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.

: No matter how bad things get you got to go on living, even if it kills you.

: The rich swell up with pride, the poor from hunger.

== Works ==
=== English-language collections ===
* ''The Best of Sholom Aleichem'', translated by I. Wisse, R. Howe (originally published 1979), Walker and Co., 1991, ISBN 0802726453.
* ''Tevye the Dairyman and the Railroad Stories'', translated by H. Halkin (originally published 1987), Schocken Books, 1996, ISBN 0805210695.
* ''Nineteen to the Dozen: Monologues and Bits and Bobs of Other Things'', translated by Ted Gorelick, Syracuse Univ Press, 1998, ISBN 0815604777.
* ''A Treasury of Sholom Aleichem Children’s Stories'', translated by Aliza Shevrin, Jason Aronson, 1996, ISBN 1568219261.
* ''Inside Kasrilovka, Three Stories'', translated by I. Goldstick, Schocken Books, 1948 (variously reprinted)
* ''The Old Country'', translated by Julius & Frances Butwin, J B H of Peconic, 1999, ISBN 1929068212.
* ''Stories and Satires'', translated by Curt Leviant, Sholom Aleichem Family Publications, 1999, ISBN 1929068204.

=== Autobiography ===
* ''Funm Yarid'', written 1914-1916, translated as ''The Great Fair'' by Tamara Kahana, Noonday Press, 1955; translated by Curt Leviant as ''From the Fair'', Viking, 1986, ISBN 014008830X.

=== Novels ===
* ''Stempenyu'', originally published in his ''Folksbibliotek'', adapted 1905 for the play ''Jewish Daughters''.
* ''Yossele Solovey'' (1889, published in his ''Folksbibliotek'')
* ''[[Tevye|Tevye's Daughters]]'', translated by F. Butwin (originally published 1949), Crown, 1959, ISBN 0517507102.

==== Young adult literature ====
* ''Menahem-Mendl'', translated as ''The Adventures of Menahem-Mendl'', translated by Tamara Kahana, Sholom Aleichem Family Publications, 1969, ISBN 1929068026.
* ''Motl peysi dem khazns'', translated as ''The Adventures of Mottel, the Cantor's Son'' ([[young adult]] literature), translated by Tamara Kahana, Sholom Aleichem Family Publications, 1999, ISBN 192906800X.
* ''The Bewitched Tailor'', Sholom Aleichem Family Publications, 1999, ISBN 1929068190.

=== Plays ===
* ''The Doctor'' (1887), one-act comedy
* ''Der Get'' (''The Divorce'', 1888), one-act comedy
* ''Die Asifa'' (''The Assembly'', 1889), one-act comedy
* ''Yaknez'' (1894), a satire on brokers and speculators
* ''Tsezeht Un Tseshpreht'' (''Scattered Far and Wide'', 1903), comedy
* ''Agenten'' (''Agents'', 1905), one-act comedy
* ''Yiedishe Tekhter'' (''Jewish Daughters'', 1905) drama, adaptation of his early novel ''Stempenyu''
* ''Die Goldgreber'' (''The Golddiggers'', 1907), comedy
* ''Shver Tsu Zein a Yied'' (''Hard to be a Jew'', 1914)
* ''Dos Groisse Gevins'' (''The Big Lottery'' / ''The Jackpot'', 1916)

=== Essays ===
* ''Oyf vos badarfn Yidn a land'' (''Why Do the Jews Need a Land of Their Own?''), translated by Joseph Leftwich and Mordecai S. Chertoff, Cornwall Books, 1984, ISBN 0845347748

=== Miscellany ===
* ''Jewish Children'', translated by Hannah Berman, William Morrow & Co, 1987, ISBN 0688841201. <!-- Does anyone know what this is and whether it is worth retaining? http://www.babelguides.com/view/work/15090 says it's only 30 pages-- [[User:Jmabel|Jmabel]] | [[User talk:Jmabel|Talk]] 20:30, Mar 23, 2005 (UTC)
* numerous stories in Russian, published in ''Voshkod'' (1891-1892)

== 外部リンク ==
{{commons|Sholom Aleichem}}
* [http://www.sholom-aleichem.org/ The Sholom Aleichem Network]

[[Category:ウクライナの劇作家|あれいへむ しよれむ]]
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[[arz: شالوم_اليخيم]]

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[[he:שלום עליכם]]
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[[tt:Şolom Aleyxem]]
[[yi:שלום עליכם (שרייבר)]]

2022年1月12日 (水) 11:55時点における最新版

ショーレム・アレイヘムイディッシュ語: שלום־עליכם‎、英語: Sholem Aleichemヘブライ語: שלום עליכם‎、1859年3月2日ユリウス暦2月18日) - 1916年5月13日)は、ウクライナ出身のイディッシュ劇作家小説家ジャーナリスト。小説家というよりは劇作家と呼ぶほうが良いとも言われる。


本名はソロモン・ラビノヴィッツ(Solomon(Shlomoh) Ya'aqobh Rabinowitz, Šolem Jakov Rabonovič)。ショレム・アレイヘムショラム・アレイヘムショーロム・アレイヘムとも。「ショレム・アレイヘム」とはイディッシュ語では「あなたに平和を」というほどの日常的挨拶詩篇など参照。 アラビア語「アッサラーム・アライクム」に相当するが、使われる場面はやや異なる。ショーロム・アレイヘムなどの発音もある。




はじめコンパクトな短編で読者の心を捉え、次第に連作形式の小説から長編小説へと手を伸ばした。連作の短編としては『牛乳屋テヴィエ』(『屋根の上のバイオリン弾き』の項を参照)、長編では『ステンペーニュ英語版』、『嵐の中で』、遺作『Mottel the Cantor's Son英語版』など。









  • "der oytser"『宝』, 1908年(演劇)
  • "Stampenyu", 1913年
  • "Jewish children", 1920年
  • "dos groyse gevins"『大儲け』, 1925年(演劇)
  • "The old country", 1946年
  • "Tevye’s daughters", 1948年
  • "Tevye der milkhiger", 1894年 『牛乳屋テヴィエ』(屋根の上のバイオリン弾きの原作)


  • My Father, Sholom Aleichem, by Marie Waife-Goldberg
  • Liptzin, Sol, A History of Yiddish Literature, Jonathan David Publishers, Middle Village, NY, 1972, ISBN 0-8246-0124-6. 66 et. seq.
