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See also definitions of the words (God), (Goddess), (mythology), (religion), (scripture).

凡例: 日本語 (英語)


== アブラハム系の宗教 (The "(Abrahamic religions)") Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe in the same God, but Jews and Muslims visualize God in strictly monotheistic terms, whereas most Christians believe that God exists as a (Trinity).

(Yahweh) is the Biblical name for God used by ancient Jews. Adonai, Eloheynu and Hashem are some of the names of God used in modern day Judaism.

Historically, Christianity has professed belief in one deity, three divine persons (the (Trinity)), that make up one deity or Godhead, known as "God". (See (Athanasian Creed).) Thus, most Christians are trinitarian monotheists, although there have been dissenters; see the articles (Arianism), (Unitarianism) (History), Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Jehovah's Witnesses for examples. Most of these unitarian groups believe or believed that only (God the Father) is a deity; Latter-day Saints believe that the Father, the Son ((Jesus Christ)) and the (Holy Spirit) are three distinct deities.

(Allah) is the most traditional Muslim name for God. Islamic tradition also speaks of 99 Names of God.
アッラー ((Allah))


Two smaller faiths that don't neatly fit into any of the categories of Abrahamic religions. (Rastafarianism) worships Jah and the Baha'i Faith also worships the same God as Jews, Christians and Muslims.

Aztec deities

Dacian Deities

Egyptian Deities

Egyptian deities often have physical forms that incorporate animal forms. For example, Anubis has the body of a (human), but the head of a (canine).

  • (Anubis), God of Embalming, Friend of the Dead
  • The (Aten), the embodiment of the Sun's rays
  • (Atum), a creator deity
  • (Bast), Goddess of Cats
  • (Bes), God-Demon of Protection, Childbirth and Entertainment
  • (Geb), God of the Earth
  • (Hapi) God of the Nile and Fertility
  • (Hathor), Goddess of Love and Music
  • (Heget) Goddess of Childbirth
  • (Horus) the falcon-headed god
  • (Imhotep) God of wisdom, medicine and magic
  • (Isis), Goddess of Magic, sister of Nephthys
  • (Khepry), the scarab beetle, the embodiment of the dawn
  • (Khnum), a creator deity
  • (Maahes)
  • Ma'at, Goddess of Truth, Balance and Order
  • (Menhit)
  • (Mont), god of war
  • (Naunet), the primal waters
  • (Neith), the great mother goddess
  • (Nephthys), mother of Anubis
  • Nut, goddess of heaven and the sky
  • (Osiris)
  • (Ptah), a creator deity
  • (Ra), the sun, possible father of Anubis
  • (Sekhmnet), goddess of war and battles
  • (Sobek), Crocodile God
  • Set, God of Storms, possible father of Anubis
  • (Tefnut), goddess of order, justice, time, Heaven and Hell and weather
  • (Thoth), god of the moon, drawing, writing, geometry, wisdom, medicine, music, astronomy, and magic

See http://touregypt.net/godsofegypt/ for the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism's extensive information on Egyptian Deities.

Finnish pre-Christian deities

There are very few written documents about old Finnish religions; also the names of deities and practices of worship changed from place to place. The following is a summary of the most important and most widely worshipped deities.

  • (Ukko), the principal deity, god of heaven and thunder
  • (Rauni), Ukko's wife, goddess of fertility
  • (Tapio), god of forest and wild animals
  • (Mielikki), Tapio's wife
  • (Pekko) (or Peko), god or goddess (the actual gender is obscure) of fields and acriculture
  • (Ahti), god of streams, lakes and sea
  • (Louhi), goddess of the underworld
  • (Perkele), a god of the ancient Finns or Estonians

Ancient Greek pre-Christian Deities

See also (Demigods), the Dryads, the (Fates), the (Erinyes), the (Graces), the (Horae), the (Muses), the Nymphs, the (Pleiades), the Titans

See also (kachina)

Kitchen Gods

In addition to the gods listed above, there are several minor Gods spoken of in current western culture and may be taken more or less seriously. These are commonly called Kitchen Gods.

Mesopotamian gods

  • (Anshar) - father of heaven
  • (Anu) - the god of the highest heaven
  • (Apsu) - the ruler of gods and underworld oceans
  • (Ashur) - national god of the Assyrians
  • (Damkina) - Earth mother goddess
  • (Ea) - god of wisdom
  • (Enlil) - god of weather and storms
  • (Enurta) - god of war
  • (Hadad) - weather god
  • (Ishtar) - goddess of love
  • (Kingu) - husband of Tiamat
  • (Kishar) - father of earth
  • (Marduk) - national god of the Babylonians
  • (Mummu) - god of mists
  • (Nabu) - god of the scribal arts
  • (Nintu) - mother of all gods
  • (Shamash) - god of the sun and of justice
  • Sin - moon god
  • (Tiamat) - dragon goddess

Norse pre-Christian Deities

see also (Menehune)

(Prussian) (Baltic) Pre-Christian Deities

Roman pre-Christian Deities

(Sardinia)n Deities

Sardinian deities, mainly referred to in the age of (Nuragici people), are partly derived from (Phoenicia)n ones.

  • (Janas) Goddesses of death
  • (Maymon) God of (Hades)
  • (Panas) Goddesses of reproduction (women dead in childbirth)
  • (Thanit) Goddess of Earth and fertility

(Shinto) deities

see also (Kami)

Sumerian Deities

See also (Annuna)