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Susan Rice
生年月日 (1964-11-17) 1964年11月17日(59歳)
出生地 ワシントンD.C.
出身校 オックスフォード大学
所属政党 民主党
称号 博士

アメリカ合衆国の旗 第27代国連大使
在任期間 2009年1月22日 -
大統領 バラク・オバマ

在任期間 1997年 - 2001年
大統領 ウィリアム・ジェファーソン・クリントン

スーザン・エリザベス・ライス (1964年11月17日生まれ)は、アメリカ合衆国外交政策顧問、アメリカ合衆国国際連合大使。二期目のビル・クリントン政権時代は、国家安全保障会議メンバー、アフリカ担当国務次官補であった。ライスは、マデレーン・オルブライトジーン・カークパトリックに続き、アメリカ合衆国史上3人目、黒人女性としては初の女性国連大使である。2009年1月22日アメリカ合衆国上院議会で全会一致で指名された。[1]


ライスは、1964年11月17日ワシントンD.C.、シェパード・パーク地区で生まれ育った。[2] 父親のw:Emmett J. Riceは、コーネル大学経済学教授で、連邦準備制度理事。[2] 母親は、教育政策の学位をもつLois Dickson Fitt。Rice was a three-sport athlete, student council president, and valedictorian at National Cathedral School in Washington, D.C., a private day girls' school.[3] She playedpoint guard in basketball and directed the offense, acquiring the nickname "Spo," short for "Sportin'."[3] Her father always told her to "never use race as an excuse or advantage". As a young girl she says she "dreamed of becoming the first U.S. Senator from theDistrict of Columbia".[2] She also held "lingering fears" that her accomplishments would be diminished by people who attributed them to affirmative action.[2] Rice attended Stanford University, where she received a Truman Scholarship, and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history in 1986. She was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.[4] Ongraduation day, as she shook hands with University President Donald Kennedy, he said, "I know who you are."[3] She and Condoleezza Rice, the former U.S. Secretary of State, are both female foreign policy experts of African American descent who have ties to Stanford University; however, they are not related.[5] Awarded a Rhodes Scholarship, Rice attended New College, Oxford, where she earned a M.Phil. in 1988 and D.Phil. in 1990. The Chatham House-British International Studies Association honored her dissertation titled " Commonwealth Initiative in Zimbabwe , 1979-1980: Implication for International Peacekeeping" as the UK's most distinguished ininternational relations.[2][6] Rice's classmates and professors at Oxford included advocates of the role of the United Nations and international law(Sir Adam Roberts, Benedict Kingsbury[7]), of global economic governance and international economic cooperation (Ngaire Woods, Donald Markwell[8]), and of a firm stance against Russian authoritarianism (Michael McFaul[9]). Sir Adam Roberts is also an expert on international humanitarian intervention, a topic in which Rice has taken a close interest. Rice married Canadian-born ABC News producer Ian Officer Cameron (born in Victoria, British Columbia)[10] in 1992; they met as students at Stanford.[11] They reside in Washington, D.C. with their two children.[4][12][13][14][3]


Rice was a foreign policy aide to Michael Dukakis during the 1988 presidential election. She was a management consultant at McKinsey & Company, the global management consulting firm, in the early 1990s.[15] While at McKinsey, Rice was affiliated with the Firm's Toronto office. Rice served in the Clinton administration in various capacities: at the National Security Council from 1993 to 1997; as Director for International Organizations and Peacekeeping from 1993 to 1995; and as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for African Affairs from 1995 to 1997.


Secretary of State Madeline Albright is a longtime mentor and family friend to Rice, who urged Clinton to appoint Rice as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs in 1997.[2] Rice was not the first choice of Congressional Black Caucus leaders, who considered Rice a member of "Washington's assimilationist black elite".[2]Even at a confirmation hearing chaired by Senator Jesse Helms, Rice—who attended the hearing along with her infant son, whom she was then nursing—made a great impression on Senators from both parties and "sailed through the confirmation process".[2]Rice was Assistant Secretary for African Affairs until Clinton left office in 2001. Susan Rice was viewed by many officials and diplomats as very bright, but also as inexperienced and inflexible.[16] Rice was considered "young, brilliant, and ambitious", and she worked to "integrate Africa in the global economy while at the same time aiming to increase U.S. national security".[2] At the same time, she was criticized by detractors who considered her "authoritarian, brash, and unwilling to consider opinions that differ from her own", and reportedly having disputes from some career diplomats in the African bureau.[2] Newsweek national correspondent Martha Brant wrote that:

When Rice left for the State Department after five years in the White House, a colleague gave her a Zulu shield. She would need it, the friend explained, to fight the entrenched foreign-service bureaucracy. In fact, the flak started flying even before Rice had moved to Foggy Bottom. She filled a job that for decades had been held by a series of middle-aged career Africanists. Longtime bureaucrats griped that she was too green, that she was a political hire. Some complained that she had the same problem as many Clinton appointees: youthful arrogance. "She doesn't know what she doesn't know," says one Africa expert who deals with her. "And she doesn't tolerate dissenters." Some of the African press suggested that Rice would have little influence with traditional African male leaders. "It may be splendidly progressive of Clinton to place his Africa policy in the care of relatively young women," wrote Simon Barber in the South African Business Day. "On the other hand, he's utterly ignoring a cultural reality." Rice dismisses that concern. "They have no choice but to deal with me on professional terms. I represent the United States of America," she says. "Yeah, they may do a double take, but then they have to listen to what you say, how you say it and what you do about what you say."[3]


Rice was managing director and principal at Intellibridge from 2001 to 2002.[17][18] In 2002, she joined theBrookings Institution as senior fellow in the Foreign Policy and Global Economy and Development program. At Brookings she focuses on U.S. foreign policy, weak and failing states, the implications of global poverty, and transnational threats to security. During the 2004 presidential campaign, Rice served as a foreign policy adviser to John Kerry. Rice was inducted into Stanford's Black Alumni Hall of Fame in 2002.[6]


Rice is currently on leave from the Brookings Institution, having served as a senior foreign policy advisor to Senator Barack Obama in his2008 presidential campaign. On November 5, 2008, Rice was named to the advisory board of the Obama-Biden Transition Project.[19] On December 1, 2008, she was nominated by President-elect Obama to be theU.S. Ambassador to the United Nations,[20][21] a position which he also upgraded to cabinet level.[22] Rice will be the second youngest[22] and first African American woman US Representative to the UN.[23]Dr. Rice has announced she will have both a transition team in place in New York and in Washington, DC at the State Department to be headed by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton .


Susan Rice serves on the boards of several organizations, including the National Democratic Institute, the U.S. Fund for UNICEF,[17] board of directors of the Atlantic Council,[24] advisory board of Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University,[25] the board of directors ofBureau of National Affairs,[26] board of directors ofPartnership for Public Service[12], theBeauvoir National Cathedral Elementary School, and past member of theInternews Network's board of directors.[27][28] She is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Aspen Strategy Group.[15][29]


  • Association prize, Chatham House-British Internat. Studies, 1992
  • Samuel Nelson Drew Memorial award (co-recipient), NSC, 2000.[4]


On Oct 5 1998 an article appeared in Newsweek Magazine describing Rice as “widely seen by African diplomats and U.S. experts as bright but inexperienced and inflexible.” The same article also noted:

"Washington provided a smokescreen for the multinational force that invaded neighboring Zairefrom Rwanda in 1996 and overthrew the notorious dictator Mobutu Sese Seko. Administration sources insisted they had no prior knowledge of the offensive, but according to one highly placed strategist of the war, Washington had promised not to oppose such an incursion. It's a fine, Clintonian, distinction. 'Anything's better than Mobutu,' Susan Rice told one acquaintance at the time. But in the view of many Africa specialists, Washington's tacit complicity in the violation of the Congo's borders was dangerously destabilizing."[16]

In September 2001 Samantha Power wrote in an Atlantic Monthly piece that while working at the national Security Council, Rice asked, during an interagency teleconference, “If we use the word 'genocide' and are seen as doing nothing, what will be the effect on the November [congressional] election?" However, in the same article Power also notices that Rice acknowledges the mistakes made and "feels that she has a debt to repay."[30] In a 2002 op-ed piece in theWashington Post, former Ambassador to Sudan Timothy Carney and news contributor Mansoor Ijaz implicated Rice and counter-terrorism czar Richard Clarke in missing an opportunity to neutralize Osama bin Laden while he was still in Sudan. They write that Sudan and Secretary of StateMadeleine Albright were ready to cooperate on intelligence potentially leading to bin Laden, but that Rice and Clarke persuaded National Security Advisor Sandy Berger to overrule Albright.[31] Similar allegations have been made byVanity Fair contributing editor David Rose[32] and Richard Miniter, author of Losing bin Laden, in a November 2003 interview with World.[33] While the writings of Carney, Ijaz, Rose and Miniter each claim that Sudan offered to turn bin Laden over to the US and that Rice was central in the decision not to accept the offer, The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States (the 9-11 Commission) concluded in part “Sudan's minister of defense, Fatih Erwa, has claimed that Sudan offered to hand Bin Laden over to the United States. The Commission has found no credible evidence that this was so. Ambassador Carney had instructions only to push the Sudanese to expel bin Laden. Ambassador Carney had no legal basis to ask for more from the Sudanese since, at the time, there was no indictment out-standing.” [34]


  1. ^ http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/01/22/more-obama-cabinet-nominees-confirmed/
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j "The Meteoric Rise of the State Department's Susan Rice." The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education: 20 (Summer 1998), p. 40-41.
  3. ^ a b c d e Brant, Martha ( エラー: 月日を month や day に分けずに date にまとめて記入してください。). “Feature Story - Into Africa”. Stanford Magazine. Stanford Alumni Association. 2008年12月4日閲覧。
  4. ^ a b c “Susan Elizabeth Rice”. Who's Who (Marquis Who's Who): pp. K2014871257. (2007年). http://www.marquiswhoswho.com/ 2008年5月14日閲覧。 
  5. ^ “Susan E. Rice” (Reference). Times Topics: People (The New York Times). http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/r/susan_e_rice/index.html?inline=nyt-per 2008年12月3日閲覧。 
  6. ^ a b "Black Community Services Center Hall of Fame." Stanford Alumni Association.
  7. ^ Roberts, Adam; Kingsbury, Benedict, ed (December 1993) (English) (Book). United Nations, Divided World: The UN's Roles in International Relations (Second ed.). Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198279266. http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Politics/InternationalStudies/InternationalOrganizations/?view=usa&ci=9780198279266 2008年12月3日閲覧。 
  8. ^ Markwell, Donald John (December 2006) (English). John Maynard Keynes and International Relations: Economic Paths to War and Peace. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198292364. http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Politics/InternationalStudies/InternationalSecurityStrategicSt/?view=usa&ci=9780198292364 2008年12月3日閲覧。 
  9. ^ McFaul, Michael (January/February 2008). “The Myth of the Authoritarian Model: How Putin's Crackdown Holds Russia Back” (Journal). Foreign Affairs (Council on Foreign Relations). http://www.foreignaffairs.org/20080101faessay87105/michael-mcfaul-kathryn-stoner-weiss/the-myth-of-the-authoritarian-model.html 2008年12月3日閲覧。 
  10. ^ The Calgary Sun - Susan Rice on tap to become the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations”. Calgary Sun (2008年11月25日). 2008年12月28日閲覧。
  11. ^ Pickert, Kate. “U.N. Ambassador: Susan E. Rice - Obama's White House - TIME”. Time Magazine. 2008年12月28日閲覧。
  12. ^ a b Board of Directors - Susan E. Rice, Ph.D”. The Partnership for Public Service. 2008年5月13日閲覧。
  13. ^ “WEDDINGS; Susan E. Rice, Ian Cameron”. The New York Times (New York City). (1992年9月13日). http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E0CE1D61030F930A2575AC0A964958260 2008年5月13日閲覧. "Susan Elizabeth Rice, the daughter of Dr. Emmett J. Rice and Lois Dickson Fitt, both of Washington, was married there yesterday to Ian Officer Cameron..." 
  14. ^ Person Profile for Ian Cameron”. Leadership Directories, Inc.. 2008年5月13日閲覧。 “Senior Producer, World News with Charles Gibson, ABC News”
  15. ^ a b Susan Rice, Former White House and State Department Senior Official, Joins Brookings Institution”. Brookings Institution (2002年9月13日). 2008年5月14日閲覧。
  16. ^ a b “Losing Africa, Yet Again” (Article). Policy (Newsweek). (2008年10月5日). http://www.newsweek.com/id/93350?tid=relatedcl 2008年12月4日閲覧。 
  17. ^ a b Susan Rice”. U.S. Fund for UNICEF. 2008年5月13日閲覧。
  18. ^ Black Alumni Hall of Fame Inductees”. Stanford Alumni - Reunion Homecoming 2008. Stanford University (2008年2月). 2008年5月13日閲覧。 “[inducted] 2002”
  19. ^ Sweet, Lynn (2008年11月5日). “Jarrett, Podesta, Rouse to lead Obama transition; Bill Daley co-chair” (Blog). The scoop from Washington. The Chicago Sun-Times. 2008年12月5日閲覧。
  20. ^ change.gov (2008年12月1日). “Key members of Obama-Biden national security team announced” (Press release). Newsroom. Office of the President-elect. 2008年12月1日閲覧。
  21. ^ Rhee, Foon (2008年12月1日). “Obama names national security team” (Article). News (Boston Globe). http://www.boston.com/news/politics/politicalintelligence/2008/12/obama_names_nat.html 2008年12月1日閲覧。 
  22. ^ a b “Ambassador to the United Nations - Susan Rice (Announced)” (Blog). Obama's Cabinet (Real Clear Politics). (2008年12月1日). http://www.realclearpolitics.com/lists/cabinet/rice.html 2008年12月4日閲覧。 
  23. ^ Lederer, Edith M. (2008年12月1日). “Trusted Obama adviser Susan Rice is first African-American woman named to be US envoy to UN”. Associated Press (Star Tribune). http://www.startribune.com/nation/35326694.html?elr=KArks:DCiUMEaPc:UiD3aPc:_Yyc:aUU 
  24. ^ The Atlantic Council of the United States - Board Members”. The Atlantic Council of the United States. 2008年5月13日閲覧。
  25. ^ Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies Annual Report 2007” (PDF). Stanford University. pp. p. 47 (2007年). 2008年5月6日閲覧。
  26. ^ Bolbach, Cynthia J. (2008年3月28日). “Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14 (a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934”. The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.. pp. p. 3. 2008年5月13日閲覧。 “[Rice a director since 2004]”
  27. ^ 2003 Annual Report” (PDF). Internews International. pp. p. 10 (2003年). 2008年5月13日閲覧。
  28. ^ Internews - Directors and Officers”. Internews International. 2008年5月13日閲覧。
  29. ^ Aspen Strategy Group”. Aspen Institute. 2008年5月14日閲覧。
  30. ^ Power, Samantha (2001年9月). “Bystanders to Genocide” (Article). The Atlantic. http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200109/power-genocide 2008年12月2日閲覧。 
  31. ^ Carney, Timothy (2002年6月30日). “Intelligence Failure? Let's Go Back to Sudan”. Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A64828-2002Jun29 2008年12月1日閲覧。 
  32. ^ Rose, David (January, 2002). “The Osama Files”. Vanity Fair. http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/features/2002/01/osama200201?currentPage=1 2008年12月1日閲覧。 
  33. ^ Belz, Mindy (2003年11月1日). “'Clinton did not have the will to respond'”. World. http://www.worldmag.com/articles/8206 2008年12月1日閲覧。 
  34. ^ “Responses to Al Qaeda's Initial Assaults”, The 9/11 Commission Report (official government edition ed.), National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, (22 July 2004), pp. 110, ISBN 0-16-072304-3, http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/911/report/911Report_Ch4.htm 2008年12月4日閲覧。 


Zalmay Khalilzad
United States Ambassador to the United Nations
January 22, 2009 – 現在
George Moose
United States Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs
Walter H. Kansteiner, III
アメリカ合衆国の儀礼席次英語版 |- style="text-align:center" 先代
Dennis Blair
Director of National Intelligence
United States order of precedence
United States Ambassador to the United Nations | style="width: 30%; text-align: center;" rowspan="1"|次代
Robert Byrd

President pro tempore of the United States Senate
