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Νομός Αρκαδίας
ギリシャの国旗 ギリシャ共和国
県都トリポリ (ギリシャ)
面積4,419 km²
人口100,611 人 (2005年)
人口密度23 人/km²

アルカディア県ギリシャ語:Νομός Αρκαδίας)は、ギリシャペロポネソス地方の県である。県都はトリポリ


Modern times

Arcadia has its present-day capital at Tripoli. It forms the largest prefecture on the Peloponnesian peninsula. It currently covers about 18% of the entire peninsula, although it once extended to about 20 to 25% of the peninsula.

The prefecture has a skiing resort on Mount Maenalus, the Mainalon, located about 20 km NW of Tripoli. The other mountains include the Parnon in the southeast, the Artemisio, the Saita, the Skiathio, the Lykaia and Tsiberou.

The Greek National Road 7 (E65) highway, which was extended after 1997 and in 2003, runs through Arcadia on a north-west to south-east axis and nearly forms in the southwest the end of the highway. A thermoelectric power station which produces electricity for most of southern Greece, operates to the south of Megalopolis, along with a coal mine.

Arcadia has two tunnels. The Artemisio Tunnel opened first, followed by the tunnel east of Megalopolis; both serve traffic flowing between Messenia and Athens.

In agriculture, potato farms (dominant in central and northcentral Arcadia), mixed farming, olive groves, and pasture dominate the plains of Arcadia, especially in the area around Megalopolis and between Tripoli and Levidi. One of these cuisines were featured on Mega Channel's cooking show hosted by Mamalakis that was shown on prime time.




番号 デモス ギリシャ語 政庁所在地 郵便番号 人口(2001年)
ディミツァナ Δημητσάνα ディミツァナ 220 07 1,337
ファレシア Φαλαισία レオンダリ 220 21 3,229
ファラントス Φάλανθος ダヴィア 221 00 1,310
ゴルティナ Γορτυνα カリテナ 220 22 1,266
イレア Ηραία パルンバ 220 28 3,063
クリトル Κλείτωρ ミグダリア 220 28 2,584
コンドヴァゼナ Κοντοβάζαινα コンドヴァゼナ 220 15 2,048
コリティオ Κορύθιο ステノ 221 00 2,613
ラガディア Λαγκάδια ラガディア 220 03 952
レオニディオ Λεωνίδιο レオニディオ 223 00 3,249
レヴィディ Λεβίδι レヴィディ 220 02 4,131
マンディニア Μαντίνεια ネスタニ 220 05 3,510
メガロポリ Μεγαλόπολη メガロポリ 222 00 8,657
北キヌリア Βόρεια Κυνουρία アストロス 220 01 12,825
スキリティダ Σκυρίτιδα ヴラホケラシア 220 16 2,248
テゲア Τεγέα スタディオ 220 12 4,100
トリコロニ Τρικόλωνοι ステムニツァ 220 24 1,260
トリポリ Τρίπολη トリポリ 221 00 28,976
トロペア Τρόπαια トロペア 220 08 4,660
ティロス Τυρός ティロス 220 29 2,116
ヴァルテツィ Βαλτέτσι アセア 220 27 1,842
Vytina|ヴィティナ Βυτίνα ヴィティナ 220 10 2,012
番号 キノティタス ギリシャ語 政庁所在地 郵便番号 人口(2001年)
コスマス Κοσμάς コスマス 230 58 591


Arcadia has four provinces:

Note: Provinces no longer hold any legal status in Greece.

The chief cities and communities in the prefecture include Tripoli, Astros, Vytina, Dimitsana, Lagkadia,Tyros, Leonidio, Leontari, Levidi, Megalopolis, Paloumba and Stemnitsa.

Ancient cities include Acacesium (founded by Acacus), Asea, Astros, Athinaio, Daseae, Falaisia (Phalesia), Gortys, Hypsus (Stemnitsa), Heraia, Lusi, Lykaio, Lykosoura, Mantineia, Megalopoli, Orchomenus (Orchomenos), Tegea, Thoknia, Trapezus, Trikolonoi, Tropaia ,Tripoli,Tyros, other cities includes Basilis, Caphya or Kaphya, Charisia, Ellison, Enispe, Kaous, Karyes, Methydrio, Melangeia, Oryx, Paroria, Pelagos, Phoizon, Rhipi, Stratii, Teuthis and several more. Cities which once belonged in Arcadia include Alea (now in Argolis) and Amilos (now in Achaia).


The climate consists of hot summers and mild winters in the eastern part, the southern part, the low lying areas and the central area at altitudes lower than 1,000 m. The area primarily receives rain during fall and winter months in the rest of Arcadia. Winter snow occurs commonly in the mountainous areas for much of the west and the northern part, the Taygetus area, the Mainalon.






ラテン語の名言である、Et in Arcadia ego とは、「私(死神)はアルカディアにおいてでさえも、存在している」という意味であり、のはかなさとの不可避性を説いたメメント・モリの一例である。ニコラ・プッサンが1647年に描いた『アルカディアの牧人たち』においても登場し、古代の衣服を纏った若者たちによって発見されている墓にこの文言が彫られている。また、このフレーズはアナグラムによって、ラテン語で「立ち去れ。私は神の秘密を守るのだ。」を意味する、I! Tego arcana Dei に置換できるという説もある。





  • 国道7号線
  • 国道33号線(北部)
  • 国道37号線(中央部・南部)
  • 国道66号線(北部)
  • 国道74号線(北西部・北部)
  • 国道76号線(西部・南西部)


Sports teams

  • Arcadia Shepherds is the South African football (soccer) club from the city of Pretoria. The club was formed in 1903 and has been a source of players from its youth system that have gone on to higher profile careers overseas. The club's glory year was 1974, when it won every competition entered.
  • Asteras Tripolis is the Greek soccer club from the city of Tripoli.
  • Leonidio FC is the Greek soccer club from the town of Leonidio.


  • The Greek and Latin name Arcadius/Arkadios was derived from "Arcadia" (see the Emperor Arcadius, the grammarian Arcadius of Antioch, the patriarch Arkadios II). From Greek it passed in Russian, Ukrainian, and other Slavic languages, where it is a common male name as Arkady or Arcady.
  • The word Arcadia has become a poetic idyllism meaning "Utopia". The Libertines and Pete Doherty, whose first solo album Grace/Wastelands features an opening track titled "Arcady", are among many who has used this symbol in their work.
  • Arcadia was a band created as a project by the 80's English iconic pop band, Duran Duran, in 1985. It included Duran Duran members, Simon LeBon, Nick Rhodes, and Roger Taylor. The name of this band was chosen for the mystique surrounding Arcadia as a place of mystery and symbolic secrecy.
  • The area of the prefecture were featured in several ERT programs including documentaries on the Megalopoli Mine and Ladon Lake
  • In the 2006 Doctor Who episode "Doomsday", the Doctor mentions being "there at the fall of Arcadia", where Arcadia is insinuated to be an unspecified area of possible strategic importance in the Time War, unlikely to be the Arcadia of Greece.
  • An early incarnation of Sonic Youth was known as The Arcadians.
  • The tactical RPG Fire Emblem features a hidden Utopian city where man and dragon lives in harmony. This city is called Arcadia, and is founded by the legendary Archsage Athos.
  • In the video game BioShock, "Arcadia" is the name of an area in one of the levels, with an artificial forest and touted as a vacation paradise.
  • In the 1988 video game Battle of Olympus Arcadia is the initial starting point of the game.
  • In the Stardust Classics children's fantasy novels, Arcadia is the name of a kingdom ruled by the young Princess Alissa.
  • In the film 300 Leonidas is joined by a group of Arcadians to help him fight against the Persians.
  • In Space Pirate Captain Harlock, the show's main ship is called Arcadia, perhaps hinting that the ship itself is a sort of refuge to pirates.
  • In the text MUD Achaea, Arcadia is the home of a race of winged humans (Atavians).
  • In the series of games Megaman Zero, (Neo) Arcadia is the utopian city where humans live in apparent peace with reploids.
  • The name of the planet in the game Skies of Arcadia is Arcadia. It is a planet with a completely barren wasteland floor level, but is mainly populated in its sky, which has a large system of floating islands, each flourishing under six different-colored moons that orbit the planet.
  • In the PlayStation 2 game Final Fantasy XII there is a militaristic empire known as Archadia
  • In the TV series The Legend of Zelda the White Knight character appearing in episode 3 comes from a city called Arcadia.
  • In the TV series The X-Files, the thirteenth episode of the sixth season is named "Arcadia".
  • In the TV series Space:1999, Arkadia is a planet from where the life came to Earth
  • The mythic world that adorns the album covers of the rock band Asia, specifically the albums Alpha (1983) and Astra (1985).
  • Arcadia is one of twin worlds in the popular computer game the Longest Journey and its sequel Dreamfall.
  • In Armored Core 3, Arcadia is the name of the number 1 ranked AC.
  • In Metal Gear Online, Arcadia is the name of a glitcher.
  • In the game Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, the areas of the game are all said to be within the city of New Arcadia.
  • In the RTS game Halo Wars, Arcadia is a civilian world under attack by an alien race called The Covenant.
  • In the Opera "Semele" by Handel, Jupiter sends winged Zephyrs to fetch Semele's sister, Ino. And he sings "Now shall all this scene unto Arcadia turn, the seat of happy nymphs and swains." Before the aria, Where'er your walk.
  • Tom Stoppard's 1993 play, Arcadia.
  • In the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Arcadia is a town in America which you have to fight in.
  • In the tv series, "Joan of Arcadia" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_of_Arcadia), the story of a teenage girl who communicates with God and performs tasks she is given took place in the fictional Arcadia, Maryland.