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日付 1973年1月21日
概要 制御不能、原因不明の空中分解(公式)
現場 ソビエト連邦の旗 ソビエト連邦
ロシア・ソビエト連邦社会主義共和国 ボリシェソスノフスキー地区
(現・ロシアの旗 ロシアペルミ地方)
乗客数 34
乗員数 5
死者数 39
生存者数 0
機種 An-24B
運用者 アエロフロート航空
機体記号 CCCP-46276
出発地 クラスノダール国際空港
第1経由地 ヴォルゴグラード国際空港
第2経由地 サラトフ中央空港英語版
第3経由地 カザン国際空港
目的地 ペルム-ボリショエ・サヴィノ空港英語版

Aeroflot Flight 6263 was a scheduled domestic passenger flight from Krasnodar International Airport to Perm International Airport, with stopovers in Volgograd, Saratov, and Kazan.[1][2] Shortly before the flight was scheduled to land in Perm on 21 January 1973, the aircraft entered a downward spiral and crashed in Bolshesosnovsky District approximately 91キロメートル (57 mi) from Perm International Airport, its intended destination. Of the 39 passengers and crew on board the aircraft, four survived the initial crash; however, all survivors had died by the time rescuers arrived at the scene.


The aircraft involved in the accident was an Antonov An-24B with registration CCCP-46276. The aircraft first flew in 1967.[1]


Approximately 15 minutes before the aircraft was due to land in Perm, at an altitude of 5,400メートル (17,700 ft), the aircraft entered a downward spiral, reaching approximately 1,000キロメートル毎時 (620 mph).[1] The aircraft subsequently broke up due to high g-forces at an altitude of approximately 2,700メートル (8,900 ft). The fuselage came to rest in an inverted position on deep snow in Bolshesosnovsky District, approximately 91キロメートル (57 mi) from Perm.[2] Four of the 39 passengers and crew on board initially survived the crash; however, all of the initial survivors had died of exposure to the cold by the time rescuers arrived at the scene.[1]

Investigators were unable to conclusively determine the cause of the crash. Some signs of a missile explosion were found, such as dots of green paint that were not from the aircraft. However, the Ministry of Defence denied that there had been any exercises in the area at the time of the crash.[1]


  1. ^ a b c d e Accident description for CCCP-46276”. Aviation Safety Network. 2019年3月20日閲覧。
  2. ^ a b Катастрофа Ан-24Б Северо-Кавказского УГА в Пермской области” (Russian). airdisaster.ru. 2019年3月20日閲覧。


[[Category:1973年の航空事故] [[Category:ソビエト連邦で発生した航空事故] [[Category:アエロフロートの航空事故] [[Category:An-24による航空事故]