
Important Note: The registration feature is enabled for ALL service member accounts (Active, Retired, Separated or Reserves) only. All other account holders (Non Service Members) must contact the JST Operations Center at [email protected] for assistance with account access.

Please complete the following form. The information below is needed to establish a user account (verify your identity) and to locate your military training and occupational records. If you cannot complete this form, please see contact information below. When contacting, please include your first name, last name, branch of service, and the last 4 digits of your social security number (SSN). We suggest that you use your e-mail address as your username.

Contact Us:

  • Navy, Marine Corp or Coast Guard, please contact [email protected] for further assistance.
  • Army, please contact the Army JST Helpdesk at [email protected] for further assistance.
  • Air Force and have NOT completed courses via Navy, Marine Corp, Coast Guard or Army, please visit Community College of the Air Force Transcripts for further assistance.
  • Air Force and have completed courses via Navy, Marine Corp, Coast Guard or Army, please register as instructed below.
Failure to contact the correct service branch, may cause a delay in response time.

* This field is required.

New password must be at least fifteen (15) characters long and contains a mixture of at least
One (1) uppercase letter
One (1) lowercase letter
One (1) number and
One (1) of these special characters ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ +
