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Projects and activities | Last updated: 15 May 2024

Digital transition: Long-term implications for EU farmers and rural communities

Brief me

Successfully managing the green and digital transitions is a crucial factor that could increase the resilience and strategic autonomy of the EU and shape its future. Yet digitalisation of agriculture and rural areas raises vital questions about winners and losers, costs, benefits, and long term implications.  

This foresight exercise explores the interplay between digital transition, policies and the resilience of the agricultural sector and rural areas, against the backdrop of potential disruptive and transformative changes. The report presents the outcomes of this exploration, proposing building blocks for an effective EU digital transition strategy for agriculture and rural areas supported by a hands-on policymaker’s toolkit

Science for policy report

Based on a participatory foresight process, the report presents the outcomes of this exploration, proposing building blocks for an effective EU digital transition strategy for agriculture and rural areas supported by a hands-on policymaker’s toolkit. 

Read the report

Vision framework

The vision framework of the study enables you to perceive different aspects of the transition and presents key questions to guide the discussion on the topic and plan the transition.

Explore the interactive vision framework

Build or improve a digital transition strategy

The EU Policy Lab’s toolkit can help decision makers engage in strategic conversations about the implications of digital transition for farmers and rural communities. 

Explore the toolkit

digital transition toolkit

Interview about the study

In this short video the researchers, experts and other stakeholders explain the background, goals and the steps of the project. 

Watch the video    


The blog post reveals the goals and steps of the foresight process and explains how visioning can support transitions. 

Read the blog 

Want to know more or give feedback?

Contact Competence Centre on Foresight