Generative AI


Generative AI is a term for AI systems that generate various forms of novel output, including text, code, graphics, or audio. Generative AI uses deep learning techniques to recognize patterns in data and generate content based on these patterns.

AI has been operating in the background of everyday lives for years. Generative AI is a newer piece of technology and a unique category of AI that focuses on creating new content. While some types of AI analyze data to predict future outcomes (as seen in predictive text), generative AI goes a step further. It uses patterns it has learned from data to generate entirely new examples. This ability sets it apart from other AI types.

Because this technology is creating new information, checking for accuracy in generative AI is essential—especially in the field of education. Educators have a responsibility to ensure that shared content is accurate and reliable. Whether it's a solution to a math problem, a biography of an author, or a summary of a historical event, inaccuracies can lead to confusion or even misinformation.

A staff member starts an email to guardians about an upcoming field trip. They open Microsoft Outlook to start writing the email. AI supports them with text predictions that help save time by predicting text quickly and accurately. While this feature is an example of AI-powered technology, generative AI presents a great opportunity to expand on these types of scenarios. The staff member can turn to Microsoft Copilot and write a prompt, asking Copilot to write an email to guardians describing the upcoming field trip. They can include the website for the field trip and location. Copilot then generates a draft email to send to guardians. The staff member edits the response, copies and pastes it into Outlook, then sends it to guardians. They’ve saved time on administrative tasks and can move on to preparing learner activities for the field trip.

Each time a prompt is entered into a generative AI tool, the AI works to create brand new content, which means generative AI tools may not create the same content twice for the same prompt. The AI-generated content may follow similar patterns based on its models and algorithms, but the content is original because of the models’ continued training and adjustments.

Generative AI can assist educators by:

  • Generating essay prompts or comprehension questions that encourage critical thinking
  • Summarizing lengthy articles or texts and allowing learners to quickly grasp main ideas
  • Providing personalized feedback on assignments, helping to identify areas for improvement
  • Creating interactive language learning exercises like fill-in-the-blank or multiple-choice questions
  • Generating examples or explanations for complex concepts and making it easier for learners to understand new material

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Infographic: Generative AI can help educators with...