Learning for Good

Learning for Good
Effective philanthropy is not static.
To address the challenges we face as a society, we have to be willing to experiment, to evolve our strategies and our practice.

We have to learn; and we have to be prepared to use what we learn to improve our programs, our giving, and how we measure change.

Philanthropic infrastructure organizations — like the Johnson Center — exist because of our sector’s deep desire to understand and strengthen the work we do so that we can advance our missions. That’s a goal we all share, and there are nonprofits, foundations, and donors everywhere who are committed to using learning for good.

In this collection, we present content that considers the value and practice of learning in philanthropy.

Journal of Philanthropy

The Foundation Review

Launched at the Johnson Center in 2009, The Foundation Review is the nation’s first peer-reviewed journal of philanthropy, written by and for foundation staff, boards, and those who work with them. Through rigorous research and accessible writing, the journal can help you and your team put new ideas and good practices to work for more effective philanthropy. 

Learning for Good

The resources in this collection are designed to support organizational and personal learning in philanthropy. They represent the perspectives and expertise of diverse voices and organizations across the field.