Delaware Legislature | 2023-2024 | 152nd General Assembly | Adjourned Sine Die

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Active Delaware Bills (Introduced, Engrossed, Enrolled, Passed)

SB169This Act creates the Delaware Wrongful Conviction Compensation and Service Act. The Act provides compensation and reintegration services to individuals who have served sentences of incarceration, wrongful incarceration in a psychiatric institution, p...2024-06-30
Passed By Senate. Votes: 21 YES
SB299Under Title 29, Section 5805, no state employee, no state officer, and no private enterprise in which a state employee or state officer has a legal or equitable ownership of more than 10% (more than 1% in the case of a corporation whose stock is regu...2024-06-30
Passed By House. Votes: 40 YES 1 ABSENT
HB437This bill modifies the Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs employee requirements to make the Executive Director an exempt position, and to allow the hiring of non-veteran employees when needed. This will positively impact veteran families by redu...2024-06-30
Passed By Senate. Votes: 21 YES
HB124This Act eliminates animal noise and noise disturbances from the Noise Control and Abatement Chapter in Title 7. This Act clarifies the authority of the Office of Animal Welfare and Department of Agriculture to enforce all state laws relating to the ...2024-06-30
Passed By House. Votes: 38 YES 2 NO 1 ABSENT
HB434This substitute bill requires the Secretary of DNREC to follow certain procedures when conducting public hearings, while giving discretion to the Secretary in choosing which hearings the procedures apply to.2024-06-30
Passed By Senate. Votes: 21 YES
SB11This is a substitute for Senate Bill No. 11. Like Senate Bill No. 11, this Act is the first leg of a constitutional amendment to modernize the bail provisions within the Delaware Constitution and clarify the power of the General Assembly to enumerate...2024-06-30
Passed By House. Votes: 32 YES 8 NO 1 NOT VOTING
HB297Due to the rapidly increasing costs of materials and labor, combined with the frequency in which developers have gone out of business or otherwise been unable to complete work required within developments, this Act increases the funding required to b...2024-06-30
Passed By Senate. Votes: 20 YES 1 NOT VOTING
HB340This Act authorizes the creation of Family Justice Centers within Delaware to provide victims of crime with a single source to obtain resources and support services.2024-06-30
Passed By Senate. Votes: 21 YES
HB372This Substitute bill clarifies that the definition of day does not include Saturday, Sunday, any federal holiday, or any State legal holiday when the specified number of days is 12 or less. When the specified number of days is more than 12 days, day ...2024-06-30
Passed By House. Votes: 41 YES
SB195The Delaware Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment DMOST was enacted in 2016 under HB 64 (148th). The DMOST form allows Delawareans to plan ahead for health-care decisions, express their wishes in writing, and both enable and obligate health care pro...2024-06-30
Passed By House. Votes: 40 YES 1 ABSENT

Top Delaware Sponsors

House Sponsors# BillsRSS
Rep. Paul Baumbach [D]444Syndicate content
Rep. Kendra Johnson [D]357Syndicate content
Rep. Sherry Dorsey Walker [D]341Syndicate content
Rep. Eric Morrison [D]340Syndicate content
Rep. William Bush [D]324Syndicate content
Senate Sponsors# BillsRSS
Sen. Kyra Hoffner [D]523Syndicate content
Sen. David Sokola [D]498Syndicate content
Sen. Stephanie Hansen [D]479Syndicate content
Sen. Brian Pettyjohn [R]437Syndicate content
Sen. Bryan Townsend [D]419Syndicate content

Most Viewed Delaware Bills

HB154This bill creates the Delaware Personal Data Privacy Act. The Act delineates a consumers personal data rights and provides that residents of this State will have the right to know what information is being collected about them, see the information, c...Bill Text
HB350This Act creates the Diamond State Hospital Cost Review Board, which will be responsible for an annual review of hospital budgets and related financial information. The Board will have 7 members: 6 appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senat...Bill Text
SB2This Act is a substitute for Senate Bill No. 2. Like Senate Bill No. 2 this Act does all of the following:Bill Text
HB2The Delaware Marijuana Control Act regulates and taxes marijuana for recreational use in much the same manner as alcohol. It creates a framework for production, manufacture, and sale in a legal recreational marijuana industry.Bill Text
HB1This Act removes all penalties for use or possession of a personal use quantity of marijuana and marijuana accessories. It further specifies that the adult sharing of a personal use quantity or less of marijuana is legal activity for those 21 years o...Bill Text
HB365This Act is enabling legislation that establishes the framework and requirements for a competitive mobile sports wagering market in Delaware under the authority of the Lottery Director. Sports wagering is now legal in 38 states, and 29 states have le...Bill Text
HB140This Act permits a terminally ill individual who is an adult resident of Delaware to request and self-administer medication to end the individual's life in a humane and dignified manner if both the individual's attending physician or attendin...Bill Text
SB4This Act is a substitute for Senate Bill No. 4, replacing Senate Substitute No. 1 for Senate Bill No. 4. and Senate Substitute No. 2 for Senate Bill No. 4. Like Senate Bill No. 4, Senate Substitute No. 1, and Senate Substitute No. 2 for Senate Bill N...Bill Text
HB285This Act amends the Delaware Medical Marijuana Act by removing the requirement that a patient have a debilitating medical condition to qualify for a registry identification card, instead allowing health-care providers to make the determination of whe...Bill Text
SB1This Act is a substitute for Senate Bill No. 1. Like Senate Bill No. 1, this Act creates a right to representation for tenants in evictions and other landlord-tenant actions.Bill Text

Most Monitored Delaware Bills

HB154This bill creates the Delaware Personal Data Privacy Act. The Act delineates a consumers personal data rights and provides that residents of this State will have the right to know what information is being collected about them, see the information, c...Bill Text
HB350This Act creates the Diamond State Hospital Cost Review Board, which will be responsible for an annual review of hospital budgets and related financial information. The Board will have 7 members: 6 appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senat...Bill Text
HB17This Act requires all employers in the State to provide employees with a minimum of 1 hour of earned sick time and safety leave for every 30 hours worked. For employers of fewer than 10 employees, the time may be unpaid, job-protected time instead of...Bill Text
SB4This Act is a substitute for Senate Bill No. 4, replacing Senate Substitute No. 1 for Senate Bill No. 4. and Senate Substitute No. 2 for Senate Bill No. 4. Like Senate Bill No. 4, Senate Substitute No. 1, and Senate Substitute No. 2 for Senate Bill N...Bill Text
HB140This Act permits a terminally ill individual who is an adult resident of Delaware to request and self-administer medication to end the individual's life in a humane and dignified manner if both the individual's attending physician or attendin...Bill Text
HB110Section 1 amends Title 31 to require all health benefit plans delivered or issued for Medicaid to cover services related to the termination of pregnancy. Coverage provided under this section is not subject to any deductible, coinsurance, copayment, o...Bill Text
HB2The Delaware Marijuana Control Act regulates and taxes marijuana for recreational use in much the same manner as alcohol. It creates a framework for production, manufacture, and sale in a legal recreational marijuana industry.Bill Text
HB285This Act amends the Delaware Medical Marijuana Act by removing the requirement that a patient have a debilitating medical condition to qualify for a registry identification card, instead allowing health-care providers to make the determination of whe...Bill Text
SB2This Act is a substitute for Senate Bill No. 2. Like Senate Bill No. 2 this Act does all of the following:Bill Text
HB75This Bill is the Fiscal Year 2024 Appropriations Act.Bill Text

Delaware Sessions

2023-2024152nd General Assembly1227315BrowseSearchDownload
2021-2022151st General Assembly1147528BrowseSearchDownload
2019-2020150th General Assembly795295BrowseSearchDownload
2017-2018149th General Assembly1008453BrowseSearchDownload
2015-2016148th General Assembly1009426BrowseSearchDownload
2013-2014147th General Assembly912441BrowseSearchDownload
2011-2012146th General Assembly872419BrowseSearchDownload
2009-2010145th General Assembly1004459BrowseSearchDownload