On 4/25/07, David Gerard <dgerard@gmail.com> wrote:
On 25/04/07, Artur Fija�kowski <wiki.warx@gmail.com> wrote:

> Some time ago someone introduced Mayflower on this list :)
> My first opinion about this tool was: great, but ugly logo will make
> it useless ;)
> Now with some help of Masur we have something a bit nicer and good
> starting point for evolving something even better ;)
> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Wikimedia_Community_Logo-Mayflower.svg

<catmacro>I APPROVE OF THIS</catmacro>

Very nice; I like the logo on its own very much. The addition of "Mayflower search" or "Mayflower <br> Search Engine" below is probably a good idea though. At the moment I'm not sure that if someone saw the logo they would say "oh that's the logo of a tool for searching for images" or even "oh that's a search engine"...

Perhaps I have my marketing hat on but the point of a logo has always been, to me, that it clearly demonstrates at a glance what the item is; the toolserver logo ( http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Wikimedia_Community_Logo-Toolserver.svg ) is a great example of this. What about having half the center be the ship and half a magnifying glass (classic symbol for a search), or something of the sort?

Just throwing out ideas, I still like the logo as-is :)
  ~Editor at Large