Trebel Amplifies Mobile Revenue with LiveRamp’s Authenticated Traffic Solution

The innovative music streaming platform partnered with LiveRamp to evolve its monetization strategy

130 % eCPM uplift
15-20 % ARPDAU Increase


Company Size

200 employees


Entertainment & Sports

Use Cases

Authenticated Traffic Solution (ATS)
Publishers and Platforms

130 % eCPM uplift
15-20 % ARPDAU Increase

Trebel, the innovative on-demand music download and discovery platform by M&M Media Inc., aimed to enhance monetization strategies for its mobile inventory. This case study explores how Trebel leveraged LiveRamp’s Authenticated Traffic Solution (ATS) to boost their mobile revenue.

Die Herausforderung

Trebel faced several challenges in optimizing its mobile inventory monetization:

  1. Enhancing eCPM: The need to boost eCPM and overall revenue for their Android monetization.
  2. Increasing Fill Rates: Improving fill rates to help maximize ARPDAU (Average Revenue Per Daily Active User) for users.

Die Lösung

Trebel adopted a data-driven approach and collaborated with LiveRamp to harness the power of ATS. Key strategies included:

  1. ATS Implementation: Integration of ATS to pass RampID envelopes to their programmatic bidstream for a more personalized ad experience.
  2. Data Analysis: In-depth data analysis of ATS usage, focusing on “RampID eCPM Lift.”

“Enabling LiveRamp's Authenticated Traffic Solution was a seamless process, and we've seen a huge boost in monetization since implementing it in our apps.”

Shaun Ferreira Head of Ad Operations / Trebel Music

The Results

Trebel’s collaboration with LiveRamp to implement Authenticated Traffic Solution (ATS) produced remarkable outcomes. Trebel achieved substantial eCPM uplift and generated significant incremental revenue. These positive statistics validated their ATS implementation and its effectiveness in maximizing revenue from mobile inventory.

As Trebel continues to explore innovative monetization strategies, this success story showcases the potential of ATS as a powerful tool for publishers seeking to optimize their advertising revenue in the mobile InApp world.

“Enabling LiveRamp’s Authenticated Traffic Solution was a seamless process, and we’ve seen a huge boost in monetization since implementing it in our apps. In addition to eCPM lift, we have seen a 15-20% lift on Android ARPDAU in the US vs the prior year since going live. Amidst ATT and other signal loss, leveraging authenticated identity generated immediate returns, and will provide an enduring, sustainable pillar for our ad tech stack for the foreseeable future.” – Shaun Ferreira, Head of Ad Operations at Trebel Music

These impressive results highlight the revenue-boosting potential of ATS for Trebel’s mobile inventory.

* Data is for October 2023

What’s Next?

If you’re ready to join the world’s most innovative companies and explore what LiveRamp’s Authenticated Traffic Solution (ATS) can do for you, LiveRamp is ready to help!