Author: Han Nguyen

Han is a chemical engineer who manages grants in the areas of computational chemistry and biology in the Division of Biophysics, Biomedical Technology, and Computational Biosciences. He is a scientific contact for the NIGMS National and Regional Resources (R24) Program.

Posts by Han Nguyen

Request for Information: Expanding the Technology Scope of NIGMS Resource and Centers Programs

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NIGMS supports National and Regional Resources (NRRs) that provide biomedical researchers with access to mature technologies and Biomedical Technology Optimization and Dissemination (BTOD) Centers that optimize and disseminate late-stage technologies for the research community to use. The NRR-associated mature technologies are ready for researchers’ immediate use without further development. By contrast, the late-stage technologies supported by BTOD Centers require optimization prior to dissemination to the biomedical research community.

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