User:Arbnos/List of bosons

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B meson

number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 strange B meson meson composed of a bottom antiquark and a strange quark B meson gravity
strong interaction
weak interaction
531 Q7621335 type of quantum particle
2 B⁰ meson neutrally charged B meson B meson gravity 511 Q17255427 type of quantum particle
3 B⁺ meson positive charged B meson B meson gravity
electromagnetic interaction
521 Q17255429 type of quantum particle
4 B¯ meson negative charged B meson B meson gravity
electromagnetic interaction
-521 Q17255430 type of quantum particle
5 charmed B meson meson composed of a bottom antiquark and a charm quark B meson 541 Q17255434 type of quantum particle

W or Z boson

number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 Z boson electrically neutral elementary particle that mediate the weak interaction Z boson W or Z boson
real neutral particle
gauge boson
elementary particle
weak interaction
23 Q488719 type of quantum particle
2 W boson charged elementary particle that mediate the weak interaction W boson W or Z boson
gauge boson
elementary particle
weak interaction
electromagnetic interaction
24 Q1029485 type of quantum particle


number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 phonon quasiparticle of mechanical vibrations boson
1922 Q186608 quasiparticle
2 Graviphoton hypothetical particle in gravity theories boson Q844302 hypothetical particle
3 cobalt-60 isotope of cobalt boson
Q932960 isotope of cobalt
4 Goldstone boson massless boson that must be present in a quantum system with spontaneously broken symmetry boson Q1153441 type of quantum particle
5 magnon spin 1 quasiparticle; quantum of a spin wave boson gravity Q1377101 quasiparticle
6 E(38) boson lightest known nuclear particle boson
subatomic particle
Q1528450 type of quantum particle
7 vector boson boson with the spin equal to 1 boson gravity Q2563571 type of quantum particle
8 Curvaton boson Q3007865
9 Pseudo-Goldstone boson boson Q7254408 type of quantum particle
10 X17 particle hypothetical subatomic particle as the cause of anomalous measurement results near 17 MeV boson
hypothetical particle
fifth force
Q76161097 type of quantum particle
11 X boson charged massive gauge boson of charge ±1⅓𝑒 in grand unified theories mediating proton decay boson Q77839715 type of quantum particle

charged particle

number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 Y boson charged massive gauge boson of charge ±⅓𝑒 in grand unified theories mediating proton decay charged particle
elementary particle
X and Y bosons
hypothetical particle
electromagnetic interaction
Q4053420 type of quantum particle
2 Zc(3900) subatomic particle charged particle
exotic meson
electromagnetic interaction
strong interaction
weak interaction
Q13501303 type of quantum particle

elementary boson

number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 gauge boson force carrier, a bosonic particle that carries any of the fundamental interactions of nature, commonly called forces elementary boson
force carrier
strong interaction
weak interaction
electromagnetic interaction
Q105580 type of quantum particle
2 scalar boson boson with spin equal to zero elementary boson Q2750336 type of quantum particle

elementary particle

number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 massless quantum particle quantum particle having zero rest mass (zero invariant or intrinsic mass) elementary particle
non-matter particles
neutral particle
gravity Q2024141 type of quantum particle
2 elementary boson particle of non-matter that has no known substructure elementary particle
gravity Q28920814 type of quantum particle

exotic meson

number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 tetraquark exotic meson composed of four valence quarks exotic meson gravity
strong interaction
Q606387 type of quantum particle
2 glueball a composite particle made of gluons bound by the strong force exotic meson
hypothetical exotic hadron
Q1199270 type of quantum particle
3 X(3872) exotic meson Q4021177
4 Z(3930) meson exotic meson Q15927226 type of quantum particle
5 Hybrid meson exotic meson Q18456402 type of quantum particle
6 hexaquark large family of hypothetical particles, each particle consisting of six quarks or antiquarks of any flavours exotic meson Q30036083 type of quantum particle
hypothetical entity

gauge boson

number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 photon elementary particle, the carrier and quantum of electromagnetism gauge boson
massless quantum particle
stable elementary particle
real neutral particle
force carrier
elementary particle
electromagnetic interaction
22 Q3198 type of quantum particle
2 gluon elementary particle that mediates the strong force gauge boson
massless quantum particle
force carrier
elementary particle
strong interaction
21 Q3299 type of quantum particle
3 W or Z boson massive gauge bosons that mediate the weak nuclear interaction gauge boson
massive quantum particle
force carrier
weak interaction
Q211922 type of quantum particle
4 X and Y bosons charged massive gauge bosons in the SU(5) Georgi–Glashow grand unified model mediating proton decay, filling out the adjoint representation of SU(5) together with the gluon, the photon and the W and Z bosons gauge boson
hypothetical particle
Q1996385 type of quantum particle
5 W' and Z' bosons hypothetical gauge bosons that arise from extensions of the electroweak symmetry of the Standard Model gauge boson
hypothetical particle
Q2425590 type of quantum particle


number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 g3 3rd gluon colour eigenstate gluon
real neutral particle
strong interaction
Q50276333 type of quantum particle
2 g1 1st gluon colour eigenstate gluon gravity
strong interaction
Q50276388 type of quantum particle
3 g2 2nd gluon colour eigenstate gluon gravity
strong interaction
Q50277755 type of quantum particle
4 g4 4th gluon colour eigenstate gluon gravity
strong interaction
Q50277762 type of quantum particle
5 g5 5th gluon colour eigenstate gluon gravity
strong interaction
Q50277767 type of quantum particle
6 g6 6th gluon colour eigenstate gluon gravity
strong interaction
Q50277774 type of quantum particle
7 g7 7th gluon colour eigenstate gluon gravity
strong interaction
Q50277792 type of quantum particle
8 g8 8th gluon colour eigenstate gluon
real neutral particle
strong interaction
Q50277800 type of quantum particle

hypothetical particle

number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 graviton hypothetical elementary particle that mediates gravitation hypothetical particle
massless quantum particle
gravity 39 Q103585 type of quantum particle
2 Leptoquark hypothetical particles with both lepton and baryon number hypothetical particle
Q1758767 type of quantum particle
3 inflaton hypothetical scalar field driving cosmic inflation hypothetical particle
elementary boson
gravity Q2576923 type of quantum particle
4 Y(4140) hypothetical particle
strong interaction
Q2616706 type of quantum particle
5 charged higgs boson hypothetical Higgs boson with charge hypothetical particle
Higgs boson
electromagnetic interaction
Q86536292 type of quantum particle


number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 pion lightest meson with a quark and an antiquark meson
pseudoscalar meson
strong interaction
weak interaction
electromagnetic interaction
Q4097 type of quantum particle
2 eta meson isosinglet meson made of a mixture of up, down and strange quarks and their antiquarks meson
pseudoscalar meson
221 Q309940 type of quantum particle
3 χb(3P) meson meson meson 210551 Q424123 type of quantum particle
4 D meson Particle in physics meson
Q602556 type of quantum particle
5 B meson subatomic particle meson Q795131 type of quantum particle
6 kaon quantum particle meson
scalar boson
Q843503 type of quantum particle
7 theta meson hypothetical form of quarkonium meson Q1045270 type of quantum particle
8 T meson meson Q1132774 type of quantum particle
9 quarkonium meson whose constituents are a quark and its own antiquark of the same flavor meson Q1540413
10 pseudoscalar meson meson with total spin 0 and odd parity meson Q3642920 type of quantum particle
11 Photo-meson meson ejected from an atomic nucleus by a high energy photon meson Q7187639 type of quantum particle
12 pseudovector meson meson Q7255699 type of quantum particle
13 Y(4260) meson Q8045689 type of quantum particle
14 bottomonium meson formed from a bottom quark and its antiquark meson Q12786247
15 b meson subatomic particle meson Q16176226


number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 surface phonon phonon Q7646004
2 acoustic phonon phonon Q20072653
3 optical phonon phonon Q117187517


number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 biophoton photon from a biological source photon Q551338
2 soft photon photon having energies much smaller than the energies of the particles participating in a particular scattering process photon Q7554013
3 Lyc photon photon Q15110888


number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 π⁺ positive charged pion pion
charged pion
electromagnetic interaction
211 Q17254249 type of quantum particle
2 π⁻ negative charged pion pion
charged pion
electromagnetic interaction
-211 Q17254273 type of quantum particle
3 π⁰ meson that carries the nuclear force pion
weak interaction
111 Q17254284 type of quantum particle
4 charged pion pion with electric charge pion gravity
electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
strong interaction
Q60063718 type of quantum particle

rho meson

number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 positive rho meson rho meson gravity
electromagnetic interaction
Q60062950 type of quantum particle
2 negative rho meson rho meson gravity
electromagnetic interaction
Q60063013 type of quantum particle
3 neutral rho meson rho meson gravity Q60063168 type of quantum particle

scalar boson

number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 Higgs boson elementary particle transmitting the Higgs field giving particles mass scalar boson weak interaction
electromagnetic interaction
35 Q402 type of quantum particle
2 scalar meson meson with total spin 0 and even parity scalar boson
Q7429686 type of quantum particle


number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 squark superpartner of quark sfermion
strong interaction
Q3107191 type of quantum particle
2 slepton superpartner of a lepton sfermion weak interaction
electromagnetic interaction
Q6130374 type of quantum particle


number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 sneutrino superpartner of a neutrino slepton gravity Q1087194 type of quantum particle
2 selectron superpartner of the electron slepton
elementary particle
electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
Q1087203 type of quantum particle
3 smuon superpartner of a muon slepton
elementary particle
electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
Q18732735 type of quantum particle
4 stauon superpartner of a tauon slepton Q18732794 type of quantum particle


number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 Smuon sneutrino superpartner of a Muon neutrino sneutrino gravity Q18732721 type of quantum particle
2 Stau sneutrino superpartner of a Tau neutrino sneutrino Q18732729 type of quantum particle


number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 strange squark squark Q18732740
2 stop squark superpartner of the top quark squark
elementary particle
electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
strong interaction
Q18732748 type of quantum particle
3 charm squark squark Q18732756
4 bottom squark squark Q18732762
5 down squark squark Q18732769
6 up squark squark Q18732774


number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 Z(4430) mesonic resonance discovered by the Belle experiment tetraquark gravity Q8062799 type of quantum particle
2 X(6900) subatomic particle tetraquark Q97155932 type of quantum particle
3 Tcc+ tetraquark Q108123944 type of quantum particle
4 double-charm tetraquark type of tetraquark tetraquark Q108714409 subatomic particle

vector meson

number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 rho meson meson that carries the nuclear force vector meson gravity
electromagnetic interaction
Q306428 type of quantum particle
2 phi meson in particle physics vector meson 333 Q309954 type of quantum particle
3 Upsilon meson particle vector meson
553 Q424117 type of quantum particle
4 ω-meson flavorless vector meson formed from a superposition of an up quark–antiquark and a down quark–antiquark pair vector meson gravity
electromagnetic interaction
strong interaction
weak interaction
223 Q424134 type of quantum particle
5 J/psi meson neutral meson having charm quark and charm anti quark vector meson 443 Q876518 type of quantum particle


number Article description subclass of interaction start time Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 deuterium isotope of hydrogen with 1 neutron hydrogen
simple substance
Q102296 stable isotope
isotope of hydrogen
2 meson subatomic particle; hadron made of equal number of quark(s) and antiquark(s): normally one of each hadron
strong interaction
Q102742 type of quantum particle
3 deuteron atomic nucleus; having the symbol ²H⁺ or D⁺, is the +1 ion of deuterium, ²H or D hydron
Q503527 type of chemical entity
4 Cooper pair pair of electrons or other fermions bound together at low temperature allowing for superconductivity dyad
Q620057 physical phenomenon
5 helium-4 isotope of helium helium
Q1151346 isotope of helium
stable isotope
6 goldstino Goldstone particle corresponding to spontaneously broken supersymmetry Goldstone boson
gravity Q1536139 type of quantum particle
7 sfermion bosonic superpartner of a fermion superpartner
scalar boson
gravity Q2347008 type of quantum particle
8 exotic meson hadron with an even number of quarks greater than two exotic hadron
Q2629256 type of quantum particle
9 dibaryon exotic hadron containing six quarks, resembling two baryons bound together hexaquark Q2714177 type of quantum particle
10 vector meson meson with total spin 1 and odd parity vector boson
Q2748910 type of quantum particle
11 Bottom eta meson pseudoscalar meson 551 Q4949130 type of quantum particle
12 ferromagnon magnon in a ferromagnet magnon Q12568232
13 charmonium quarkonium Q19937985
14 K⁰ kaon with zero electric charge kaon
neutral particle
Q73875472 type of quantum particle
15 K0 short quantum particle K⁰
Q74031442 type of quantum particle
16 δD measure of the ratio of stable hydrogen isotopes deuterium and protium deuterium
Q116467818 stable isotope ratio
17 virtual photon concept in physics virtual particle
End of automatically generated list.