MediaWiki talk:Gadget-Move.js

Latest comment: 4 months ago by Simon Villeneuve in topic Move to new item



To translate this script, please copy the following English messages and translate them into your language.

=== <lang code> ===
			'move': 'Move',
			'move-toolbar': 'move',
			'close': 'Close',
			'newitem': 'The id of the new item',
			'intro': 'You can move a sitelink to another item. Please give a valid item id and check if the link for the new item is already set. Also remember to move label and descriptions.',
			'success': 'The sitelink $2 was successfully moved to $1.',
			'success-multi': 'The sitelinks were sucessfully moved to $1.',
			'error-sameid': 'The new item\'s id has to be different to the current one\'s.',
			'error-invalidid': 'The given id is not a valid item identifier.',
			'error-notexisting': 'The item with the id $1 does not exist.',
			'error-overwrite': 'The link for the given site in $1 is already set. Please check the item\'s id or remove the link from the item.',
			'error-api': 'There was an error editing the item: $1'

please add this translation for farsi

			'move':			'انتقال',
			'move-toolbar':		'انتقال',
			'close':		'بستن',
			'newitem':		'شمارهٔ آیتم مورد نظر',
			'intro':		'شما می توانید شمارهٔ آیتم جدید را وارد کنید توجه داشته باشید در صورتی که میان‌ویکی مقصد موجود نباشد انتقال انجام می‌شود',
			'success':		'میان‌ویکی با موفقیت به آیتم $1 منتقل شد.',
			'error-sameid':		'شمارهٔ آیتم مقصد باید با آیتمی که در آن هستید متفاوت باشد!',
			'error-invalidid':	'شمارهٔ آیتم مورد نظر درست نیست.',
			'error-notexisting':	'آیتمی با کد $1 وجود ندارد.',
			'error-overwrite':	'میان‌ویکی سایت مورد نظر $1 موجود است. لطفاً شمارهٔ آیتم وارد شده را چک کنید یا پیوند را از آیتم مثصد حذف نمائید..',
			'error-api':		'خطای ویرایش آیتم: $1'

Yamaha5 (talk) 16:57, 28 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt by Bene*. --Stryn (talk) 13:16, 30 March 2013 (UTC)Antwort
                        'move':                 '移動',
                        'move-toolbar':         '移動',
                        'close':                '中止',
                        'newitem':              '新しい項目のID',
                        'intro':                'サイトリンクを新しい新しい項目に移すことができます。指定した項目のIDが間違っていないか、新しい項目に既にリンクが設定されていないか確認してください。ラベルと説明を直すのも忘れないでください。',
                        'success':              'サイトリンクを $1 へ移動しました。',
                        'error-sameid':         '新しい項目のIDはこの項目のものとは別でなければなりません。',
                        'error-invalidid':      '指定されたIDは項目の識別子として無効です。',
                        'error-notexisting':    'ID $1 の項目は存在しません。',
                        'error-overwrite':      '指定されたサイトに対するリンクが $1 に既に設定されています。新しい項目のIDを確認するか、既存のリンクを除去してください。',
                        'error-api':            '項目の編集中にエラーが発生しました: $1'

Please add Japanese translation. Thanks in advance. --fryed-peach (talk) 00:29, 29 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt --Stryn (talk) 13:16, 30 March 2013 (UTC)Antwort
                        'move':                 '이동',
                        'move-toolbar':         '이동',
                        'close':                '닫기',
                        'newitem':              '새 항목의 ID',
                        'intro':                '사이트링크를 새 항목으로 이동합니다. 유효한 ID를 입력해 주세요. 새 항목에 이미 링크가 있는지 확인해 주세요. 레이블과 설명을 고치는 것도 잊지 마세요.',
                        'success':              '사이트링크를 $1로 이동했습니다.',
                        'error-sameid':         '새 항목의 ID는 현재 항목과 달라야 합니다.',
                        'error-invalidid':      '입력한 ID가 유효한 항목 식별자가 이닙니다.',
                        'error-notexisting':    '항목 $1이 없습니다.',
                        'error-overwrite':      '$1에 이미 지정한 사이트의 링크가 이미 있습니다. 항목 ID를 다시 확인하시거나, 기존의 링크를 삭제해주세요.',
                        'error-api':            '항목 $1의 편집 중에 오류가 발생했습니다.'

Thanks in advance. --ChongDae (talk) 02:31, 30 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt --Stryn (talk) 13:16, 30 March 2013 (UTC)Antwort
                        'move':                 'Переместить',
                        'move-toolbar':         'переместить',
                        'close':                'Закрыть',
                        'newitem':              'Идентификатор нового элемента',
                        'intro':                'Вы можете переместить интервики-ссылку в другой элемент. Укажите верный идентификатор элемента и проверьте, может, ссылка для нового элемента уже указана. Также не забудьте переместить название и описание.',
                        'success':              'Интервики-ссылка была перемещена в объект $1.',
                        'error-sameid':         'Идентификатор нового элемента должен отличаться от идентификатора старого элемента.',
                        'error-invalidid':      'Указано некорректное значение.',
                        'error-notexisting':    'Элемента с идентификатором $1 не существует.',
                        'error-overwrite':      'Интервики-ссылка на этот языковой раздел уже существует в элементе $1. Проверьте идентификатор элемента или удалите ссылку из элемента.',
                        'error-api':            'При редактировании элемента произошла ошибка: $1'

--Michgrig (talk) 06:41, 30 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt --Stryn (talk) 13:16, 30 March 2013 (UTC)Antwort

id & min

                        'move':                 'Pindah',
                        'move-toolbar':         'pindah',
                        'close':                'Tutup',
                        'newitem':              'ID (Qxxx) item baru',
                        'intro':                'Anda dapat memindahkan interwiki ke item baru. Harap masukkan id (Qxxx) yang valid dan cek sebelumnya apakah id tersebut sudah ada. Jangan lupa memindahkan label dan properti.',
                        'success':              'Interwiki berhasil dipindahkan ke $1.',
                        'error-sameid':         'Item baru haruslah berbeda dari item sekarang.',
                        'error-invalidid':      'ID yang dimasukkan tidak valid.',
                        'error-notexisting':    'Item dengan id $1 belum ada.',
                        'error-overwrite':      'Interwiki item pada wiki $1 sudah ada. Silakan di cek atau hapus interwiki dari item tersebut.',
                        'error-api':            'Ada kesalahan penyuntingan item: $1'
                        'move':                 'Pindah',
                        'move-toolbar':         'pindah',
                        'close':                'Tutuik',
                        'newitem':              'ID (Qxxx) item baru',
                        'intro':                'Sanak dapek mamindahan interwiki ka item baru. Harap masuakan id (Qxxx) nan valid dan cek sabalumnyo apo id tasabuik lah ado. Jan lupo mamindahan label jo properti.',
                        'success':              'Interwiki barasil dipindahan ka $1.',
                        'error-sameid':         'Item baru haruslah babedo dari item kini ko.',
                        'error-invalidid':      'ID nan dimasuakan indak valid.',
                        'error-notexisting':    'Item jo id $1 alun ado.',
                        'error-overwrite':      'Interwiki item pado wiki $1 alah ado. Silakan di cek atau hapuih interwiki dari item tasabuik.',
                        'error-api':            'Ada kasalahan panyuntiangan item: $1'

Tanks in advance. --  Ę-oиė  >>> 21:05, 30 March 2013 (UTC)Antwort

  Erledigt. --Stryn (talk) 11:41, 31 March 2013 (UTC)Antwort

{{Edit request}}

                        'move':                 '移动',
                        'move-toolbar':         '移动',
                        'close':                '关闭',
                        'newitem':              '新项目的ID',
                        'intro':                '你可以将连结移动到另一个项目里。请输入一个有效项目的ID并确认新项目中没有相同语言的连结。请记得移动标签和描述。',
                        'success':              '连结已移动至$1。',
                        'error-sameid':         '请不要输入与此页相同的ID。',
                        'error-invalidid':      '这个ID不是一个有效的项目。',
                        'error-notexisting':    '项目$1并不存在。',
                        'error-overwrite':      '项目$1中已有相同语言的连结。请确认输入的ID或移除$1中的连结。',
                        'error-api':            '在编辑项目$1时似乎发生了一些问题。'
zh-hans (include zh-cn, zh-sg, zh-my)
                        'move':                 '移动',
                        'move-toolbar':         '移动',
                        'close':                '关闭',
                        'newitem':              '新项目的ID',
                        'intro':                '你可以将连结移动到另一个项目里。请输入一个有效项目的ID并确认新项目中没有相同语言的连结。请记得移动标签和描述。',
                        'success':              '连结已移动至$1。',
                        'error-sameid':         '请不要输入与此页相同的ID。',
                        'error-invalidid':      '这个ID不是一个有效的项目。',
                        'error-notexisting':    '项目$1并不存在。',
                        'error-overwrite':      '项目$1中已有相同语言的连结。请确认输入的ID或移除$1中的连结。',
                        'error-api':            '在编辑项目$1时似乎发生了一些问题。'
zh-hant (include zh-tw, zh-hk, zh-mo)
                        'move':                 '移動',
                        'move-toolbar':         '移動',
                        'close':                '關閉',
                        'newitem':              '新項目的ID',
                        'intro':                '你可以將連結移動到另一個項目裡。請輸入一個有效項目的ID並確認新項目中沒有相同語言的連結。請記得移動標籤和描述。',
                        'success':              '連結已移動至$1。',
                        'error-sameid':         '請不要輸入與此頁相同的ID。',
                        'error-invalidid':      '這個ID不是一個有效的項目。',
                        'error-notexisting':    '項目$1並不存在。',
                        'error-overwrite':      '項目$1中已有相同語言的連結。請確認輸入的ID或移除$1中的連結。',
                        'error-api':            '在編輯項目$1時似乎發生了一些問題。'

--tntchn Comment · Contribs 18:08, 1 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt --Bene* talk 10:54, 5 April 2013 (UTC)Antwort

Moving labels and descriptions


Does this gadget move only sitelinks? Bene*, could you teach it to move labels and desciptions as well? --Michgrig (talk) 06:10, 30 March 2013 (UTC)Reply


                        'move':                 'Déplacer',
                        'move-toolbar':         'déplacer',
                        'close':                'Fermer',
                        'newitem':              'L\'identifiant du nouvel élément',
                        'intro':                'Vous pouvez déplacer un lien interlangue vers un nouvel élément. Merci pour cela de donner un identifiant d\'élément valide (QXXX) et de vérifier si l\'élément vers lequel vous voulez déplacer ce lien est adapté. Pensez aussi à déplacer labels et descriptions.',
                        'success':              'Le lien interlangue a été déplacé avec succès vers l\'élément $1.',
                        'error-sameid':         'L\'identifiant du nouvel élément doit être différent de celui de l\'élément que vous êtes en train de modifier.',
                        'error-invalidid':      'L\'identifiant que vous avez entré n\'est pas valide.',
                        'error-notexisting':    'Il n\'existe pas d\'élément dont l\'identifiant est $1.',
                        'error-overwrite':      'Il existe déjà un lien interlangue pour cette Wikipédia dans l\'élément $1. Merci de vérifier l\'identifiant du nouvel élément ou de supprimer simplement le lien interlangue de cette page.',
                        'error-api':            'Une erreur s\'est produite lors de l\'édition de l\'élément $1.'

--Automatik (talk) 22:46, 3 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt --Bene* talk 10:54, 5 April 2013 (UTC)Antwort

{{Edit request}}

                        'move':                 'Mover',
                        'move-toolbar':         'mover',
                        'close':                'Cerrar',
                        'newitem':              'ID del nuevo elemento',
                        'intro':                'Puedes mover el enlace de un sitio a un nuevo elemento. Por favor, proporciona un elemento válido y comprueba si el enlace para el nuevo elemento ya está establecido. También recuerda mover las etiquetas y descripciones.',
                        'success':              'El enlace del sitio fue movido satisfactoriamente a $1.',
                        'error-sameid':         'El id del nuevo elemento tiene que ser diferente al id del elemento actual.',
                        'error-invalidid':      'El id proporcionado no es un identificador de elemento válido.',
                        'error-notexisting':    'El elemento con el id $1 no existe.',
                        'error-overwrite':      'El enlace para el sitio proporcionado en $1 ya está establecido. Por favor, comprueba el id del elemento o elimina el enlace del elemento.',
                        'error-api':            'Hubo un erro al editar el elemento: $1'

--Vivaelcelta (talk) 07:41, 5 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt --Bene* talk 10:54, 5 April 2013 (UTC)Antwort

{{Edit request}}

                        'move':                 'Mover',
                        'move-toolbar':         'mover',
                        'close':                'Pechar',
                        'newitem':              'ID do novo elemento',
                        'intro':                'Podes mover a ligazón dun sitio a un novo elemento. Por favor, proporciona un elemento válido e comproba se a ligazón para o novo elemento xa está establecido. Tamén lembra mover as etiquetas e descricións.',
                        'success':              'A ligazón do sitio foi movida satisfactoriamente a $1.',
                        'error-sameid':         'O id do novo elemento ten que ser diferente ó id do elemento actual.',
                        'error-invalidid':      'O id proporcionado non é un identificador de elemento válido.',
                        'error-notexisting':    'O elemento co id $1 non existe.',
                        'error-overwrite':      'A ligazón para o sitio en $1 xa está establecido. Por favor, comproba o id do elemento ou elimina a ligazón do elemento elemento.',
                        'error-api':            'Houbo un erro ó editar o elemento: $1'

--Vivaelcelta (talk) 07:41, 5 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt --Bene* talk 10:54, 5 April 2013 (UTC)Antwort

For saving Wikipedia resource, please merge zh and zh-hans together. tntchn Comment · Contribs 12:36, 5 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for the notice --Bene* talk 12:44, 5 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Press "Enter" to move?


tntchn Comment · Contribs 16:42, 5 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Should be fixed. Does it work for you? --Bene* talk 18:38, 7 April 2013 (UTC)Antwort
Now it works. tntchn Comment · Contribs 18:23, 11 April 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hi, the following watchlist preferences don't work when using this tool:

  • Add pages and files I edit to my watchlist
  • (Add pages and files I move to my watchlist)

--> see Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-watchlist

Can somebody fix this. Thanks --Teilzeittroll (talk) 17:55, 7 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi, the watch list preferences don't work at all in Wikidata. There is only a javascript hack to fix this bug, but it only works for the normal editing interface. --Bene* talk 18:35, 7 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Hi, it's working for me. At least, when I edit items the normal way (e.g. add new interwikis). --Teilzeittroll (talk) 19:05, 7 April 2013 (UTC)Reply



{{Edit request}} please add

                   case 'bn':
		mw.messages.set( {
			'move':			'স্থানান্তর',
			'move-toolbar':		'স্থানান্তর',
			'close':		'বন্ধ',
			'newitem':		'নতুন আইটেমটির আইডি',
			'intro':		'আপনি একটি সাইট লিঙ্ক অন্য আইটেমে স্থানান্তর করতে পারেন। দয়া করে আইটেমের বৈধ আইডি দিন এবং পরীক্ষা করুন যদি ইতিমধ্যে নতুন আইটেমটির জন্য লিঙ্ক সেট করা হয়। এছাড়াও লেবেল ও বিবরণ সরাতে মনে রাখবেন।',
			'success':		'সাইটলিঙ্ক সফলভাবে $1-এ স্থানান্তর হয়েছে।',
			'error-sameid':		'আইটেমের নতুন আইডি বর্তমান আইডি থেকে ভিন্ন হতে হবে।',
			'error-invalidid':	'প্রদত্ত আইডি কোনো বৈধ আইটেম শনাক্তকারী নয়।',
			'error-notexisting':	'আইডি $1-এর আইটেমটি বিদ্যমান নেই।',
			'error-overwrite':	'প্রদত্ত সাইটের জন্য লিঙ্ক $1-এ ইতিমধ্যেই সেট করা আছে। দয়া করে আইটেম আইডি পরীক্ষা করুন অথবা আইটেম থেকে লিঙ্ক মুছে ফেলুন।',
			'error-api':		'আইটেম সম্পাদনায় ত্রুটি ছিল: $1'
		} );

--Aftab1995 (talk) 22:09, 12 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt, thanks -- Bene* talk 07:24, 13 April 2013 (UTC)Antwort

+ Request for delete


please set this tool when after moving language link to new item and empty the old item after that request the old item for delete (if it is empty) --Yamaha5 (talk) 21:18, 15 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

+ move summary


please add summary for old item that shows the removed language link went to which item!Yamaha5 (talk) 21:22, 15 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

This is not possible now with the API... --Ricordisamoa 21:53, 15 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
The custom summaries had been there since rev 8272413, but the API supports them only from few weeks. --Ricordisamoa 02:44, 14 September 2013 (UTC)Antwort
thank you for your answer Yamaha5 (talk) 16:07, 14 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

Macedonian translation


Could I have the following Macedonian (mk) translation added.

	case 'mk':
		mw.messages.set( {
			'move':			'Премести',
			'move-toolbar':		'премести',
			'close':		'Затвори',
			'newitem':		'Назнака на новиот предмет',
			'intro':		'Можете да преместите викиврска во друг предмет. Внесете важечка предметна назнака и проверете врската за новиот предмет да не е веќе зададена. Исто така, не заборавајте да ги преместите етикетата и описите.',
			'success':		'Викиврската е успешно преместена во $1.',
			'error-sameid':		'Назнаката на новиот предмет мора да се разликува од назнаката на стариот.',
			'error-invalidid':	'Укажаната назнака е неважечка.',
			'error-notexisting':	'Не постои предмет со назнака $1.',
			'error-overwrite':	'Врската за даденото вики на $1 е веќе зададена. Проверете ја предметната назнака или отстранете ја врската од предметот.',
			'error-api':		'Се појави грешка при уредувањето на предметот: $1'
		} );

Cheers --B. Jankuloski (talk) 21:33, 23 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt Javad|Talk (4 Ordibehesht 1392) 18:40, 24 April 2013 (UTC)Antwort

Reported at bug:49102 if a sitelink is moved from an entity using the move gadget it is then impossible to add another link to the same site on the entity without reloading the page. Perhaps the page should automatically be reloaded once a move is complete?

  • Reproduce
  1. On Q1 which has a sitelink to zh:A
  2. Click [edit] on zh sitelink then [move] it to Q2
  3. Click [add] to add another sitelink
  4. Input "zh" in language (site id) box
  5. 中文 (zh) is not listed in dropdown.

·addshore· talk to me! 13:44, 1 July 2013 (UTC)Reply



if( !mw.config.get( 'wbEntityType' ) === 'item' ) { is wrong. On Special:Watchlist mw.config.get( 'wbEntityType' ) evaluates to null. But ( !null === 'item' ) evaluates to false. The code should be if( mw.config.get( 'wbEntityType' ) !== 'item' ) { because ( null !== 'item' ) evaluates to true. --Fomafix (talk) 22:58, 13 September 2013 (UTC)Antwort

  Erledigt --Ricordisamoa 02:19, 14 September 2013 (UTC)Antwort

Lower case


The Q in the items are now always in upper case. The following line is not necessary any more

itemId = itemId.toUpperCase();

and the following line prevents working:

item = item.toLowerCase();

--Fomafix (talk) 10:08, 15 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt --Ricordisamoa 14:11, 15 September 2013 (UTC)Antwort



{{Editprotected}} Please find here the translation for lb for this gadget:

case 'lb':
		mw.messages.set( {
			'move':			'Réckelen',
			'move-toolbar':		'réckelen',
			'close':		'Zoumaachen',
			'newitem':		'D\'Nummer (id) vum neien Element',
			'intro':		'Dir kënnt ee Link vun engem Site op een anert Element réckelen. Gitt w.e.g. eng valabel Nummer vun engem Element (id) un a kuckt no ob de Link fir dat neit Element scho gesat ass. Denkt dru fir d\'Etiketten a Beschreiwungen och ze réckelen.',
			'success':	        'De Link op de Site gouf op $1 geréckelt.',
			'error-sameid':		'D\'Nummer (id) vum neien Element muss verschidde si vum Aktuellen.',
			'error-invalidid':	''D\'Nummer (id) déi ugi gouf ass keng valabel Nummer vun engem Element.',
			'error-notexisting':	'D\Element mat der Nummer (id) $1 gëtt et net.',
			'error-overwrite':	'De Link fir dee Site vu(n) $1 ass scho gesat. Kuckt w.e.g. dem Element seng Nummer (id) nach eng Kéier no oder huelt de Link vum Element ewech.',
			'error-api':	         'Et gouf e Feeler beim Ännere vum Element: $1'
		} );

many thanks for your efforts on this. --Robby (talk) 22:25, 28 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt and thanks for the translation! Please check to make sure it is correct since I changed some of the code slightly. The Anonymouse (talk) 04:43, 6 October 2013 (UTC)Antwort
Everything looks fine you even fixed the typing mistakes I had made. Many thanks for your efforts. --Robby (talk) 22:16, 6 October 2013 (UTC)Reply

Catalan translation


{{Edit request}} Please add translations for Catalan:

	case 'ca':
		mw.messages.set( {
			'move':			'Traslladar',
			'move-toolbar':		'traslladar',
			'close':		'Tanca',
			'newitem':		'ID del nou element',
			'intro':		'Podeu traslladar un enllaç de llengua a un altre element. Proporcioneu un ID d\'element vàlid i comproveu si ja existeix un enllaç en el nou element. Recordeu també de traslladar l\'etiqueta i les descripcions.',
			'success':		'L\'enllaç ha estat traslladat amb éxit a $1.',
			'error-sameid':		'L\'ID del nou element ha de ser diferent de l\'actual.',
			'error-invalidid':	'L\'ID proporcionat no és un identificador vàlid d\'element.',
			'error-notexisting':	'No existeix cap element amb l\'ID $1.',
			'error-overwrite':	'Ja existeix un enllaç per aquest lloc a $1. Comproveu l\'ID del nou element o suprimiu l\'enllaç en l\'element.',
			'error-api':		'S\'ha produït un error editant l\'element: $1'
		} );

Thanks. --Vriullop (talk) 12:28, 24 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt (diff) --Fomafix (talk) 14:04, 24 February 2014 (UTC)Antwort

{{Edit request}} Proofreading, it needs a minor fix:

			'move':			'Trasllada',
			'move-toolbar':		'trasllada',

Sorry for the inconvenience. --Vriullop (talk) 07:59, 25 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt (diff) --Fomafix (talk) 08:33, 25 February 2014 (UTC)Antwort

Request for new functionality: move claim


Hi, thanks for useful gadget. I move claims often (for example during this list processing). This is very hard work now. Could somebody extend this gadget or create new one? — Ivan A. Krestinin (talk) 19:31, 25 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

What features do you want to have? --Fomafix (talk) 20:21, 25 February 2014 (UTC)Antwort
Move specific claim (with references, qualifiers and etc.) from one item to another. Same as sitelink move. — Ivan A. Krestinin (talk) 20:29, 25 February 2014 (UTC)Antwort
A separate move/copy button for each claim. That makes sense. I can try to implement this. --Fomafix (talk) 07:50, 26 February 2014 (UTC)Antwort
Yes, it will be great. Thanks. — Ivan A. Krestinin (talk) 19:43, 26 February 2014 (UTC)Antwort
@Fomafix: Any luck with this? I came here to see if anyone else had requested the same thing. It would be quite useful to me at least. Jon Harald Søby (talk) 12:32, 10 March 2015 (UTC)Antwort
Sorry. I didn't have the time. It also seams to be a bigger task. Is there already a task in phabricator? --Fomafix (talk) 12:42, 10 March 2015 (UTC)Reply



The "move" option is no longer appearing to me; I tried disabling and re-enabling it in preferences, but still nothing. Please verify. Capmo (talk) 22:30, 26 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

Should be fixed now. --YMS (talk) 08:47, 27 March 2014 (UTC)Reply
Yes, thanks! Capmo (talk) 18:02, 27 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

Move All


Please, can you add "move all" option, to move all sitelinks of a project (wikiquote for example) to another item? It would be very usefull to correct wrong association between projects. Thanks! --FRacco (talk) 12:39, 24 August 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hi FRacco, I'm working on this. The buttons nex to the group headings are already there. ;-) -- Bene* talk 21:16, 24 August 2014 (UTC)Antwort
Excellent... --FRacco (talk) 22:43, 24 August 2014 (UTC)Antwort
@Bene*:You are the greatest! In your honor, my first edit at "bene" Q15290; [1]. Thanks a lot! --FRacco (talk) 23:00, 29 August 2014 (UTC)Antwort
You're welcome. :-) I'm glad I can help you. -- Bene* talk 11:05, 30 August 2014 (UTC)Reply



{{Edit request}}

			'move': 'Sposta',
			'move-toolbar': 'sposta',
			'close': 'Chiudi',
			'newitem': 'Id del nuovo elemento',
			'intro': 'Puoi spostare un sitelink in un altro elemento. Fornisci un Id (codice identificativo) di elemento valido e verifica che il collegamento nel nuovo elemento non sia già esistente. Ricorda inoltre di spostare anche l\'etichetta e la descrizione.',
			'success': 'Il sitelink $2 è stato spostato con successo in $1.',
			'error-sameid': 'L\'Id del nuovo elemento deve essere diverso da quello corrente.',
			'error-invalidid': 'L\'Id fornito non è un codice identificativo di elemento valido.',
			'error-notexisting': 'L\'elemento con Id $1 non esiste.',
			'error-overwrite': 'Collegamento per il sito selezionato già esistente in $1. Verifica l\'Id dell\'elemento o rimuovi il collegamento dall\'elemento.',
			'error-api': 'Errore nella modifica dell\'elemento: $1'

Thanks again! --FRacco (talk) 00:28, 25 August 2014 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt (diff) --Fomafix (talk) 09:26, 25 August 2014 (UTC)Antwort

{{Edit request}}

			'move': 'Sposta',
			'move-toolbar': 'sposta',
			'close': 'Chiudi',
			'newitem': 'Id del nuovo elemento',
			'intro': 'Puoi spostare un sitelink in un altro elemento. Fornisci un Id (codice identificativo) di elemento valido e verifica che il collegamento nel nuovo elemento non sia già esistente. Ricorda inoltre di spostare anche l\'etichetta e la descrizione.',
			'success': 'Il sitelink $2 è stato spostato con successo in $1.',
			'success-multi': 'I sitelink $2 sono stati spostati con successo in $1.',
			'error-sameid': 'L\'Id del nuovo elemento deve essere diverso da quello corrente.',
			'error-invalidid': 'L\'Id fornito non è un codice identificativo di elemento valido.',
			'error-notexisting': 'L\'elemento con Id $1 non esiste.',
			'error-overwrite': 'Collegamento per il sito selezionato già esistente in $1. Verifica l\'Id dell\'elemento o rimuovi il collegamento dall\'elemento.',
			'error-api': 'Errore nella modifica dell\'elemento: $1'

Please, update. Thanks in advance. --FRacco (talk) 03:35, 28 September 2014 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt -- Bene* talk 14:43, 28 September 2014 (UTC)Antwort

Move All - code fix


{{Edit request}} I think there is a bug in line 496: .wikibase-sitelinkview-siteid-siteid instead of .wikibase-sitelinkview-siteid. thanks. --FRacco (talk) 16:16, 6 September 2014 (UTC)Antwort

Thanks, this was a bit silly. Fixed it. -- Bene* talk 06:10, 7 September 2014 (UTC)Antwort
@Bene*, I don't know if this is related, but I'm getting an error ("There was an error editing the item: unknown site:") when trying to move stuff. I've tried Ctrl-R and Ctrl-F5 to purge my cache, but it's not working. Any suggestion? It happens no matter where I try it. Jon Harald Søby (talk) 12:34, 8 September 2014 (UTC)Antwort
Thanks, there was also another class name which has been changed. It should work now. However, the removed sitelinks don't get removed yet, this is another bug. :-/ -- Bene* talk 13:37, 8 September 2014 (UTC)Reply

Doesn't work anymore with new UI


Apparently the UI has changed, the move gadget does not work anymore it seems. Lymantria (talk) 05:34, 1 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Very annoying indeed. Bever (talk) 01:22, 10 October 2014 (UTC)Antwort
I will try to fix the gadget but this is not that trivial because the ui behaves completely different now. Perhaps the easies way would be to provide this functionality within Wikibase itself because injecting our buttons into the ui will become quite difficult. -- Bene* talk 08:12, 10 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Change wb.RepoApi usage


The next deployment will break this wb.RepoApi usage. Please adapt it according to this mail if this widget ever starts working again. Adrian Lang (WMDE) (talk) 12:20, 28 October 2014 (UTC)Antwort

Fixed (diff). But currently untestet. --Fomafix (talk) 23:54, 28 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

I am working on a fix to this. Petr Matas 08:42, 14 January 2015 (UTC)Reply

Good. --Fomafix (talk) 08:50, 14 January 2015 (UTC)Reply

Here it is. Petr Matas 10:47, 14 January 2015 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt --Pasleim (talk) 10:56, 14 January 2015 (UTC)Antwort
For me gadget it's not working. I tried to move several items yesterday and today (for example: [2][3]) and each time i get this error ”There was an error editing the item: unknown site:”. --XXN (talk) 12:05, 16 January 2015 (UTC)Antwort
@XXN: Try clearing your browser cache. Does it help? Petr Matas 06:08, 18 January 2015 (UTC)Antwort
Yep, helped :) Thank you. --XXN (talk) 12:20, 18 January 2015 (UTC)Reply

Move all icon


I have two questions / suggestions for move group option:

  1. Can you use an icon also for move group option? For example, I created commons:File:Symbol redirect vote all.svg  .
  2. Can you create a new message for move group option? For example 'move-all': 'Move All'. This could be used for the title of the icon (or for the text if you don't like the icon idea).

Thanks in advance. --FRacco (talk) 09:22, 23 January 2015 (UTC)Reply

I don't like the icons. I added them because they are smaller than the text and this is currently necessary. I'd like to combine the move one and the move all to a move some. Therefore a select toggle for each line is needed. Also a select all and a select none function would be useful. --Fomafix (talk) 15:08, 23 January 2015 (UTC)Reply

Move to new item


Is possible to add an option "Move to new item" ? So is easy to split an item in a new item. --ValterVB (talk) 19:29, 1 April 2015 (UTC)Reply

This seams to be an useful feature and should be easily to implement. --Fomafix (talk) 19:41, 1 April 2015 (UTC)Antwort
+1. Has this been discussed or worked on recently? Simon Villeneuve (talk) 12:01, 24 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

I clicked on the "move" button in the Wikipedia links header, and thought it would ask me which links to move. Instead, it moved all links [4] . I don't think that the option to move all links does even make sense, given that it would usually mean that the items should be merged, which should not be done that way. So I think this option should either be removed or changed so that it asks us to select languages. --Zolo (talk) 08:35, 21 May 2015 (UTC)Reply


Please use wbsetsitelink instead of wbeditentity to get proper edit summaries and proper action. --JulesWinnfield-hu (talk) 22:21, 13 November 2015 (UTC)Reply

It used wbsetsitelink but it was changed to wbeditentity on this change. --Fomafix (talk) 09:57, 14 November 2015 (UTC)Antwort
Could someone change back to wbsetsitelink? Move all has to be done with wbeditentity, but if you move only one link wbeditentity is not appropriate. --JulesWinnfield-hu (talk) 10:16, 14 November 2015 (UTC)Reply

{{Edit request}}

Please overwrite page with Special:PermanentLink/303453452 (copy from source!) resulting in the following diff, Special:Diff/303427840/303453452. The result can be seen on [5]. --JulesWinnfield-hu (talk) 17:05, 13 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt in diff. Thanks. I did some fixes for indenting and local variables and simplification for summary. --Fomafix (talk) 10:48, 14 February 2016 (UTC)Antwort
Thank you. --JulesWinnfield-hu (talk) 11:14, 14 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Fix for hiding elements


{{Edit request}}

Fix for line 398:

		$( $.map( sites, function ( site ) { return $( '.wikibase-sitelinkview-' + site ).get( 0 ); } ) ).hide( 400 );

--JulesWinnfield-hu (talk) 00:42, 16 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt in diff. --Fomafix (talk) 06:21, 16 February 2016 (UTC)Antwort

Detect and report edit conflicts


{{Edit request}}

Please deploy Special:PermanentLink/304415484 to handle edit conflicts. --JulesWinnfield-hu (talk) 23:24, 16 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt in diff. --Fomafix (talk) 12:57, 17 February 2016 (UTC)Antwort

Ukrainian translation


{{Edit request}}

	case 'uk':
		mw.messages.set( {
			'move': 'Перемістити',
			'move-toolbar': 'перемістити',
			'close': 'Закрити',
			'newitem': 'Ідентифікатор нового елемента',
			'intro': 'Ви можете перемістити посилання на сайт до іншого елемента. Будь ласка, вкажіть валідний ідентифікатор елемента і перевірте, чи в новому елементі ще немає посилання на відповідний сайт. Також не забудьте перемістити назву та описи.',
			'success': 'Посилання $2 було успішно переміщено до $1.',
			'success-multi': 'Посилання $2 були успішно переміщені до $1.',
			'error-sameid': 'Ідентифікатор нового елемента повинен відрізнятися від поточного.',
			'error-invalidid': 'Вказаний ідентифікатор не є валідним ідентифікатором елемента.',
			'error-notexisting': 'Елемента з ідентифікатором $1 не існує.',
			'error-overwrite': 'Посилання для вказаного сайту в $1 вже встановлене. Будь ласка, перевірте введений ідентифікатор елемента або вилучіть посилання з елемента.',
			'error-api': 'Сталася помилка під час редагування елемента: $1'
		} );

Please add this translation, thanks!--Piramidion (talk) 02:28, 6 March 2016 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt (diff) --Fomafix (talk) 05:11, 7 March 2016 (UTC)Antwort

Allow URLs +more in input


{{Editprotected}} Replace the line

newitem = $( '#move-newitem' ).val().toUpperCase();


newitem = $( '#move-newitem' ).val().toUpperCase().match(/Q\d+/g)[0];

and few lines below: newitem.match( /^Q\d+$/g ) with newitem.match( /Q\d+/g )
to allow introducing URLs (and even some text containing items IDs, e.g. a half of line from User:Pasleim/projectmerge page) in the Move form input. XXN, 17:58, 11 July 2017 (UTC)Antwort

@Matěj Suchánek: could you review this proposal? --XXN, 19:24, 21 July 2017 (UTC)Antwort
I can see some negative aspects, such as that the result will be less obvious or surprising if you paste in a string with two ids (unlike usual selectors, there's no feedback) or that some users might get confused that other gadgets still need strict input. I'm not against this change but I'd like to have this discussed first. Matěj Suchánek (talk) 20:16, 21 July 2017 (UTC) (I won't be available until Sunday.)Reply

Remove zh-my


{{Edit request}} We recently got consensus to drop it: Wikidata:互助客栈#简繁问题 and phab:T156572. --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 01:48, 6 January 2018 (UTC)Antwort

  Erledigt --Jarekt (talk) 17:29, 18 January 2018 (UTC)Antwort

{{Edit request}} To manage ticket T210345, would it work with changing in function success() :

		var message = mw.message(
			sites.length > 1 ? 'success-multi' : 'success',
			mw.html.element( 'a', { href: mw.util.getUrl( newitem ) }, newitem ),
			sites.length > 1 ? '' : sites[0]

And it would be nice if the selected sitelink could be added in the #move dialog. --Melderick (talk) 19:49, 14 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

{{Edit request}}

The current code shows raw HTML instead of a link in the message. Use
		var message = mw.message(
			sites.length > 1 ? 'success-multi' : 'success',
			$( '<a>' ).attr( 'href', mw.util.getUrl( newitem ) ).text( newitem )
instead of
		var message = mw.message(
			sites.length > 1 ? 'success-multi' : 'success',
			mw.html.element( 'a', { href: mw.util.getUrl( newitem ) }, newitem ),
--Fomafix (talk) 20:40, 7 August 2020 (UTC)Antwort
  Erledigt both. --Matěj Suchánek (talk) 09:04, 26 August 2020 (UTC)Antwort

Partly broken


Hi! There is a problem: the gadget sistematically has an error when I move a sitelink, so it only removes it from the old item, but it doesn't add it to the new item and I have to do it manually. Could someone solve the problem? Thanks, --Epìdosis 14:17, 20 April 2019 (UTC)Reply

+1 --- Jura 08:08, 16 May 2019 (UTC)Reply
@Matěj Suchánek: do you see a way to implement the delay suggested in the ticket in the script? --- Jura 09:54, 18 May 2019 (UTC)Antwort
Did it. Matěj Suchánek (talk) 12:13, 18 May 2019 (UTC)Antwort
@Matěj Suchánek: Great! I missed it a lot :) --Epìdosis 21:30, 19 May 2019 (UTC)Reply

strip input to just the Identifier


{{Edit request}}

In my version of moveClaim.js I've added a line that strips the input down to just the identifier. For Gadget-Move.js that would be:

	$( '<input>' )
	.attr( {
		'type': 'text',
		'id': 'move-newitem',
		'class': 'move-input',
		'onkeyup': 'this.value = this.value.replace(/.*([QPL]\\d+).*/, \'$1\');'
 } )

In place of the current line 627 t/m 632. --1Veertje (talk) 15:29, 7 July 2021 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt - Nikki (talk) 19:17, 13 July 2021 (UTC)Antwort

sv translation



	case 'sv':
		mw.messages.set( {
			'move': 'Flytta',
			'move-toolbar': 'flytta',
			'close': 'Stäng',
			'newitem': 'Det nya objekts ID',
			'intro': 'Du kan flytta en webbplatslänk till ett annat objekt. Ange ett giltigt objekts-ID och kolla om länken till det nya objektet redan angetts. Glöm inte att också flytta etikett och beskrivning.',
			'success': 'Webbplatslänken $2 flyttades till $1.',
			'success-multi': 'Webbplatslänkarna flyttades till $1.',
			'error-sameid': 'Det nya objektets ID måste skilja sig från det aktuella.',
			'error-invalidid': 'Det angivna ID:t är inte en giltig identifierare.',
			'error-notexisting': 'Det finns inget objekt med ID:t $1.',
			'error-overwrite': 'Den angivna webbplatsens länk på $1 har redan angetts. Kontrollera objektets ID eller ta bort länken från objektet.',
			'error-api': 'Det uppstod ett fel när objektet skulle redigeras: $1'
		} );

--Sabelöga (talk) 02:01, 24 July 2021 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt --Matěj Suchánek (talk) 10:38, 24 July 2021 (UTC)Antwort

Raw HTML in error messages


{{Editrequest}} Currently the error messages notexisting and overwrite shows raw HTML instead of a link. Here is a new version of this script (diff) which fixes the links in the error messages. --Fomafix (talk) 12:08, 26 May 2022 (UTC)Antwort

  Erledigt --Matěj Suchánek (talk) 12:29, 30 May 2022 (UTC)Antwort

id and min "properti" to "atribut"


Please change the Indonesian and Minangkabau term "properti" into "atribut" to reflect current translations. Thank you. RXerself (talk) 07:50, 9 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

  Erledigt --Matěj Suchánek (talk) 09:55, 11 March 2023 (UTC)Antwort
Return to "Gadget-Move.js" page.