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Misc No. 2 - September Term, 2024
The Key School, Incorporated, et al. v. Valerie Bunker
Oral arguments to be held September 10, 2024. [Webcast]

Certified Question of Law from the US District Court for the District of Maryland: Does the Maryland Child Victims Act of 2023, 2023 Md. Laws ch. 5 (S.B. 686), (codified at Md. Code Ann., Cts. & Jud. Proc. § 5-117), constitute an impermissible abrogation of a vested right in violation of Article 24 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights and/or Article III, Section 40 of the Maryland Constitution?

08-26-2024: Appellants' Reply Brief
08-26-2024: Grant Order on Amicus Curiae's Motion for Permission to Participate in Oral Argument
08-20-2024: Corrected Consolidated Appellee's Reply to Amici Curiae Briefs
08-20-2024: Notice of Errata to Appellee's Reply Brief to Amici Curiae Briefs 
08-19-2024: Amicus Curiae Attorney General of Maryland' Motion for Permission to Participate in Oral Argument
08-14-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Pollet
08-09-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Pollet
08-08-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA – Leighton
08-08-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Ouellette
08-07-2024: Brief of Amicus Curiae Attorney General of Maryland
08-07-2024: Brief of Human Rights for Kids as Amicus Curiae
08-07-2024: Brief for Appellees
08-07-2024: Amicus Curiae Brief of Maryland Crime Victims’ Resource Center, Inc.
08-07-2024: Brief of Amici Curiae American Tort Reform Association, American Property Casualty Insurance Association, and The Maryland Defense Counsel, Inc.
08-07-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Leighton
08-07-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Ouellette
08-06-2024: Brief of Amici American Association for Justice, Child USA, Change the Conversation, Maryland Association for Justice, and Public Justice
08-06-2024: Amicus Curiae Brief of Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests and Certain Current and Former Members of the Maryland General Assembly
07-23-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Bostwick
07-23-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Jensen
07-23-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Lehner
07-19-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney- Bostwick
07-19-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Jensen
07-19-2024: Motion for Special Admission  of Out-of-State Attorney- Lehner
07-18-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Graham
07-17-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Graham
07-08-2024: Consolidated Appellants' Brief
07-08-2024: Consolidated Joint Record Extract
06-27-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Stetson
06-26-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney- Stetson
06-22-2024: Grant Order on Joint Motion to Consolidate Briefing, Consolidate Argument, and Modify Briefing Schedule
06-20-2024: Joint Motion to Consolidate Briefing, Consolidate Argument, and Modify Briefing Schedule
05-22-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA- Stevenson
05-22-2024: Grant Order On Motion For Special Admission of OSA - Hague
05-21-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Stevenson
05-21-2024: Motion For Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Hague
05-09-2024: Certification Order

Misc No. 1 - September Term, 2024
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints v. Jane Doe

Certified Question of Law from the US District Court for the District of Maryland: Does the Maryland Child Victims Act of 2023, 2023 Md. Laws ch. 5 (S.B. 686), (codified at Md. Code Ann., Cts. & Jud. Proc. § 5-117), constitute an impermissible abrogation of a vested right in violation of Article 24 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights and/or Article III, Section 40 of the Maryland Constitution?

07-08-2024: Order Withdrawing Certified Question
06-22-2024: Grant Order on Joint Motion to Consolidate Briefing, Consolidate Argument, and Modify Briefing Schedule
06-20-2024: Joint Motion to Consolidate Briefing, Consolidate Argument, and Modify Briefing Schedule
05-07-2024: Session Briefing Notice
04-22-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Gardner
04-19-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Gardner
04-18-2024: Certification Order

No. 10 - September Term, 2024
Board of Education of Harford County v. John Doe
Oral arguments to be held September 10, 2024.  [Webcast]

Issues – Courts & Judicial Proceedings – 1) Does the Maryland Child Victims Act of 2023, 2023 Md. Laws Ch. 5 (S.B. 686) (codified at Md. Code Ann. Cts. & Jud. Proc. § 5-117)(the “MCVA”), constitute an impermissible abrogation of a vested right in violation of Article 24 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights and/or Article III, Section 40 of the Maryland Constitution? 
2) As a subdivision of the State, see Bd. Of Educ. v. Sec’y of Personnel, 317 Md. 34, 44-45 (1989), does the petitioner have standing to challenge the constitutionality of the MCVA?

08-26-2024: Appellants' Reply Brief
08-26-2024: Reply Brief of Appellent
08-26-2024: Grant Order on Amicus Curiae's Motion for Permissiosn to Participate in Oral Arguments
08-20-2024: Corrected Appellees' Reply Brief to Amici Curiae Briefs
08-20-2024: Notice of Errata to Appellees' Reply Brief to Amici Curiae Briefs
08-19-2024: Amicus Curiae Attorney General of Maryland's Motion for Permission to Participate in Oral Argument
08-14-2024: Grant Order on Motion of Special Admission of OSA - Pollet
08-09-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-state Attorney - Pollet
08-08-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Leighton
08-08-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Ouellette
08-07-2024: Brief of Amicus Curiae Attorney General of Maryland
08-07-2024: Brief of Human Rights for Kids as Amicus Curiae
08-07-2024: Standing Brief for Appellee
08-07-2024: Brief for Appellees
08-07-2024: Amicus Curiae Brief of Maryland Crime Victims’ Resource Center, Inc.
08-07-2024: Brief of Amici Curiae Maryland Association of Boards of Education (“MABE”), The MABE Group Insurance Pool, and The Public School Superintendents’ Association of Maryland (“PSSAM”)
08-07-2024: Brief of Amici Curiae American Tort Reform Association, American Property Casualty Insurance Association, and The Maryland Defense Counsel, Inc.
08-07-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Leighton
08-07-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Ouellette
08-07-2024: Brief of Amici American Association for Justice, Child USA, Change the Conversation, Maryland Association for Justice, and Public Justice
08-07-2024: Amicus Curiae Brief of Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests and Certain Current and Former Members of the Maryland General Assembly
07-23-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - D'Andrea
07-23-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Bostwick
07-23-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Jensen
07-23-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Lehner
07-22-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - D'Andrea
07-22-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Bostwick
07-22-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Jensen
07-22-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Lehner
07-08-2024: Consolidated Appellants' Brief
07-08-2024: Brief for Appellant
07-08-2024: Consolidated Joint Record Extract
06-27-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Stetson
06-26-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Stetson
06-22-2024: Grant Order on Joint Motion to Consolidate Briefing, Consolidate Argument, and Modify Briefing Schedule
06-20-2024: Joint Motion to Consolidate Briefing, Consolidate Argument, and Modify Briefing Schedule
05-28-2024: Grant Order & Writ of Certiorari
04-17-2024: Petition for Writ of Certiorari

No. 9 - September Term, 2024
Roman Catholic Archbishop of Washington v. John Doe, et al.
Oral arguments to be held September 10, 2024. [Webcast]

Issue – Courts & Judicial Proceedings – Does the Maryland Child Victims Act of 2023, 2023 Md. Laws Ch. 5 (S.B. 686) (codified at Md. Code Ann. Cts. & Jud. Proc. § 5-117), constitute an impermissible abrogation of a vested right in violation of Article 24 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights and/or Article III, Section 40 of the Maryland Constitution?

08-26-2024: Reply Brief of Petitioner Roman Catholic Archibishop of Washington
08-14-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Pollet
08-09-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Pollet
08-08-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Leighton
08-08-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Ouellette
08-07-2024: Brief of Amicus Curiae Attorney General of Maryland
08-07-2024: Brief of Human Rights for Kids as Amicus Curiae
08-07-2024: Brief of Respondents
08-07-2024: Amicus Curiae Brief of Maryland Crime Victims’ Resource Center, Inc.
08-07-2024: Brief of Amici Curiae American Tort Reform Association, American Property Casualty Insurance Association, and The Maryland Defense Counsel, Inc.
08-06-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Leighton
08-06-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Ouellette
08-06-2024: Brief of Amici American Association for Justice, Child USA, Change the Conversation, Maryland Association for Justice, and Public Justice
08-06-2024: Amicus Curiae Brief of Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests and Certain Current and Former Members of the Maryland General Assembly
07-23-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Bostwick
07-23-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Jensen
07-23-2024: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of OSA - Lehner
07-19-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Bostwick
07-19-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Jensen
07-19-2024: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney - Lehner
07-08-2024: Brief of Petitioner
07-08-2024: Record Extract Volume 1
07-08-2024: Record Extract Volume 2
05-28-2024: Grant Order & Writ of Certiorari
04-17-2024: Bypass Petition for Certiorari to the Supreme Court of Maryland

Case Misc. No. 34 - September Term, 2022
Posthumous Admission to the Bar of Maryland of Edward Garrison Draper
Special Session held Thursday, October 26, 2023. [Recording]

10-26-2023: Mr. Draper's Bar Certificate
04-04-2023: Order on Motion for Special Admission
03-31-2023: Motion for Special Admission
03-27-2023: Petition for The Posthumous Admission to the Bar of Maryland of Edward Garrison Draper

Case No. 7 - September Term, 2023
Adnan Syed v. Young Lee, as Victim's Representative, and State of Maryland
Oral arguments held Thursday, October 5, 2023 [Oral Arguments

Issues – Criminal Procedure – 1) Does a lawfully entered nolle prosequi render moot an appeal alleging procedural violations at a hearing occurring prior to the nolle prosequi? 2) Does a victim’s representative, a non-party to a case, have the right to attend a vacatur hearing in-person or does remote attendance satisfy the right? 3) Was notice to the victim’s representative of the vacatur hearing sufficient where the State complied with all statutory and rules-based notice requirements? 4) Must a victim’s representative seeking reversal show prejudice on appeal? 5) Is a victim’s right to speak incorporated into the Vacatur Statute, Md. Code § 8-301.1 of the Criminal Procedure Article, where no party or entity other than the victim has an interest in challenging the evidence alleged to support vacatur?

08-30-2024: Opinion
09-29-2023: Reply Brief for Appellee/Cross Appellant
09-27-2023: Security/Media Protocol Order
09-25-2023: Denial Order on Motion to Strike Argument
09-22-2023: Petitioner's Reply Brief and Cross-Respondent's Brief
09-08-2023: Consent to file Brief of Survivors of Violence Clinic as Amicus Curiae
09-08-2023: Brief of Survivors of Violence Clinic as Amicus Curiae in Support of Petitioner
09-05-2023: Mr. Lee's Response to Petitioner's Motion to Strike
09-01-2023: Motion to Strike Argument II(D) of the Brief of Respondent State of Maryland
09-01-2023: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney Pro Hac Vice
09-01-2023: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney Pro Hac Vice
08-30-2023: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney Pro Hac Vice
08-28-2023: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney Pro Hac Vice
08-28-2023: Amicus Curiae Brief of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers in Support of Petitioner
08-28-2023: Grant Order on Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney Pro Hac Vice
08-28-2023: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney Pro Hac Vice
08-28-2023: Brief of Amicus Curiae The National Crime Victime Law Institute
08-28-2023: Brief of Respondent/Cross-Petitioner
08-28-2023: Grant Order on the Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney Under Rule 19-217
08-28-2023: Brief of Respondent, the State of Maryland
08-28-2023: Brief of Exonerees As Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioner
08-28-2023: Brief of Amicus Curiae Maryland Crime Victims' Resource Center
08-28-2023: Motion for Special Admission of Out-of-State Attorney Under Rule 19-217
08-15-2023: Joint Supplemental Record Extract (Redacted)
08-10-2023: Grant Order on Unopposed Motion to Permit Filing of a Supplemental Record Extract
08-02-2023: Petitioner's Brief
08-02-2023: Unopposed Motion to Permit Filing of a Supplemental Record Extract
06-28-2023: Grant Order and Writ of Certiorari
06-28-2023: Second Order on Motion to Stay
06-21-2023: Answer to Cross-Petition
06-13-2023: State's Answer to Petition and Cross-Petition
06-08-2023: Cross-Petition for Writ of Certiorari
05-25-2023: Order on Motion to Stay Issuance of Appellate Court's Mandate
05-24-2023: Petition for Writ of Certiorari
05-24-2023: Unopposed Motion to Stay Issuance of Appellate Court's Mandate