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Translation requests/WMFnews

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This is an archived version of this page, as edited by ACrush (talk | contribs) at 10:56, 9 December 2006 (→‎Current requests: board +2 -1 +1 (ru)). It may differ significantly from the current version.
Wikimedia website
Quick translation
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This page serves quick translations for Wikimedia:Home and Wikimedia:Current events. Translation requests/quick translation serves short translation in general.

Both pages are periodically updated with one or a few paragraphs. Every update since April 2005 are available on this page or its history. Aggrevation of those news pieces are available on WMF site. Your update of meta version of news template will be appreciated.

Older requests will be eventually removed. For older requests, see history of this page.


These are examples:

=== Title ===
*orig: sources for translation
*need: languages you expect to translate
#* ...

Or your request a translation into certain language(s), please list them as

=== Title ===
*'''En''' blah blah blah (orig.)

Current requests

Current requests are not fully open yet.

  1. WMF "Latest News" 2006-09 update;
    Orig/Extracted: Wikimedia:Template:News-en

Past requests are found in histories.

For WMF editors: If you find translations not yet uploaded to the site, please kindly update them also. Thanks.

See also: Translation requests/WMF#Latest News

WMF News

Latest items only.

If your favorite language "news section" on Home doesn't exist yet, or its last update was before 2006, you may want to copy the whole template to your workspace, and then translate it.

en: (orig.)

Wikimedia Board reorganization
Wikimedia Foundation welcomes today 2 new board members, Kat Walsh (known as Mindspillage) and Oscar van Dillen (known as Oscar), reflecting a recent resolution on Board expansion.
Tim Shell has chosen to resign from the board, effective 15th of December. At this date, he will be replaced by Jan-Bart de Vreede, Kennisnet Foundation. read more...(8 December 2006)




ティム・シェルは辞任を表明し、12月15日付けで理事会を退任します。後任として、同日、Kennisnet Foudation のヤン=バート・デ・ヴリーデが就任します。もっと読む……(2006年12月8日)



Реорганизация Совета Фонда Викимедиа
Фонд Викимедиа рад представить двух новых членов Совета Фонда: Кэт Уолш (Kat Walsh, известную под псевдонимом Mindspillage) и Оскара ван Диллена (Oscar van Dillen или просто Oscar), вошедших в Совет по решению о расширении Совета.
Тим Шелл (Tim Shell) принял решение покинуть Совет, которое вступит в силу с 15 декабря. В тот же день его место займёт представитель Kennisnet Foundation Ян-Барт де Фриде (Jan-Bart de Vreede). подробнее...(8 декабря 2006)
