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Communications committee/Archive1

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Old meeting agendas


For more recent meeting agendas, see Communications committee#Meetings.

Sat 16 September: Agenda

  • Post-election communications
  • OTRS status report
  • Presskit distribution into languages
  • Committee structure

Sat 26 August: Agenda

  • Membership
  • Communication improvement between other committees/operational teams
  • Upcoming Board elections
    • Press release prior to elections
    • Press release post elections

Sat 12 August : Agenda

  • Wikimania followups
    • Press conference analysis
    • New contacts gained : US, international
    • Press kit reactions & updates
  • Evaluation of the working of the comcom.
  • Topics raised on Wikimania about the committees

Sat 22 July : Agenda

  • Updates on upcoming notices, elections, &c
  • Wikimania press, briefing & announcements at wikimania

Sat 15 July : Agenda

  • Updates on upcoming notices :
    • Board elections announcement update
    • Single signon/login
    • Coordinating site notices (end of wikimania; board elections; fund drive)
  • Press briefing & announcements at wikimania
    • Press kit update : new stats
  • ePhil award & request

Sat 8 July : Agenda

  • Board elections announcement
  • End of Wikimania site notice

Sat 1 July : Agenda

  • Wiktionary press release
  • Promotion & Translation newsletter
  • New wiki
  • OTRS and unblock-en mailing lists
  • Disclaimer for new privacy policy
  • Angela's resignation from the board and board elections

Sat 24 June : Agenda

  • OTRS organization and management
  • Press kit
  • WMF Statistics
  • Site notice
  • Media contacts/volunteer press contacts
  • New business
    • Advertisement from TBWA\
    • SugarCRM site

Sat 10 June : Agenda

What time will this meeting be?
  • ...

Sat 3 June : Agenda

  • Press kit (put off)

Old business

  • Site-wide messages (Wikimania, Single login, Fund drive)
  • Fund drive organization?

New business

  • Future press releases (Summer of code, Software updates, Wikimania, Design contest, other contests, events, awards, CEO)
  • Planned interview campaigns (around an embargoed release: setting aside fixed timeslot for interviews, telling mags and major pubs in advance of the release)
    Post-release, crisis specifics
  • Members/advisors & mail

Sat 27 May : Agenda

  • Fundraising
  • Press kit
  • Foundation website
  • Wikimania
  • Google Summer's of Code

Sat 20 May : Agenda

  • Publicity for Wikimania
    Registration, opening (May 21)
    Free content media contest (co-sponsor with cc, fsf)
    Keynotes (updates of speakers & sponsors, more detail)
    Subthemes : cit-journalism day, wikis in education, 'intro to...'
    Targeted interviews w/ JW
    Todo: Identify how/where to archive copy, note distribution lists, track responses
  • Schedule for spring/summer press releases (Meetups, milestones, contests, tech landmarks)
    Summer int'l writing contest, wikinews contest
    1000 FAs, Commons (750k?), Wiktionary (1m multi), Wikisource (100k multi), Wikibooks (50k modules multi), Wikinews (20 langs)
    WiktionaryZ launch, Wikiversity (call for input?)
    Reports : Usability study / redesign news; wrapup from Wikimania; ...
    See below for translations of local releases
  • Translation: of global releases into core languages
    Requirements for lead time and quarantine. Do we do simultaneous releases?
  • Translation: of local releases into English
    German, French, Chinese
    Ex: WP University, Baidupedia
  • Budget update, detail
    Banners, posters, stickers, buttons, leaflets, display-boards
  • Website maintenance
    • Foundation website (approving membership, content updates)
    • Wikimania website (style, content, links & backlinks)
    • Mediawiki website (style, content, integration with other help)
  • Press Kit update
  • Statistics update
    Erik Z, Dake, other; toolserver, off-server; coordination

Sat 13 May : Agenda

  • Publicity for Wikimania
  • Budget
  • Responses to Baidu launch
  • Details of the resolutions presented to the Board

Sat 06 May : Agenda

  • Scope : Review proposed statement of committee scope
  • Schedule : Review proposed meeting schedule
    • 1400 and 2300 UTC
  • WMF.org : Access/updating wmf.org as part of internal communications/translation promotions per Aphaia
  • Note for OTRS - JAWP is one month behind, may wish to move to OTRS? per Aphaia
  • New business:
    Internal : Wikimania update and releases
    Internal : Single login update
    Promotion : Budget
    Press : Reacting to major press (Ex: Time 100)
    Translation : policy discussion within Projects (Ex: recent Commons thread)

Sat 29 Apr : Agenda

  • Review proposed statement of committee scope
  • Status reports from the projects
  • Publicity needs of the chapters (see comments from WMA)
  • Helping out Wikimania
  • Monthly schedule for meetings - WalterB
  • Future press releases
    • Wikimania registration
    • Single user login
  • Press Subcommittee
    • revoking press contact W.v.k?
  • Corporate Design and promotion (i.e. en:Wikipedia:Banners and buttons in various languages). Clarifying logo permissions and defining which use is acceptable (proposal: acceptable: [1], [2] not acceptable: [3], [4], [5], [6])

Sat 22 Apr : Agenda

  • forwards to the list form journalists; who is suppose to anwser them? Is that on-topic on the list (why not OTRS?)
  • the sub-committees; what are the suppose to do?
  • Review proposed statement of committee scope

Sun 16 Apr : Agenda

  • Approve minutes from previous meeting
  • Wrapup from last week
  • Upcoming press releases & announcements
    Long-term announcements (single login)
  • Meeting times this month
  • New business

Sat 8 Apr : Agenda

  • Project logos, slogans, and descriptions in all languages. (Slogans), enforced style policy
  • Communication with Schwartz (and other advisors)
  • Mailing list additions : how-to, and pending requests
  • Meeting next week; 15 april 01:00 UTC -> move to 16 april 01:00 UTC or earlier/later?

Sat 1 Apr : Agenda

  • Translation in many languages : tools and workflow to encourage this; core language identification. Mailing list.
  • Project logos, slogans, and descriptions in all languages. (Slogans), enforced style policy
  • Communication with Schwartz (and other advisors)
    email sent. Sj
  • Wrapup from last week
  • Upcoming press releases
  • Long-term announcements (single login)

Sat 25 Mar : Agenda

  • Leftover business from previous meeting
    • How to ensure confidential communication (mailing list/IRC/wiki)
    • Planning how to disseminate information on project-wide changes, such as single sign-on
    • Publicity issues for changes like stable versions, article validation
  • Issues currently being discussed on mailing list
    • Specific announcement content; language and translations.
  • Wikimania translations
    • Attracting volunteers who aren't used to wiki
  • Dates and times for the IRC-meetings for the coming weeks

Sat 18 Mar : Agenda

  • Leftover business from previous meeting
    • Issues currently being discussed on mailing list
    • how to ensure confidential communication (mailing list / IRC )
    • Planning how to disseminate information on project-wide changes, such as single sign-on
    • Publicity issues for changes like stable versions, article validation
  • Additional business
    • New members?

Sat 11 Mar : Agenda


Public Relations

  • Press releases
    • Schwartz PR : how to leverage, what to ask
      • Assuming legal OKs it, add Emily Fisher, account officer at Schwartz, to communications committee mailing list
    • Future press releases : contact lists (de software; wiki lists; other)
      • Have Schwartz PR look over press releases in advance
    • Press contacts (needed in all languages, countries)
      • Make sure all communication committee members have foundation logins
      • Have the communications committee take over primarily maintaince of the foundation wiki
      • Make http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Press_room complete
      • Deploy a complete list of press contacts somewhere private until such time as good contact software is found by SJ
  • Processing requests & stories
    • OTRS queues : press, language subqueues; other?
    • Coordinating responses (press kit, standard replies to new FAQs)
    • Responses to the press : coordinating letters to the editor, &c.
      • Look into getting a free PR-Newswire account
  • Information dissemination
    • Addition of a foundation goings-on column to the signpost
      • Someone (Amgine?) needs to poke Jimbo/Danny about writing a weekly or semi-weekly column in the signpost about what is going on at the foundation level


  • Upcoming changes
    • Single sign-on : warning, announcements
    • Changes to Projects (wikisource, wiktionary, 9-11 wiki, &c)
  • Regular changes (review procedures)
    • Software upgrades, site downtime
    • Policy changes (local, global)
    • Elections (local, global)
    • Project voting (local, global)

Sun Feb 26 : Agenda

  • Meeting procedures
  • Communications subcommittees
  • Press
    • Interview contacts (don't need to be on committee to be a press contact)
    • Interest in press subcomm - Amgine to contact whether interested in press contactship, or subcommittee membership.
    • Media guides : how to give an interview; separating personal from project responses
    • FAQs for media interviews etc.
    • Press to maintain list of resorces, contacts
    • Jimbo to be informed of /all/ press releases before publication
    • Press releases : logbooks - to be organised by the Press subcommittee
    • 1mil en:WP articles - underway - Press committee will oversee
  • Promotion & translation
    • Intro sentences of related press releases need to be clear and concise
    • Internationalisation
      • More people in minority languages/regions would be useful
    • New members - SJ will find out what role they are intereested in (suggestions from amgine; other polyglot suggestions welcome)
    • Multilingual posters
  • Committee chair
  • Letterhead, business cards?
    • Zanimum is working on the former, perhaps also the latter. JamesF and Delphine may have other designs.
    • New WMUK material : work out how this can conform to visual guidelines
  • New members added to subcomms:
    • Press : Raul654. Trans/Promotion: Zanimum. OTRS : noone atm; more next week Internal: zocky
    • Members of one subcomm can help out with others.
  • Mailing lists : make list private, no-archive
    • Find a dev who can change this.