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People walking along the river in Richmond are used to seeing some interesting wildlife, but this weekend there was an extra special visitor to the west London town.

A group of dolphins were spotted bobbing along the Thames near Richmond Lock and Footbridge.

One walker said they called the fire brigade as they were scared the dolphins were trapped in the body of water.

James Moon told MailOnline: ‘I walked over the footbridge, went to the other side.

‘There was a couple of fire engines the far side, two fire engines under the bridge and another one coming and sirens and police and I thought this is a bit strange.

‘One of the firemen was saying they’d got called out because they thought [the dolphins] had been trapped or they were in distress.

‘They clearly weren’t because you could see them surfacing and messing about, the two of them close together.’

The whole scene unfolded at around 10.30am on Saturday morning.

‘They seemed to be fine going up and down occasionally. People were shouting.

‘There’d be a little dorsal fin come up and then you’d see the body come up,’ he continued.

‘There were loads of kids there and parents and everyone was watching and taking videos – it was great. Superb. 

‘It was a nice sunny day and everyone was coming down and having a look.

‘They had a white stripe on them so I think they were white striped Atlantic dolphins. The last one that came up in 2017 got as far as Richmond.’

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