Hunter and Mason standing in front of the Hollyoaks sign
Hunter and Mason have both made their last appearance in Hollyoaks – though one didn’t make it out of the village alive (Picture: Lime Pictures)

Hollyoaks spoilers follow for Wednesday’s (May 8) episode that is now available to view on Channel 4 streaming. The episode in question aired on E4 on Thursday May 9 at 7pm.  

There was devastation aplenty in Hollyoaks following the tragic death of Lizzie Chen-Williams (Lily Best), who collapsed at The Loft on the day of her dad Dave’s (Dominic Power) wedding.

Efforts were made to try and resuscitate her to no avail, with the much-loved character pronounced dead in emotional scenes, leaving the Chen-Williams/Williams clan utterly heartbroken.

Reeling from what transpired, Hunter McQueen (Theo Graham) headed to the bathroom to throw up alongside Prince (Malique Thompson-Dwyer) and Dilly Harcourt (Emma Johnsey-Smith), with all three having also used the drugs that led to Lizzie’s death.

After the panic subsided, Hunter made everyone swear to keep shtum about the events of the evening in question, desperately hoping to avoid being questioned by the police.

Zoe Anderson (Garcia Brown) – who previously claimed to have taken the drugs – revealed that she didn’t actually do so, which led Hunter to ask what else she was lying about. Particularly if she had cheated on him like he’d come to suspect.

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The detective admitted that she did cheat, though refrained from revealing that it was Prince that she’d slept with.

Hunter’s heart was broken, which left Prince feeling guilty – wrestling with whether or not to come clean about his betrayal.

After a touching moment which saw the twins declare their loveland appreciation for each other, Prince decided to spill the beans, revealing that he was the one who slept with Zoe.

Hunter dies in Hollyoaks
Hunter quietly slipped away while Prince confessed to sleeping with Zoe (Picture: Lime Pictures)

But in heartbreaking scenes, the DJ came to realise that Hunter was dead, with the teacher having lost consciousness while resting his head on his brother’s shoulder.


Cleo McQueen (Nadine Mulkerrin) checked for a pulse to no avail, declaring Hunter dead to the shock of Mercedes (Jennifer Metcalfe) and Prince, who broke down in tears.

It was confirmed earlier this year that Hunter would be killed off in tragic scenes. But he wasn’t the only character to make his last appearance in the episode in question.

Hunter dies in Hollyoaks
The McQueen clan were left devastated by Hunter’s death (Picture: Lime Pictures)

Mason Chen-Williams (Frank Kauer) also left the village.

Following Lizzie’s death, Dave returned home to 3 Oakdale Drive with wife Cindy Cunningham (Stephanie Waring), reeling from what had happened.

Ethan Williams (Matthew James Bailey), who was also shellshocked, attempted to calm Dave, who branded himself a bad dad for failing to see how much Lizzie needed him.

Mason, meanwhile, revealed that Lizzie had taken drugs shortly before her death, which Dave refused to believe given how she had berated him for doing so in the past.

Ethan, Mason, Dave and Cindy return to 3 Oakdale Drive flat after Lizzie's death in Hollyoaks
Ethan, Mason, Dave and Cindy reeled in the wake of Lizzie’s death (Picture: Lime Pictures)

Mason was quick to blame recovering addict Dave for Lizzie’s decision to use but Dave clapped back, cruelly stating that Mason should be the one who died, recalling how much he put the family through when he was radicalised by incel Eric Foster (Angus Castle-Doughty).

Ethan and Cindy were appalled at such a thing, while heartbroken Mason stormed out of the flat. Ever the voice of reason, Ethan – despite his own grief – gave chase, hoping to track Mason down while Cindy attempted to talk to Dave and help him come to terms with what happened.

But with Ethan unable to locate Mason, Cindy took it upon herself to do so, finding him in the market, where she told him that Dave didn’t really mean what he said.

Mason exits Hollyoaks
Mason, utterly broken, left the village for a new life with Honour in London (Picture: Lime Pictures)

Mason, however, revealed that he has taken mum Honour (Vera Chok) – who left Hollyoaks last year – up on her offer of moving to London and therefore he will be leaving the village immediately, asking Cindy if she could ensure his stuff was shipped down to him.

In emotional scenes, he hopped in a taxi and left the village. The Chen-Williams clan, once one of Hollyoaks’ biggest, is now seriously depleted following Lizzie’s demise and Mason’s departure, with only Dave and Ethan left.

Ethan, the cool uncle and all-round legend, remains the family’s greatest offering, having proven incredibly popular with fans.

Hollyoaks streams weeknights at 7:30pm on Channel 4’s streaming platform, or catch episodes on TV at 7pm on E4. 

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