Coronation Street's DS Lisa Swain and Carla Connor in front of the Rovers with rainbow colours behind them
Fans have been speculating a romance between Swain and Carla (Picture: ITV)

‘But Carla Connor has always been straight. She’s dated men her whole life.’

I can’t even begin to count the number of times I have read comments of that nature since the rumours of a relationship between Carla Connor (Alison King) and DS Lisa Swain (Vicky Myers) began.

DS Swain was introduced as a permanent Coronation Street character earlier this year, having appeared in a guest role throughout previous high-profile storylines.

As if that wasn’t exciting news enough, when I heard actress Vicky Myers say, ‘I’m not entirely sure if everybody knows this – she’s gay,’ I let out a little squeal of delight. Thank God my mic was muted.

As she went on to explain that Swain would have her eye on someone, my mind raced with possibilities, before settling on a scene that had garnered a lot of attention several months before between DS Swain and Carla, after Peter Barlow (Chris Gascoyne) had accidentally killed serial killer Stephen Reid (Todd Boyce).

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Carla talking to DS Swain in Coronation Street
It all started with a short scene in 2023… (Picture: ITV)

Though it was a short scene, my Twitter/X timeline was almost exclusively taken up by it, as people reflected on their chemistry and how incredible it would be for Corrie to pair them up.

Now, lo and behold, Carla and Swain have been sharing emotional heart-to-hearts in cars and doing each other massive favours, all while firing flirty banter back and forth.

Once again, my social media was overrun with people’s excitement, with fans already dedicating their accounts to #Swarla. Unfortunately, just as quickly as the excitement built, it was knocked down again, following an interview with Alison King, where she admitted that Carla wasn’t looking for a relationship.

Swain talks to Carla in her flat in Corrie
Carla and Swain have been spending a lot of time together in recent months (Picture: ITV)
Carla talks to DS Swain in the police station in Coronation Street
A relationship between Carla and Swain would be an important story to tell (Picture: ITV)

‘I don’t think she’s ready for another relationship at all and she’s definitely not got her eye on anybody. I don’t think she’s thought twice about it. I think it’s the last thing on her mind,’ Alison said.

While at first this felt like the end of my tiny, lesbian world – it soon got me thinking: Maybe all isn’t lost.

While Carla isn’t looking for, nor expecting, a relationship, it doesn’t mean that one won’t find her – especially if it’s with a woman.

Throughout her 13 years on the show, Carla has had countless relationships with men – some more successful than others – but has so far shown no romantic interest in women. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible.

Carla Connor sits on a bed drinking champers and flicking through a magazine as Liam sits nervously beside her in Coronation Street
Carla has only ever dated men, but it doesn’t mean that can’t change (Picture: ITV/REX/Shutterstock)

For some reason, there seems to be a common misconception that queer people discover their sexuality early on in life, though in many cases, this isn’t the case. For some people, it can take until their late forties, or even longer, to realise that they may have a romantic or sexual attraction to someone of the same gender.

Unfortunately, this isn’t often portrayed on TV. Coming out stories are often told with younger people – like Asha Alahan (Tanisha Gorey) and Nina Lucas (Mollie Gallagher) as one example.

With EastEnders having garnered praise for their handling of Suki Panesar’s (Balvinder Sopal) coming out story, and Emmerdale for Mary Goskirk’s (Louise Jameson), is it time for Coronation Street, the nation’s most watched soap, to give this story a platform?

Suki and Eve kissing in rainbow kimonos in EastEnders
Suki’s coming out storyline in EastEnders garnered a lot of praise: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)
Mary sitting and talking to Rhona in Emmerdale
Mary came out later in life in Emmerdale (Picture: ITV)

The comments online alone are enough to see why this is necessary. Ones like those at the beginning of this article can leave people in a similar position questioning their own feelings, and wondering if what they’re feeling is wrong.

Though nothing has been confirmed in regard to a future relationship between Carla and Swain, I think it would be the perfect opportunity to show people that there isn’t an age limit to discovering your sexuality. That these feelings can emerge at any stage of life. That it isn’t just a ‘mid-life crisis’, and you’re not just imagining it. And, most importantly, you are valid.

Soaps are a powerful platform for spreading awareness. Coronation Street itself has led the way with its representation of countless issues, with Michelle Connor’s (Kym Marsh) baby loss storyline even being discussed in the House of Commons back in 2017.

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On a personal level, Corrie was an integral part of my own coming out journey.

When Asha and Nina shared their first kiss, it sparked a conversation in my house that allowed me to come out to my family as a lesbian, and thus lifting a huge weight off my shoulders.

I can only imagine how many people across the UK and beyond could benefit from Coronation Street covering a storyline showing someone like Carla, who has been considered ‘straight’ for her whole life, discovering new feelings and beginning to question her sexuality.

Whether or not Corrie will go down this route remains to be seen, but they would certainly have my support.

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