Remote workers aren't always working
Remote workers aren’t always working (Picture: Getty Images)

We all acclimatised to WFH during lockdown – but perhaps a little too well, as new research suggests.

It’s no secret that many Brits moved out of London during the pandemic, leaving the Big Smoke in favour of greener (and cheaper) pastures. And while the world may have returned to some form of normal, our working habits certainly have not.

According to a 2023 YouGov poll, nearly half of Brits (43%) want a hybrid working situation, where they are in the office for a couple of days and WFH on others, while 29% of Brits want to work remotely on a permanent basis.

However, research released by LinkedIn found that 49% of companies would prefer staff to work more from the office, with 10% planning to force a return over ‘productivity paranoia.’

Now, an alarming new survey suggests perhaps employers were right to be worried – because, well, a lot of people are busying themselves at home with anything but work.

One in ten workers have had sex on company time
One in ten workers have had sex on company time (Picture: Getty Images)

More than one in 10 Brits have had sex on the clock, while they were WFH, bringing a whole new meaning to getting down to business.

Over a quarter of workers have socialised with friends and family while occasionally wiggling their mouse to make sure their boss thinks they’ve got their head down.

Out from under the watchful eye of their managers in the office, workers are also spending valuable company time applying for new jobs – a fifth of Brits admit to doing so.

The survey by TonerGiant – which, was a printing firm would benefit from people being in the office – has also found that Brits are guilty of gardening or doing DIY during work hours (21%), sleeping on the job (17%) or playing video games (16%).

Men were more likely than women to be guilty of the above sins, with 25 to 34-year-olds also being more prone to naughty behaviour during business hours.

Don’t get us wrong, there is certainly a case to be made for working from home – particularly for parents who need to be able to pick their kids up from school, and who may not be able to afford childcare.

Among those of us Brits who work from home the whole time currently, only 15% want to switch to only working from home some of the time, and just 1% want to revert to the workplace the whole time.

So, why are bosses so desperate for employees to be back in the office?

Jim Moore, employee relations expert at HR consultancy Hamilton Nash, tells ‘In some cases, bosses believe it improves collaboration and learning, or they have invested in offices that are now under-occupied.

Socialising with friends while working from home was also common
Socialising with friends while working from home was also common (Picture: Getty Images)

‘Unfortunately, the leading reason is the paranoid belief that people working from home are inherently less productive.

‘This view has been championed by a few notable leaders, most recently Sir Jim Ratcliffe, who has mandated that staff must return to the office or find another job.’

Given that work hours are being spent socialising with friends or having sex, we’d say they have a point.

But Jim doesn’t think the odd bit of gardening or socialising is a huge problem during work hours.

‘Forced WFH over the pandemic dramatically changed the workforce culture,’ he says. ‘Prior to lockdown, nobody batted an eyelid at working full time, bums on seats in the office.’

‘However, lockdown demonstrated that hybrid working was feasible, and workers have enjoyed the flexibility and work-life balance it provides,’ he adds.

Jim goes on to say that it’s the minority who ‘abuse the flexibility’ and that for those who are slacking on work at home, it’s a performance management issue.

‘It should be clear to employees what should be done, and how it should be done,’ he says.

Bosses want their workers back in the office
Bosses want their workers back in the office (Picture: Getty Images)

‘If people aren’t delivering against that, then they can be held accountable. If they are delivering, then what’s the problem?’

The idea that WFH is generally unproductive is one Jim believes to be wrong.

‘This view that home workers are less productive is based on tenuous reasoning,’ he explains. ‘Sir Jim justified his belief that people at home were less productive because of an apparent drop in email volume.’

But he doesn’t think this is necessarily a red flag and ultimately he feels that companies should embrace hybrid and remote working.

He explains: ‘If you are hiring for an in-office role, your talent pool is limited to candidates within a reasonable commute, say 15 miles. By embracing remote working, you have access to a nationwide talent pool, significantly improving your reach for top talent hires.’

Hybrid working will also attract more applicants to the role and being flexible with working arrangements will allow companies to retain or hire top talent.

It also has wider benefits for the UK too.

‘In terms of the economy as a whole, if employers embrace hybrid and remote working, then young people no longer need to abandon rural communities to find jobs,’ Jim adds.

‘This means they can remain in these communities, earning a salary and contributing to the rural economy. This also reduces housing pressure in the traditional high-employment areas, as fewer people need to relocate to secure work.’

In short, yes some people are taking the piss when it comes to working from home, but largely the benefits outweigh the negatives.

Can we see why companies want people back in the office? Absolutely. But the key to surviving as a company may come with meeting people’s needs for hybrid or remote working.

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