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As Hollyoaks heads to a dramatic new era, complete with a time jump of a whole year, the exhilarating build-up is well underway. And when I say it’s explosive, I mean that quite literally.

A new trailer and summer preview has confirmed that things go off with a bang for Warren Fox (Jamie Lomas) ahead of his high-octane, violent exit, while the harrowing saga of Frankie Osbourne’s (Isabelle Smith) abuse at the hands of her brother JJ (Ryan Mulvey) takes a shocking turn when she has the opportunity to leave him to die.

Elsewhere in the village, the mystery identity of dangerous gangster Blue continues to leave many characters on edge, and there are twists aplenty.

Could it be newcomer Donny (Louis Emerick) who we see lining up photos and articles of many of the residents in a sinister fashion? Or is it one of a few other surpects?

In other dramatic developments, Ste Hay (Kieron Richardson) puts everything on the line in a passionate tryst with newcomer Rex (Jonny Labey) – will this be the end for him and James Nightingale (Gregory Finnegan)?

Hollyoaks picture shows Jez, JJ, Mercedes, Frankie and Warren
Horror, scandal and danger – it’s an explosive summer in Hollyoaks (Picture: Metro.co.uk/Lime Pictures)

And another dark turn of events unfolds with Scott Drinkwell (Ross Adams) missing, and a bloody discovery following. Is Jeremy Blake (Jeremy Sheffield) to blame or is there more to this gruesome find than meets the eye?

Look no further than the below to really get across the huge developments coming up – there’s A LOT.

Blue strikes – and Warren fights back

Zoe finds that the bullet used to shoot Warren has Blue paint residue on it, proving that the mysterious gangster rampaging through Hollyoaks has targeted him. But he is not the only one that Blue seems to be after.

Warren is convinced that the assailant is Freddie. He is increasingly erratic, which alarms Norma, who is also set to exit in dramatic circumstances as part of the storyline.

While promising Mercedes his priority is her and the newborn twins (who he delivers before the mum announces their so very McQueen names), he is seen torching a van.

Warren Fox on the phone in a heated conversation in Hollyoaks
The battle against Blue is on! (Picture: Lime Pictures)

What lengths will he go to in order to stop Blue from threatening his family? Spoiler: A great many.

It will all culminate in even more sinister scenes down the line as we see Warren stabbed.

So who is Blue and have they killed Warren? It’s going to be an intense conclusion…

SteRex is on

As terrified Ste faces being banged up for accidentally killing Ella during the car crash, he rashly tells James his marriage is over before then makes a risky, impulsive decision, hooking up with Rex in the toilets before his sentencing.

James’ suspicions are raised by the arrival of Rex in the village – will the truth come to light?

Addressing the moment that vulnerable Ste throws caution to the wind with Rex, Kieron Richardson told Metro.co.uk: ‘Ste thinks “f*** it, I’m going away anyway and I’ve ended my marriage so let’s have one last hurrah!”‘

Ste holds a laughing Rex close in Hollyoaks
Getting to grips – the sparks are flying! (Picture: Lime Pictures)
Ste and Rex kiss in the courtroom toilets in Hollyoaks
From 0 to 100 in a flash! (Picture: Lime Pictures)

With Jonny Labey adding: ‘I wouldn’t say sparks flying, I would say explosions, inferno. It basically goes straight into it and then there’s a twist just to add to the torment.’

Methinks Ste is going to regret this dalliance…

Love and hate

Donny and Misbah are finding house-sharing comes naturally to them and the chemistry is evident. Donny on first glance seems to be a lover not a fighter and sweeps Misbah off her feet with his love of music and shared interests.

But is all as it seems as Donny has a particular interest in some characters within the village? We see him pulling out covert pictures of the likes of Warren, Mercedes, Dave and Norma among others.

What is he up to?

Donny sits with his arm around Misbah in Hollyoaks
Is Misbah in Don-ger? (Picture: Lime Pictures)

Meanwhile, Vicky has inherited her dad’s charm and sems to have an eye for Ethan but we know he is set to exit the show in coming weeks. Might there be a happy ending in store in what would probably be THE most shocking twist of all.

And finally, Dillon and Lucas are proving a double act who could last the distance as the couple who laugh together stay together. Our hearts are full!

Speaking of their happy spell, actor Oscar Curtis told me: ‘There is a happy ending – for now, definitely. We’re working on a little trip, a little hiatus for Lucas and Dillon, much needed after all the drama and everything so we’re really just grafting towards that.

A nice little grace period. You need the contrast. You need the tranquility to go along with all the craziness.’

Cleo sinks into danger

Cleo tells Abe be she wants to be a young fun couple, but with Theresa hovering in the background what has she signed up to? With an open relationship on the cards, she is aghast when Abe invites her into the fold almost instantly. But is there any going back.

Cleo looks panicked as Abe looms behind her in Hollyoaks (Picture: Lime Pictures)
Is escape possible for Cleo? (Picture: Lime Pictures)

It’s also very clear that Cleo is in an increasingly dangerous situation with controlling and obsessive Abe.

With his behaviour set to get even worse, is there any scope of an escape for Cleo before it’s too late?

Frankie’s drastic action to be rid of JJ

Frankie has had enough of being abused mentally and sexually by her sibling JJ, in the increasingly tense Osborne house. and she stands up to her sick brother, warning him she is going to tell Darren.

She was planning a summer away but has to change her plans, leaving her angry and desperate. Frankie forms a bond with her Uncle Freddie’s wife Grace and her confidence grows.

Darren in Hollyoaks village looking concerned
Will Darren finally discover Frankie’s trauma? (Picture: Lime Pictures)

Latwe, when JJ falls ill at the Osborne’s and there is no-one to help him Frankie walks away…

Grace’s explosive return to save Freddie

Rex and Ste are following Warren’s orders to get rid of Freddie.  Freddie finds himself compromised tied up to a staircase and things get worse as Rex tries to drown him in the bath.

But he’s not banking on the arrival of Grace Black, who orders them to get off her husband – have they bitten off more than they can chew by taking her on?

Is Jez a killer?

The Blake sisters are still grappling with the arrival of gardener Jez and all reacting in different ways. Maxine is reeling at his likeness to her abuser Patrick while Dilly and Liberty relish having more family in the village.

Sienna is stuck in the middle and believes Maxine, when she shares fears about what is behind his arrival. Why has Jez got blood on his shirt as Maxine panics about the whereabouts of a suddenly missing Scott?

Jeremy in Hollyoaks looking serious
We Jez don’t know what’s going to happen (Picture: Lime Pictures)

His mother Martha shows more unhinged behaviour as she drugs him in his potting shed – what is her game?

Indicating a dark future for the plot, acclaimed actor Jeremy Sheffield teased to me: ‘Jez here for a reason. He’s not come here randomly, he’s come for a specific reason. It’s something he’s spent his life aiming towards so it’s very, very big for him.’

Diane’s drinking spirals

It’s Diane’s birthday and she can’t find much worth celebrating. She feels increasingly isolated from Tony, who has found their son Ro’s transition much easier than she has.

Increasingly self-medicating Diane starts her birthday hungover sending her reaching for a hair of the dog. By the time of her surprise party, Diane is in a bad place and her outburst is heartbreaking as she hurts both herself and Ro. Can Diane accept she has a problem and get help? 

MORE : Hollyoaks star confirms ‘brilliant’ outcome to Blue story: ‘You’re in for a shock’

MORE : Jessica Fox ‘confirms’ how Hollyoaks’ JJ and Frankie Osborne abuse story ends

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