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Excise Tax

Legislation Sponsorship Type Sort Chamber Sort
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Motor Vehicle Excise Tax - Tax Credit for Electric Vehicles - Eligibility
Delegate Lewis, J.
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Estates and Trusts - Vessel Transfers - Excise Tax and Title Fee Exemption
Delegate Arentz
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0398 /CH0970
Prince George's County - Taxes on Telecommunications Services - Use of Revenue PG 406-24
Prince George's County Delegation
4 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Electric Vehicles – Repeal of Excise Tax Credit and Establishment of Rebate Program
Delegate Fraser-Hidalgo
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Vehicle Excise Tax - Trade-In Allowance - Repeal
Delegate Wells
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0866 (SB0857)
Off–Highway Recreational Vehicle Trail Fund and Off–Highway Recreational Vehicle Recreation Oversight Board – Alterations and Establishment
Delegate Buckel
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Vehicle Excise Tax - Rate Increase
Delegate Fair
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB0935 (SB0784)
Comprehensive Community Safety Funding Act
Delegate Mireku-North
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
Vessel Transfers - Excise Tax and Title Fee Exemption and Transfer-on-Death Beneficiary Designation
Delegate Arentz
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB1217 (SB1041/CH0918)
Alcoholic Beverages - Breweries, Wineries, and Distilleries - Direct Delivery
Delegate Kerr
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
HB1450 /CH0992 (SB1186)
Howard County Task Force to Study Revenue Options for School Capital Needs Ho. Co. 18-24
Howard County Delegation
4 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0784 (HB0935)
Comprehensive Community Safety Funding Act
Senator Elfreth
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB0857 (HB0866)
Off-Highway Recreational Vehicle Trail Fund and Off-Highway Recreational Vehicle Recreation Oversight Board - Alterations and Establishment
Senator McKay
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB1041 /CH0918 (HB1217)
Alcoholic Beverages - Breweries, Wineries, and Distilleries - Direct Delivery
Senator Gile
2 2
Bill/Chapter (Cross/Chapter)
SB1186 (HB1450/CH0992)
Howard County Task Force to Study Revenue Options for School Capital Needs Ho. Co. 18-24
Howard County Senators
4 2
Titel Sponsor Sponsorship Type Sort Chamber Sort Current Status Org Committees & Hearings Opp Committees & Hearings
HB0064 Motor Vehicle Excise Tax - Tax Credit for Electric Vehicles - Eligibility Delegate Lewis, J. 2 2 In the House - Hearing 2/01 at 1:00 p.m.
Environment and Transportation
2/01/2024 - 1:00 PM
HB0294 Estates and Trusts - Vessel Transfers - Excise Tax and Title Fee Exemption Delegate Arentz 2 2 In the House - First Reading Environment and Transportation and Ways and Means
Environment and Transportation
Ways and Means
HB0398 /CH0970 Prince George's County - Taxes on Telecommunications Services - Use of Revenue PG 406-24 Prince George's County Delegation 4 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 970
Ways and Means
2/07/2024 - 2:30 PM
Budget and Taxation
3/26/2024 - 12:00 PM
HB0689 Electric Vehicles – Repeal of Excise Tax Credit and Establishment of Rebate Program Delegate Fraser-Hidalgo 2 2 In the Senate - Third Reading Passed with Amendments (33-11)
Environment and Transportation
2/15/2024 - 1:00 PM
Budget and Taxation
3/26/2024 - 12:00 PM
HB0754 Vehicle Excise Tax - Trade-In Allowance - Repeal Delegate Wells 2 2 In the House - Hearing 2/20 at 1:00 p.m.
Ways and Means
2/20/2024 - 1:00 PM
HB0866 (SB0857) Off–Highway Recreational Vehicle Trail Fund and Off–Highway Recreational Vehicle Recreation Oversight Board – Alterations and Establishment Delegate Buckel 2 2 In the House - Hearing 2/29 at 1:00 p.m. (Environment and Transportation)
Environment and Transportation
2/29/2024 - 1:00 PM
Ways and Means
HB0925 Vehicle Excise Tax - Rate Increase Delegate Fair 2 2 In the House - Hearing 2/20 at 1:00 p.m.
Ways and Means
2/20/2024 - 1:00 PM
HB0935 (SB0784) Comprehensive Community Safety Funding Act Delegate Mireku-North 2 2 In the House - Hearing 2/22 at 1:00 p.m.
Ways and Means
2/22/2024 - 1:00 PM
HB1011 Vessel Transfers - Excise Tax and Title Fee Exemption and Transfer-on-Death Beneficiary Designation Delegate Arentz 2 2 In the House - Hearing 2/29 at 1:00 p.m. (Environment and Transportation)
Environment and Transportation
2/29/2024 - 1:00 PM
Ways and Means
HB1217 (SB1041/CH0918) Alcoholic Beverages - Breweries, Wineries, and Distilleries - Direct Delivery Delegate Kerr 2 2 In the Senate - First Reading Senate Rules
Economic Matters
2/19/2024 - 1:00 PM
HB1450 /CH0992 (SB1186) Howard County Task Force to Study Revenue Options for School Capital Needs Ho. Co. 18-24 Howard County Delegation 4 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 992
3/12/2024 - 12:00 PM
Budget and Taxation
3/26/2024 - 12:00 PM
SB0784 (HB0935) Comprehensive Community Safety Funding Act Senator Elfreth 2 2 In the House - Hearing 3/28 at 12:00 p.m.
Budget and Taxation
2/14/2024 - 1:00 PM
Ways and Means
3/28/2024 - 12:00 PM
SB0857 (HB0866) Off-Highway Recreational Vehicle Trail Fund and Off-Highway Recreational Vehicle Recreation Oversight Board - Alterations and Establishment Senator McKay 2 2 In the Senate - Hearing 2/28 at 1:00 p.m.
Judicial Proceedings
2/28/2024 - 1:00 PM
SB1041 /CH0918 (HB1217) Alcoholic Beverages - Breweries, Wineries, and Distilleries - Direct Delivery Senator Gile 2 2 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 918
2/23/2024 - 10:00 AM
Economic Matters
SB1186 (HB1450/CH0992) Howard County Task Force to Study Revenue Options for School Capital Needs Ho. Co. 18-24 Howard County Senators 4 2 In the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations
Budget and Taxation
3/26/2024 - 1:00 PM
Rules and Executive Nominations
Denotes enacted legislation
Last Updated: 5/23/2024 5:18 PM
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