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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

HB0518 - Public Service Commission - Performance-Based Regulation - Study

Economic Matters 2/8/2024 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/3/2024 1:21:35 AM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
Delegate Taveras, Delegate Taveras FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Klase, Anne Pepco/DPL INFO 2024-HB518-PHI- INF.pdf ECM
Reed, Dytonia BGE INFO BGE_LOI_ECM_House Bill 518- Public Service Commiss ECM
Fahrig, Landon Maryland Energy Administration INFO HB0518 - LOI .pdf ECM
Hoover, Frederick Maryland PublicService Commission INFO HB 518_Information_PSC.pdf ECM
Hudson, Lee Delaware-Maryland Synod, ELCA FAV No Testimony ECM
Nunez, Juliana FAV Letter Supporting HB518 - Delegate Taveras.pdf ECM
Lapp, David Office of People's Counsel INFO HB0518 OPC Testimony.pdf ECM
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