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Committee Testimony and Witness Signup

SB0483 - Maryland Community Investment Corporation - Establishment (Housing and Community Development Financing Act of 2024)

Education, Energy, and the Environment 2/22/2024 1:00:00 PM
As of: 9/15/2024 2:28:49 PM
Name Organization Position Testimony Committee
President, President FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Reddinger, Sarah FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Habitat Metro MD Testimony in Support of SB483.pdf
McMillan, Leslie BUILD (Baltimoreans United In Leadership Development) FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
FINAL Written Testimony for Housing Community Deve
Snyder, Abigail Baltimore Jewish Council FAV SB583 - Housing and Community Development Financin EEE
Day, Jake Department of Housing and Community Development FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
May, Lisa Maryland REALTORS FAV SB 483- Housing Finance - FAV - REALTORS.pdf EEE
Sirkel, Robin UNF No Testimony EEE
Kraska, Jenny FAV Maryland Catholic Conference_FAV_SB483.pdf EEE
Meyerovich, Mark UNF No Testimony EEE
Fallon, Brad Office of the Governor FAV SB0483 SPONSOR TESTIMONY.pdf EEE
Hopkins, Barbara UNF No Testimony EEE
Lierman, Brooke Comptroller of Maryland FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Seabright, Paula FAV HPP_SB481_SB483_SB484.pdf EEE
Posko, Mike Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake FAV Testimony SB 483 - signed.pdf EEE
Orbe, Jr., Carlos Maryland Latinos Unidos FAV MLU written testimony - SB 483 - Housing and Commu EEE
Plante, Cecilia Maryland Legislative Coalition FAV SB0483_Housing_and_Community_Development_Financing EEE
Wilson Randall, Claudia FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
sirkel, jess UNF No Testimony EEE
Hudson, Lee Delaware-Maryland Synod, ELCA FAV No Testimony EEE
Riggle, Anne City Life Historic Properties FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Testimony-Anne Riggle-Senate Bill-0483, 2024, 2-22
Volkmar, Leslie UNF No Testimony EEE
Martin, Angela Maryland Community Action Partnership FAV SB 483_Housing and Community Development Financing EEE
Pittman, Steuart Office of the Anne Arundel County Executive FAV Anne Arundel County _FAV_SB483.pdf EEE
Kaplowitz, Richard KAP Year FAV Testimony in support of SB0483.pdf EEE
Williams, Peggy UNF No Testimony EEE
Posner, Mitchell Community Assistance Network, Inc. FAV SB483.pdf EEE
Lang, Alan UNF No Testimony EEE
Sarro, Lisa Arundel Community Development Services, Inc. FAV SB0483 ACDS Support - Housing & Communuity Develop EEE
D’Orazio , Daniela UNF No Testimony EEE
Pedersen, Stacy UNF No Testimony EEE
KANIA, PRISCILLA AARP Maryland FAV SB 483 – Maryland Community Investment Corporation EEE
Dayton, Jonathan Maryland Rural Health Association FAV SB0483.docx.pdf EEE
Countess, Gregory Maryland Legal Aid FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Testimony - SB 483 - GLCountess.pdf
Crutchfield, Adria Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership FAV SB483-HB0599 MCIC Testimony Final.pdf EEE
Butchko, Dominic Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) FAV SB0483-EEE_MACo_SUP.pdf EEE
Bailey Thupari, Angelica Maryland Municipal League FAV MML-SB 483 - FAV.pdf EEE
Diefenbach, Linda UNF No Testimony EEE
Sims, Brian Maryland Hospital Association FAV SB483_HousingCommunityDevelopmentFinancing2024_LOS EEE
Graf, Lori Maryland Building Industry Association FAV MBIA Letter of Support SB483.pdf EEE
Reed, Dan Greater Greater Washington FAV Comments on SB 483, Housing and Community Developm EEE
Kisicki, Carrie Coalition for Smarter Growth FAV CSG Testimony on SB 483 Maryland Community Investm EEE
Scott, Brandon Mayor, Baltimore City Administration FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Benjaminson, Heather UNF No Testimony EEE
Rhoades Brown, Adam Cross Street Partners FAV In Person - Oral Testimony
Elbourn, James UNF No Testimony EEE
Ditraglia, Frank UNF No Testimony EEE
Testimony, All K.A. Merged Testimony as of 3-18-2024 at 507 PM EEE
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