Choose Your Format


  • Full-time
  • Daytime classes
  • Cohort experience
On-Campus Icon

Thomas Bennett

UNC MPA Alumni

“My favorite part of the program was the cohort. They are some of the best and smartest people I’ve ever met. To be a part of that group is something special.”


  • Part-time or full-time
  • Live, evening classes online
  • Asynchronous work on your own
Online Icon

Stephen Thompson

Online UNC MPA Student

“The biggest surprise for me as an online student is the strong sense of community I have found here. The instructor’s emphasis on small group assignments and facilitation of class-wide discussions allows each student to bring their full self to class. A key component of the program is learning and working with public servants from California to Maine as peers and fellow students, and seeing those familiar faces from your cohort throughout your time in the program allows you to form some pretty strong relationships.”

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Earn Your Degree Your Way

Regardless of the format you choose, the educational rigor and commitment to excellence are the same. Use the table below to learn more about key similarities and differences between the two options.



Total credits



Total credits


Start Terms

Fall only
(late August)


Start Terms

Three per year
Spring, Summer, Fall


Full-time only



Full-time or Part-time

Erleben Sie

In-person, cohort model
(most classes taken with your cohort)


Erleben Sie

Asynchronous/Synchronous learning. Each class requires self-paced learning with 1.5 hours each week of on-camera instruction.

Classes per semester

3-4 per semester. Core course schedule is pre-determined.
Electives are flexible.
See sample on-campus schedule


Classes per semester

Usually 2 per semester
Some flexibility in choosing classes.
See sample online schedule

Class times

During the day
Monday through Thursday


Class times

One evening per week
per course for 90 minutes

Completion time

2 years (3 years for dual degree)


Completion time

18 months or up to five years

Approximate total cost of program

$27,493.44 for NC residents /
$64,807.44 for non-residents


Approximate total cost of program

$30,702.15 for NC residents /
$77,344.65 for non-residents

Scholarships/Financial Aid availability

Yes –
Scholarships and Assistantships


Scholarships/Financial Aid availability

Yes –

Average age



Average age


Total cohort size per start term

Fewer than 30 students


Total cohort size per start term

Varies, but usually around 15 students

Class sizes

Fewer than 30 students


Class sizes

10-15 students

Opportunity to work

Part-time only (recommended)


Opportunity to work

85 percent work full-time


Full Professors + Adjunct Instructor



Full Professors + Adjunct Instructors

Concentrations available

Local Government, Public Management, Nonprofit Management, Community and Economic Development, and Public Policy


Concentrations available

Local Government, Public Management, Nonprofit Management

Opportunity to take classes in other format

Up to nine credits online


Opportunity to take classes in other format

Up to nine credits on campus

Upcoming Admissions Events

September 23, 2024

The UNC MPA program will host a Happy Hour Hub in conjunction with the ICMA conference in…

October 15, 2024

If you have been deciding what to do for graduate school and have been considering the above paths,…

October 24, 2024

The Fall 2024 MPA Immersion course will be led by Professor John Stephens.  The topic will be…

Recent Blog Posts

September 13, 2024

Welcome to the Carolina MPA@UNC program Ushni!  Tell us a bit about yourself. I was born…

September 03, 2024

We sat down with new student Rebecca Gilbert to learn more about why she’s here and where she’s…

August 16, 2024

My PWE at The Recycling Partnership was spectacular to say the least! This experience has been an…