No.6 Collaborations Project

No.6 Collaborations Project

Ed Sheeran 透過 Apple Music 留下獨家訊息,和歌迷介紹這張眾星加持的新專輯。我們將它翻譯成中文與大家分享: 「基於 2010 年的《No.5 Collaborations Project》的創作概念,新專輯同樣找來許多我欣賞的歌手一起合作。我最初在電腦上建了《No.6 Collaborations Project》的文件夾,然後開始聯絡我想要合作的對象,從打給 Camila 開始,展開了這張專輯的合作計畫。我以納許維爾為據點,佈置了一間錄音室開始寫歌;每當有藝人路過或到納許維爾表演,我就邀請他們一起來錄音室玩。三個月後,這張與眾多出眾藝人合作的作品也大功告成。對我而言,我終於踏出了自己的舒適圈,創作出不一樣的東西。這是一張很有趣的專輯,希望你也喜歡。」-Ed 以下是 Ed 的訊息原文: This record was based on one I made in 2010 called No.5 Collaborations Project with a load of artists I liked. I had a little folder on my laptop called No.6 Collaborations Project, so I started ringing up people who I wanted to work with. I think the first was Camila, and then it sort of opened up from there. I based myself in Nashville, set up a studio there and started making songs, so whenever an artist passed through Nashville I would hit them up and they would come to the house. We’d make a song, and the record was made over the course of three months, with lots of people I like. I really stepped out of my comfort zone on some stuff. It was very fun and I hope you enjoy it. —Ed





