Pride 2024 (DJ Mix)

Pride 2024 (DJ Mix)

“I envision my Pride mix to be a source of euphoric energy,” Aquaria tells Apple Music. “I’ve crafted it using songs that uplift my spirits in one way or another, and give me no choice but to find the nearest dance floor and sweat it out in the name of life. The best Pride celebrations are where all members of our community feel free and celebrated, and I can imagine myself playing this mix at all sorts of steamy clubs across the city.” The city in question is New York City, of course—the drag icon took inspiration from the city itself while creating the mix: “I’ve been working on it from my home office in Brooklyn, overlooking the East River and Manhattan skyline. I’m always so inspired when I look out and reflect on my past 10 years living in this city and working in queer nightlife. I’m reminded of countless unforgettable moments, and I wanted to encapsulate the spontaneity and excitement of my experiences here.” Of all the tracks on Aquaria’s mix, Romy’s “Enjoy Your Life” is a particular standout. “To me, this represents one of those songs that you can put on at any time, and even if you’re feeling down, its message and energy will always be there to uplift you,” Aquaria says. “The track reminds you that despite the obstacles life can throw at you, sometimes the solution really does boil down to the simple old-fashioned advice to enjoy your life. I’m all for lyrics with lots of nuance and deeper hidden meaning, but sometimes you don’t need a convoluted metaphor to express pure joy through music. Romy does that so perfectly on this track, and the DJ HEARTSTRING remix pushes that BPM—and message—even harder.”

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