Teach For Malaysia

Teach For Malaysia

Organisasi Bukan Untung

Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur 34,888 pengikut

An independent NGO on a mission to empower all children in Malaysia to realise their potential.

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Teach For Malaysia is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that is mobilising a movement of leaders to end education inequity. 1. We recruit outstanding graduates and young professionals to be full-time teachers in high-need schools through our two-year Fellowship. 2. We train and support our Fellows who teach and collaborate with other teachers and leaders, to be part of the solution to the challenges faced by our communities. 3. We work alongside our Alumni who continue to drive systemic impact in education at all levels of society - from the boardroom to the classroom.

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Organisasi Bukan Untung
Saiz syarikat
51-200 pekerja
Ibu pejabat
Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur


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    9 Jalan Ampang

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    Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur 50450, MY

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    We asked our 2023 Cohort of Fellows to describe their Fellowship experience in one word. Check out their responses! Keep an eye out for Part 2, where they share why they decided to join the Fellowship. The Fellowship programme is still accepting applications! If you’re a fresh graduate or a working professional looking to develop your leadership potential while being part of a collective movement, join Teach For Malaysia’s Fellowship programme. Apply today at: https://lnkd.in/g92Kx3ha Deadline: 30th September 2024 #TFMFellowship #NationBuilders #JoinTheMovement #MakeAnImpact #TeachForMalaysia

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    Lihat laman organisasi Yinson, grafik

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    Yinson recently co-facilitated a class of Year 6 students in Kuching, Sarawak, during TFM Week 2024 with Teach For Malaysia. Our Dr Renard Siew, Head of Corporate Sustainability, joined TFM Fellow Qamarul Azarin to explore how mathematics can solve real-world sustainability challenges. Commenting on his experience, Dr Renard said, “Spending the morning with such curious young minds was an invaluable experience. I am also deeply honoured and inspired by the dedication of TFM Fellows like Qamarul, whose passion and commitment are driving change in addressing educational inequity in Malaysia. By connecting classroom learning with real-world applications, we encourage the next generation to dream big and see the impact they can make.” Read more here: https://lnkd.in/gerGmjaP #Yinson #PassionatelyDeliveringPowerfulSolutions #TFMWeek2024 #Education

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  • Lihat laman organisasi Teach For Malaysia, grafik

    34,888 pengikut

    #TFMWeek2024 is now in Sarawak! We brought together an incredible lineup of corporate leaders into our classrooms, including Dr Renard Siew, Head of Corporate Sustainability at Yinson; Gautam Puntambekar, Country Head of Bank of America; Elaine Y. , 2017 Alumna and Pertama Tuition Centre 第一补习学校 owner and Yen Leng O., Head of South East Asia at Northern Trust. Their wealth of expertise and passion ignited a wave of inspiration, proving that collaboration between industry leaders and education will shape the future of our students in Sarawak to rise higher because #AnakMalaysiaBoleh. Come join us as the catalyst for change and help to shape Malaysia's future nation-builders. The TFM Fellowship 2025 Cohort is now open for applications. Apply today at: https://lnkd.in/gvXXsgth Deadline: 30 September 2024 Keep an eye out for more #TFMWeek2024 highlights as our remarkable guests continue to ignite inspiration in classrooms across the nation! #TFMWeek2024 #TeachForMalaysia #MenyemaiInspirasiMenanamHarapan #TFMFellowship #NationBuilders #JoinTheMovement #MakeAnImpact

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  • Teach For Malaysia memaparkan semula ini

    Lihat profil Azreen Suhaimi (ACC, ICF), grafik

    HRDF Qualified Trainer | Learning& Development | Change Management | Instructional Coaching | Program Implementation | Coaching | Education Reform

    You're never too old for group activities! Mahjong and coloured paper, colourful marker pens, coloured pencils, drawing and mind maps, glue, stickers and blue-tack. Chatters and laughter. Unleash your creativity, personality and ideas while you build knowledge and awareness. Collaborate and collaborate! Participating in group activities can be valuable at any stage of life because they encourage collaboration, improve communication skills, strengthen relationships, and cultivate a sense of community. This is a significant approach that we take when we deliver the Pre-Service Program (PSP) at Teach For Malaysia. While the format and style may differ from those designed for children, adults can reap significant benefits from engaging in group-based learning, team-building exercises, or collaborative projects. For adults, group activities can be customised to target professional development, personal growth, or common interests. These might include workshops, brainstorming sessions, collaborative problem-solving challenges, or team-building events. Such activities are not only enjoyable and invigorating, but they can also be deeply meaningful, often sparking new insights, enhancing skills, and fostering meaningful relationships.

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    Lihat profil Azreen Suhaimi (ACC, ICF), grafik

    HRDF Qualified Trainer | Learning& Development | Change Management | Instructional Coaching | Program Implementation | Coaching | Education Reform

    It is my 10th month serving as the Leadership Development Manager at Teach For Malaysia. I've been deeply involved in training, coaching, and guiding the growth of our Fellows—future leaders under my care. These Fellows, stationed in schools across Perak and Selangor, undergo intensive training and coaching sessions that are designed not only to strengthen their current skills but also to help them develop new ones. The support we offer is thoughtfully crafted to empower them and drive initiatives that enhance leadership in the organisation that they are in. In my role, I've implemented a range of coaching approaches aimed at developing essential leadership skills, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and nurturing the growth of emerging leaders, no matter the setting. My background in teaching has been a unique advantage, giving me valuable insights into how teaching and learning skills are not just relevant but crucial and transferable in leadership roles beyond the classroom context. Over these nine months, I've gained significant experience in strategic planning, coaching, and mentoring. This experience, along with the steadfast support of my senior leadership team, the operational teams, and my background in teacher-leader development and change management, has enabled me to drive meaningful growth among the Fellows. Their journey has been challenging, but I genuinely believe it has helped them develop a strong sense of self-belief and a clear understanding of what it means to be a leader in various contexts. I hope I can sustain these efforts to significantly contribute to fostering a culture of growth and excellence in this Fellowship journey. #Leadershipdevelopment #TeachForMalaysia #TeachForAll #FellowshipJourney

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    Depois de 6 meses de encontros virtuais, em agosto, tive o privilégio de me reunir com colegas educadores de todo o mundo em Kuala Lumpur, na Malásia. 🌏 A Leading With Lived Experiences Fellowship, promovida pela Teach For All foi uma experiência transformadora que me permitiu refletir sobre a minha trajetória de vida e o impacto que ela pode ter no meu papel enquanto líder. Além disso, foi um espaço de cura e acolhimento, onde pude enfrentar os traumas que marcaram o meu percurso. Tive ainda a oportunidade de conhecer a inspiradora equipa da Teach For Malaysia, que nos recebeu de braços abertos. Visitámos também a Arus Academy que nos mostrou que, independentemente do contexto, existem por todo o mundo educadores dedicados a romper ciclos de pobreza e exclusão social através da educação. Estou muito grata à Teach For All pela oportunidade e por todo o conhecimento e conexão que proporcionou. Agradeço também à Teach For Portugal que celebrou comigo esta Fellowship e, especialmente, à nossa Co-Fundadora e Diretora de Formação Maria Azevedo por ter colocado esta oportunidade no meu caminho. ____ EN After 6 months of virtual meetings, in August, I had the privilege of gathering with fellow educators from around the world in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 🌏 The Leading With Lived Experiences Fellowship, organised by Teach For All, was a transformative experience that allowed me to reflect on my life journey and the impact it can have on my role as a leader. Additionally, it provided a space for healing and support, where I was able to confront the traumas that have marked my path. I also had the opportunity to meet the inspiring team at Teach For Malaysia, who welcomed us with "open arms". We visited the Arus Academy, which demonstrated that, regardless of context, there are educators worldwide dedicated to breaking the cycles of poverty and social exclusion through education. I am deeply grateful to Teach For All for this opportunity and for all the knowledge and connections it provided. I also wish to thank Teach For Portugal for celebrating this Fellowship with me and, especially, our Co-Founder and Director of Training, Maria Azevedo, for placing this opportunity in my path. 🙏 We represent Representamos Kami Mewakili 🚀🚀 #identity #leadership #diversity #inclusion #education

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  • Teach For Malaysia memaparkan semula ini

    Lihat profil Priscilla Wong, grafik

    Head of Student Mobilisation at Teach for Malaysia | Youth Leadership Development | Strategic Planning | Social Impact & Sustainability

    Dear friends & connections, I’m excited to share some wonderful news with you—I’ll be running in the KL Standard Chartered Marathon! I’m thrilled about this challenge, but what makes it truly special is that it’s so much MORE THAN JUST RUNNING. I’m running with a heart full of hope and determination to make a real difference in the lives of Malaysia’s children and to contribute our country’s future. Through my work with Teach For Malaysia—a cause that I hold so close to my heart—I’m dedicated to building a better Malaysia where every child can unlock their full potential through quality education. I know I don’t always share much about my work, but it’s so much more than just a job to me—it’s my passion, my purpose, and my way of MAKING A DIFFERENCE. I hope this message touches your heart and sparks a deeper interest in what I do. To support this cause that means so much to me, I would be incredibly grateful for your donation via https://lnkd.in/gCeDFgPg And if you’re curious to learn more about what I do, please feel free to explore these links: https://lnkd.in/gFkcB9Pt https://lnkd.in/gtxzKquP Thank you for being a part of the solutions towards a brighter future for all of us!

    KL Marathon

    KL Marathon


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    Lihat profil Luqman Long, grafik

    Head of Public Sector Partnerships, Teach For Malaysia | Director, Kuala Lumpur Debate | Co-Founder, MUDA

    Attended Education Budget Dialogue hosted by Ministry of Education last Friday as part of Teach For Malaysia ‘s delegates. Every year, all ministries will engage with public and private sectors to collect input, data and feedbacks on budget and hopefully - those engagement will guide ministries to the drafting of next year’s budget. There were number of questions and concerns raised on education but the most requested item was the book voucher handouts. Book voucher was first introduced back in 2012 to subsidise all purchases of books by students. This idea was simple - government gives you RM x amount to help you buy books. It was continued until the present Madani government. Last year, PM Anwar announced book vouchers worth RM100 to all primary (Year 4 and above), secondary, higher education and IPG students. According to Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, Malaysians on average spend 3 hours a week reading. This is comparatively lower than our neighbours Indonesia 6 hours, Thailand 9.24 hours, Philippines 7.36 hours. India tops the reading chart - spending 10 hours 42 minutes reading EVERY WEEK. This is a great concern. The reading culture creates a strong, vision driven for the readers. It pushes our imagination to create and innovate. India has registered over 83,000 new patents early this year alone. China has the biggest number of unicorn startups after USA. We cannot trap ourselves into this sense of complacency while our neighbours left us in innovation, and culturally driven progress. MOE has a unique position in this national dilemma to play a huge role in attracting more interest in reading culture. Be it book vouchers, galvanising book translation efforts, pushing Malaysia to be Asia’s reading hub - we need to have strategic plans with all stakeholders. While we are grateful in the spirit of Merdeka and remembering the sacrifice of our founding fathers, we must go to the drawing board, take charge and move forward to be a better nation. Happy Merdeka Day! Sayang negara ini seperti kita sayangkan tubuh kita sendiri. Pelihara dan pertahan ibu pertiwi seperti ibu kita di kampung halaman. 🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾

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    Lihat profil Nabil Jeffrey, grafik

    Economics and Sociology at The University of Manchester | YTP-MARA Scholar

    ⭐️I am delighted to share that I have completed my 10-week internship as a Talent Acquisition intern at Teach For Malaysia🖐🏻. Working in the organization was a truly blessed opportunity for me. From understanding the mission and vision to executing every possible move to achieve our objectives, this experience has been invaluable. The Talent Acquisition department is one of the crucial division in our flagship program called The Fellowship Program, where our team worked closely to recruit the highest quality candidates to become fellow and to be part of the movement. Here are some of my tasks and contributions as part of the team and organisation: 🏅Data Management: I administered data updates for the tracking system daily and weekly to keep the team informed of our performance, ensuring we met our target numbers and OKRs (Objectives and Key Results). I was also responsible of entering new data for institutions not yet in the system. 🏅Cultivation Calls: Daily, I called candidates who had submitted their Registration of Interest (ROI) for the Fellowship Program to guide them through the full application process. I took this opportunity to understand their motivations and encourage them to take the first step into breaking the cycle and become part of our movement . 🏅Early Engagement: I gained valuable experience by spreading awareness about educational inequity and generating early engagement with stakeholders. One highlight was participating in the "Re-imagining Education" workshop, which explained what educational inequity looks like in real life and how we can tackle it. 🏅Volunteering: I had the honour of joining sessions led by the Community Mobilisation team, contributing to initiatives like the Education Recovery Teaching Initiatives (ERTI) and Projek Komuniti Perkasa (PKP). These programs empower young children through quality education and guidance on becoming young leaders of the future. 🏅Summer Initiatives: As interns, we worked on a collective project to gather insights on how Teach For Malaysia can improve to become the desired employer for younger generations, especially focusing on work style trends that suit youth and Gen Z. Teach For Malaysia has instilled in me a deep sense of responsibility towards the education landscape in our country. They showed me that ensuring all children receive a quality education is a shared responsibility and by working together, we can ensure that "One day, all children in Malaysia will have the opportunity to realise their potential through quality education." 🔈A special shout-out to my manager, Mr Brandon Lee, who guided and encouraged me endlessly. He put his faith and brings out the best in me throughout my time under his supervision. I also would like to thank the entire Talent Acquisition team for welcoming me warmly into this small family. Thank you Teach For Malaysia for this opportunity! #TeachForMalaysia #BreakTheCycle #UntukAnakMalaysia

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