Cancer Namers

zodiac names cancer namer

Cancer, you're known for your warmth, sensitivity, and family orientation, all of which you bring with you when naming a baby. Here, gain insight into your signature Cancer name style, approach to baby naming, and names you might like, along with expert intel on your Cancer baby.

The Cancer Namer

You understand that a name is a gift, and Cancer, gift-giving is one of your strong suits. You put your heart and soul into finding the perfect name for your baby and ultimately make a very thoughtful choice. But if someone dislikes it — your partner, your family, or especially your child — your feelings are bound to be hurt.

Cancer, you may have picked out your future children’s names as a teenager. If your partner vetoes your long-term favorites, it’s going to be a big blow. You may be defensive of your choices and have trouble letting go, but ultimately, you have to pick a name that satisfies both parents.

You tend to be more indirect and passive, and run the risk of being overrun by a more forceful partner. If you sense this happening, you use emotional tactics to get them on your side, but may ultimately retreat and give in. This could cause name regret down the line, not to mention tension with your partner if you hold a grudge. Make sure your voice is heard in the baby name conversation, Cancer!

However, this discussion should stay between you and your partner. Opening up the dialog will solicit opinions — plenty of which are better left unheard. You value the thoughts of others, but their comments may dissuade you from using your favorite names — particularly if they are coming from a loved one. Trust your own instinct and go with a name you and your partner love.

Cancer Name Style

Cancer, you look for a name with warmth to it. You want your baby’s name to be liked by everyone — your own friends and family, as well as your child’s peers — and that means a name with a friendly, approachable aura.

Usually, the names that qualify are relatively well-used. Everyone likes them, after all! You have a good sense of style and a keen eye for trends, so you’re attracted to established names that are up-and-coming, particularly trendy traditionals such as Henry and Margot.

You search for a name with history, Cancer, whether it’s connected to a notable figure of the past or an ancestor of your own. Names with a family connection hold more cache for you, as there’s nothing you value more than your kin. Many Cancers use honor names as first or middle names to pay homage to their loved ones.

Cancer, you strongly take into account the feelings of your child when choosing their name. Any name that could lead to teasing is immediately stricken from your list. You’d rather have your child be one of two Theos in his class than be called out for having a very unusual name. You see the value in blending in with one’s environment, and want your child to feel a part of their generation and community.

Names a Cancer Might Like

It’s hard to argue with friendly, traditional names like Ruby and Leo, which may speak to your warm Cancer nature, along with other stylish classics such as Phoebe and Jasper.

Cancer Naming Partners

Cancer, here's how to most effectively navigate the naming process with your partner, based on their sign.

Cancer & Aries

Cancer & Aries

Cancer, it may seem as if you and your Aries partner are on opposite teams, but if you communicate well, you’ll end up with an excellent baby name that suits both partners. Read more

Cancer & Taurus

Cancer & Taurus

Cancer, you and Taurus intuitively understand how others will perceive your child’s name. Read more

Cancer & Gemini

Cancer & Gemini

Cancer, the keyword is compromise when naming a baby with a Gemini. Read more

Cancer & Cancer

Cancer & Cancer

Cancer, you and your Cancer partner take baby naming seriously. Read more

Cancer & Leo

Cancer & Leo

Cancer, you and Leo are searching for a name that will get a shiny seal of approval from everyone you know. Read more

Cancer & Virgo

Cancer & Virgo

Cancer, when naming a baby with a Virgo partner, you must find the balance between head and heart. Read more

Cancer & Libra

Cancer & Libra

Cancer, despite your differences in personality, you and your Libra partner will be excellent partners at finding a baby name. Read more

Cancer & Scorpio

Cancer & Scorpio

Cancer, you and Scorpio are in tune with each other’s emotions and desires and generally will be sensitive to each other throughout the baby name process. Read more

Cancer & Sagittarius

Cancer & Sagittarius

Cancer, you and Sagittarius are speaking different languages when it comes to baby names. Read more

Cancer & Capricorn

Cancer & Capricorn

Cancer, you and your Capricorn partner care deeply about finding the right name for your child. Read more

Cancer & Aquarius

Cancer & Aquarius

Cancer, you and Aquarius are on entirely different baby name planets. Read more

Cancer & Pisces

Cancer & Pisces

Cancer, both you and Pisces rely on intuition when choosing baby names. Read more

Naming a Cancer Baby?

cancer baby names

Naming a baby Cancer? Head to our list of Cancer Baby Names to find the right name for your little crab.

See All Zodiac Names

See All Zodiac Names

Go to the main Zodiac Names page, where you can connect to naming profiles for all the signs.

Cancer Baby: Everything You Need To Know About Babies Born Under This Sign

The most playful, exploratory water sign, infant Crabs are big on taking baths, splashing in the pool, and going on trips to the beach. They’ll also take a keen interest in mealtime, finding joy in trying new flavors and textures at your urging. But while they might be go-getters from the time they’re tiny, they’re also deeply emotional and sensitive.

They’ll take quickly to—and adore—being worn in a baby sling or carrier or held close in a skin-to-skin snuggle session and will be especially engaged with you during a feeding. And though sweet coos and I love yous are sure to benefit any little one, warm, fuzzy sounds and actions that reassure your Cancer baby that you’re there for them go especially far to helping them feel truly blissed-out.

Excerpted from Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent's Guide to Astrology by Maressa Brown. Workman Publishing © 2023.

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Using Your Zodiac Sign to Name Your Child with Sophie Kihm

Using Your Zodiac Sign to Name Your Child with Sophie Kihm

Nameberry's Sophie Kihm joins hosts Julie and Val to talk about how parents can use their zodiac sign to help them throughout the baby name process. She also analyzes how Julie's and Val's signs played into their choice of baby names. Listen to the episode