Leo Namers

zodiac names leo namer

Leo, you're known for your creativity, pride, and excellent fashion sense, all of which you bring with you when naming a baby. Here, gain insight into your signature Leo name style, approach to baby naming, and names you might like, along with expert intel on your Leo baby.

The Leo Namer

You’re the boss, Leo, or at least you want to be the boss of the baby name process. Sure, you value your partner’s input, but really, you are the one who sets the rules.

Ideally, you’re searching for a name that manages to stand out while being almost universally loved. It’s a tough balance to strike — an unusual name has greater visibility, but is less likely to be cooed over, while a more popular name may get the reaction you desire, but blends in more. You may ask your friends and family what they think of the names on your list to gauge the public opinion.

Leo, you want your child’s name to elicit oohs and ahhs and inspire other parents — but not so much so that they end up using your uncommon choice. You understand that a unique baby name highlights you as a unique parent, which may not be the first thing you consider, but certainly isn’t the last, either.

You’re interested in the practice of naming a child — some may say more than the result — and if it were up to you, it would be rife with impassioned debates and discussions about your choices. Your child needs a great story about how they were named, and "Aria was just the name we agreed on" is not going to cut it.

Once you do choose a name, start prepping for the big reveal. Whether it’s a name reveal party or an eye-catching birth announcement, you want the world to learn your baby’s name in a bold and aesthetic fashion.

Ultimately, Leo, it’s most important to you that your child is proud of their name. No doubt you will be able to teach them how to carry their perfectly-chosen moniker with your signature Leo pride.

Leo Name Style

Leo, the names on your list are the kind that everybody loves, but not all are brave enough to use. You choose attention-grabbing names, whether that be by way of many syllables, unexpected letters, or a name that’s just plain rare.

You understand that a name makes an impression before even meeting someone, and you want your children’s names to project warmth, confidence, and individuality. 

With your sense of style, there’s no question that your child’s name will be chic and stunning. So even if you do choose a name that’s on the more unusual side, it will be eminently likable and fit in with the current fashions. You’re not necessarily opposed to familiar names, but if you go with something more common, it will feel distinctive rather than belonging to a popular family of names.

Leo, you’re drawn to energetic names with bright sounds and bouncy rhythms. These lively names have natural appeal, so don’t be surprised when everyone starts complimenting your choice.

Any extra layer of drama is appreciated by you, Leo, so you may choose a longer name that comes with an exciting or unique nickname, such as Waverly called Wavy, or Santino called Tino. You may also consider a bold middle name for your child, or even two middle names to double up on the fun.

Names a Leo Might Like

Bold but beloved names like Clementine and Joaquin, along with stylish names that fly under the radar — think Nairobi and Marcello — may charm you, Leo, with their distinctiveness and warmth.

Leo Naming Partners

Leo, here's how to most effectively navigate the naming process with your partner, based on their sign.

Leo & Aries

Leo & Aries

Leo, Aries’ confident stride will delight your sense of drama as you embark on your search. Read more

Leo & Taurus

Leo & Taurus

Leo, you and Taurus live for luxury, so only the finest baby name will do for your child. Read more

Leo & Gemini

Leo & Gemini

Leo, Gemini will bring loads of enthusiasm to searching for the right name, maximizing your search for a shining, unforgettable name. Read more

Leo & Cancer

Leo & Cancer

Leo, you and Cancer are searching for a name that will get a shiny seal of approval from everyone you know. Read more

Leo & Leo

Leo & Leo

Leo, you and your fellow lion will delight in searching for the shiniest, warmest name in the bunch. Read more

Leo & Virgo

Leo & Virgo

Leo, the best way to start the baby name process with a Virgo partner is to open up about what’s important to you in a name. Read more

Leo & Libra

Leo & Libra

Leo, you and Libra have so much in common when it comes to choosing a name. Read more

Leo & Scorpio

Leo & Scorpio

Leo, you and Scorpio are true individualists, so a dramatic and unique name is high on each of your list of priorities. Read more

Leo & Sagittarius

Leo & Sagittarius

Leo, Sagittarius’ adventuring ways will invigorate your search for a stylish name with plenty of dazzle. Read more

Leo & Capricorn

Leo & Capricorn

Leo, you and Capricorn are destined for baby name success. Read more

Leo & Aquarius

Leo & Aquarius

Leo, Aquarius will support your boldest, most eye-catching name choices. Read more

Leo & Pisces

Leo & Pisces

Leo, when you and Pisces come together, the creative juices start flowing. Read more

Naming a Leo Baby?

leo names

Naming a baby Leo? Head to our list of Leo Names to find the right name for your little lion.

See All Zodiac Names

See All Zodiac Names

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Leo Baby: Everything You Need To Know About Babies Born Under This Sign

As a dynamic fire sign, your Leo is immediately outgoing, confident from the time they’re teeny, and people can’t help but respond to this royal of the jungle’s magnetism. You might notice early on that your Lion infant can easily captivate onlookers with an innate charisma. Your child will be a major fan of working it—and will very clearly revel in attention from you, other family members, and strangers alike.

They’ll also be gleeful when soaking up the rays of their ruler, the sun—safely, with plenty of SPF, of course—or exploring a scene filled with potential admirers, whether that’s the nearest beach or a neighborhood block party. Independent-minded and active, they’re most content when they’re given plenty of space to investigate their surroundings on their own, but they’re also total lovebugs who’ll appear to light up even more than usual when they’re in your arms.

Excerpted from Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent's Guide to Astrology by Maressa Brown. Workman Publishing © 2023.

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Using Your Zodiac Sign to Name Your Child with Sophie Kihm

Using Your Zodiac Sign to Name Your Child with Sophie Kihm

Nameberry's Sophie Kihm joins hosts Julie and Val to talk about how parents can use their zodiac sign to help them throughout the baby name process. She also analyzes how Julie's and Val's signs played into their choice of baby names. Listen to the episode