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9 Conclusions and Recommendations
Pages 162-169

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From page 162...
... 9 Conclusions and Recommendations T he Agricultural Resources Management Survey (ARMS) is a complex undertaking.
From page 163...
... way of doing business, such as its board review process, which are not within the panel's purview to assess. Nonetheless, the panel has been able to document and assess the adequacy of the survey design, data collection, analysis, and dissemination.
From page 164...
... These initiatives will require an infusion of funding and, in the case of ERS, enhancement of staff expertise in mathematical statistics and data analysis skills. The panel believes that all of the recommendations are feasible and important, but some are more important than others and are worded to convey that immediacy.
From page 165...
... It would be enabled by obtaining a generic clearance from the Office of Management and Budget for testing of all phases of the survey to allow for broader cognitive testing, evaluate the quality of data reported in response to each question, and evaluate the impact of mode of data collection across the three phases.
From page 166...
... Computer-assisted personal interviews and web-based data collection will provide opportunities to increase timeliness, improve data quality, reduce cost, and obtain important paradata. Recommendation 5.5: NASS and ERS should develop a program to define metadata and paradata for ARMS so that both can be used to identify measurement errors, facilitate analysis of data, and provide a basis for
From page 167...
... Recommendation 6.5: The research and development program should analyze whether there are differences in ARMS unit and item nonresponse rates between census and noncensus years, with an eye toward deciding whether making ARMS mandatory would improve data quality. Recommendation 6.6: The research and development program should examine how questionnaire design and interviewing changes could reduce item nonresponse.
From page 168...
... Recommendation 7.4: NASS and ERS should investigate the feasibility of providing sufficient information on the design and nonresponse characteristics of ARMS, in order to perform design-based statistical analysis without using the replicate weights and to allow users to incorporate design and nonresponse information in model-based analyses. Recommendation 7.5: ERS should build an enhanced level of in-house survey statistics expertise, in cooperation with NASS.
From page 169...
...  COnClUSiOnS AnD ReCOMMenDAtiOnS Recommendation 8.2: USDA should consider extending the availability of ARMS microdata through the Census Bureau research data centers to increase access opportunities for using additional data sets and enabling researchers to match ARMS files with other data sets. Recommendation 8.3: ERS should provide more training for new data users, including developing a data user manual, which also includes the recommended guide on statistical estimation, and offering training workshops.

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