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9 Integration and Coordination: A Concluding Comment and Recommendation
Pages 194-196

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From page 194...
... Psychiatrists and other mental health care workers also are responsible for recognizing and treating substance abuse and dependence. Obstetricians and family physicians are concerned principally with the prevention and management of teratogenic exposures, while pediatricians and family physicians manage birth defects in infants.
From page 195...
... funds prevention and treatment demonstration projects for substanceabusing pregnant women, including women at risk for having a child with FAS. The Health Services and Resources Administration co-funds some of the SAMHSA programs and sponsors maternal and child health projects.
From page 196...
... At the same time, prevention and treatment of secondary disabilities associated with FAS, ARND, and ARBD, as well as prevention and treatment of alcohol abuse and dependence by pregnant women and by women at risk of becoming pregnant, should be a high, and long-term, priority of this coordinating body. Additional important areas of focus should include basic research and communication among the basic and clinical research communities and the health services community.

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