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Table 1. Operational and student membership status of public elementary and secondary schools and agencies in the United States, by type:
School year 2021–22

  School type     Agency type
Status of public elementary
and secondary schools and
All schools  Regular  Special
Career and 
  All agencies  Regular
Federal and
All 100,972 91,652 1,955 1,578 5,787   19,497 13,362 217 1,146 4,290 226 256
Operating schools/agencies4 99,271 90,514 1,870 1,556 5,331   19,269 13,322 216 1,141 4,159 191 240
Continuing 97,860 89,267 1,846 1,539 5,208   19,143 13,307 214 1,131 4,066 187 238
Added5 188 136 9 5 38   6 1 0 2 2 1 0
Reopened 27 24 0 0 3   4 2 0 0 1 1 0
Changed agency / boundary6 31 28 0 1 2   12 3 0 0 9 0 0
New7 1,165 1,059 15 11 80   104 9 2 8 81 2 2
Nonoperating schools/agencies 1,701 1,138 85 22 456   228 40 1 5 131 35 16
Inactive8 482 173 10 12 287   46 15 0 0 18 1 12
Closed 849 642 72 7 128   121 21 1 4 57 34 4
Future9 370 323 3 3 41   61 4 0 1 56 0 0
Student membership and status
of operating schools/agencies
With membership10 95,852 89,719 1,411 552 4,170   17,793 13,205 0 286 4,146 121 35
Without membership, providing
   (shared time)11
1,636 90 250 910 386  
Without membership (not
   shared time)12
1,783 705 209 94 775   1,476 117 216 855 13 70 205
† Not applicable.
1Supervisory unions provide administrative services to school districts through a common superintendent.
2This category includes service agencies (agencies that do not operate schools but instead provide specialized educational services or related services (such as services in IEPs)) to other education agencies that the agencies cannot readily provide for themselves and specialized public school districts which operate one or more schools for a specific education need or purpose.
3Independent charter agencies contain only charter schools. Other charter schools may be reported through a different LEA type that contains both charter and non-charter schools.
4Operating schools/agencies include all those providing services as of the start of the reported school year.
5Added schools/agencies are reported for the first time although they have been operating for more than 1 year.
6Schools that changed agency are affiliated with a different local education agency than that reported in the previous year.
7New schools/agencies opened for the first time within the school year reported.
8Inactive schools/agencies are closed temporarily and expected to reopen within 3 years.
9Future schools/agencies are expected to open within 2 years.
10Membership is the count of students enrolled on October 1 of the reported school year. Student membership excludes adult education students.
11Shared time schools provide instruction on a regular basis to students whose membership is reported by another school. Schools not reporting a shared time status are counted as "not shared time" schools.
12Includes schools for which membership is 0, missing, or not applicable.
NOTE: Table includes the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Charter status is independent of school type; charter schools are included in the school type totals. For analytical purposes, the member LEAs within the New York City supervisory union are reported as a single LEA.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Public Elementary/ Secondary School Universe Survey," 2021–22, Provisional Version 1a and "Local Education Agency Universe Survey," 2021–22, Provisional Version 1a.