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Percent of undergraduate degree/certificate-seeking entering students

Survey: Outcome Measures (OM);
Data Year: 2020-21
Source: Trend Generator;

Percent of undergraduate degree/certificate-seeking entering students by Sector of institution

Survey: Outcome Measures (OM);
Data Year: 2020-21
Source: Trend Generator;

Percent of undergraduate degree/certificate-seeking entering students by Degree-granting status

Survey: Outcome Measures (OM);
Data Year: 2020-21
Source: Trend Generator;

Percent of undergraduate degree/certificate-seeking entering students by Control of institution

Survey: Outcome Measures (OM);
Data Year: 2020-21
Source: Trend Generator;

Percent of undergraduate degree/certificate-seeking entering students by Level of institution

Survey: Outcome Measures (OM);
Data Year: 2020-21
Source: Trend Generator;