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Provisional and final release data by survey

Complete Date Files allows you to download data files, by survey and year, in zipped comma separated values (CSV) format. Provisonal and final data files are included in the zip files for years where both provisional and final have been released.

Available Data Provisional Release Final Release
Institutional Characteristics (IC) 2022-23 2008-09 to 2021-22
Pricing and Tuition (IC) 2022-23 2009-10 to 2011-12
Admissions (ADM) 2022-23 2008-09 to 2021-22
Completions (C) 2021-22 2003-04 to 2020-21
12-month Enrollment (E12) 2021-22 2003-04 to 2020-21
Fall Enrollment (EF) 2022 2004 to 2021
Student Financial Aid (SFA) 2021-22 2003-04 to 2020-21
Graduation Rates (GR) 2022 2004 to 2021
Outcome Measures (OM) 2022 2015 to 2021
Finance (F) 2021-22 2003-04 to 2020-21
Human Resources (HR) 2022-23 2004-05 to 2021-22
Academic Libraries (AL) 2021-22 2014-15 to 2020-21
Years listed indicate which years, final release data are available. All other years have only one release.
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Years & Surveys
Data files are available in ZIP format.
YearSurveyTitleData FileStata Data FileProgramsDictionary
2022Institutional CharacteristicsDirectory informationHD2022HD2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Institutional CharacteristicsEducational offerings, organization, services and athletic associationsIC2022IC2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Institutional CharacteristicsStudent charges for academic year programsIC2022_AYIC2022_AY_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Institutional CharacteristicsStudent charges by program (vocational programs)IC2022_PYIC2022_PY_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Institutional CharacteristicsBranch campus locations listed on College NavigatorIC2022_CAMPUSESIC2022_CAMPUSES_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Institutional CharacteristicsResponse status for all survey componentsFLAGS2022FLAGS2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
202212-Month Enrollment12-month unduplicated headcount by race/ethnicity, gender and level of student: 2021-22EFFY2022EFFY2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
202212-Month Enrollment12-month unduplicated headcount by distance education status and student level: 2021-22EFFY2022_DISTEFFY2022_DIST_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
202212-Month Enrollment12-month instructional activity: 2021-22EFIA2022EFIA2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
202212-Month EnrollmentResponse status all survey componentsFLAGS2022FLAGS2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Admissions and Test ScoresAdmission considerations, applications, admissions, enrollees and test scores, fall 2022ADM2022ADM2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Admissions and Test ScoresResponse status for all survey componentsFLAGS2022FLAGS2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Fall EnrollmentRace/ethnicity, gender, attendance status, and level of student: Fall 2022EF2022AEF2022A_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Fall EnrollmentMajor field of study, race/ethnicity, gender, attendance status, and level of student: Fall 2022EF2022CPEF2022CP_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Fall EnrollmentAge category, gender, attendance status, and level of student: Fall 2022EF2022BEF2022B_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Fall EnrollmentResidence and migration of first-time freshman: Fall 2022EF2022CEF2022C_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Fall EnrollmentTotal entering class, retention rates, and student-to-faculty ratio: Fall 2022EF2022DEF2022D_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Fall EnrollmentDistance education status and level of student: Fall 2022EF2022A_DISTEF2022A_DIST_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Fall EnrollmentResponse status for all survey componentsFLAGS2022FLAGS2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022CompletionsAwards/degrees conferred by program (6-digit CIP code), award level, race/ethnicity, and gender: July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022C2022_AC2022_A_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022CompletionsNumber of students receiving awards/degrees, by race/ethnicity and gender: July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022C2022_BC2022_B_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022CompletionsNumber of students receiving awards/degrees, by award level and by gender, race/ethnicity and age categories: July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022C2022_CC2022_C_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022CompletionsNumber of programs offered and number of programs offered via distance education, by award level: July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022C2022DEPC2022DEP_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022CompletionsResponse status for all survey componentsFLAGS2022FLAGS2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Instructional Staff/SalariesNumber and salary outlays for full-time nonmedical instructional staff, by gender, and academic rank: Academic year 2022-23SAL2022_ISSAL2022_IS_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Instructional Staff/SalariesNumber and salary outlays for full-time nonmedical noninstructional staff, by gender, and academic rank: Academic year 2022-23SAL2022_NISSAL2022_NIS_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Instructional Staff/SalariesResponse status for all survey componentsFLAGS2022FLAGS2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Fall StaffFull- and part-time staff by occupational category, race/ethnicity, and gender: Fall 2022S2022_OCS2022_OC_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Fall StaffFull-time instructional staff, by faculty and tenure status, and academic rank (Degree-granting institutions): Fall 2022S2022_SISS2022_SIS_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Fall StaffFull-time instructional staff, by faculty and tenure status, academic rank, race/ethnicity, and gender (Degree-granting institutions): Fall 2022S2022_ISS2022_IS_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Fall StaffNew hires by occupational category, race/ethnicity, and gender (Degree-granting institutions): Fall 2022S2022_NHS2022_NH_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Fall StaffResponse status for all survey componentsFLAGS2022FLAGS2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Employees by Assigned PositionNumber of staff by occupational category, faculty and tenure status: Fall 2022EAP2022EAP2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Employees by Assigned PositionResponse status for all survey componentsFLAGS2022FLAGS2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022FinancePublic institutions - GASB 34/35: Fiscal year 2022F2122_F1AF2122_F1A_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022FinancePrivate not-for-profit institutions or Public institutions using FASB: Fiscal year 2022F2122_F2F2122_F2_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022FinancePrivate for-profit institutions: Fiscal year 2022F2122_F3F2122_F3_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022FinanceResponse status for all survey componentsFLAGS2022FLAGS2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Student Financial Aid and Net PriceStudent financial aid and net price: 2021-22SFA2122SFA2122_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Student Financial Aid and Net PriceMilitary Servicemembers and Veteran's Benefits: 2021-22SFAV2122SFAV2122_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Student Financial Aid and Net PriceResponse status for all survey componentsFLAGS2022FLAGS2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Graduation RatesGraduation rate data, 150% of normal time to complete - cohort year 2016 (4-year) and cohort year 2019 (2-year) institutionsGR2022GR2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Graduation RatesGraduation rate data, 150% of normal time to complete - cohort year 2019 (less-than-2-year institutions)GR2022_L2GR2022_L2_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Graduation RatesGraduation rate data for Pell Grant and Direct Subsidized Loan recipients, 150% of normal time to complete - cohort year 2016 (4-year) and cohort year 2019 (less-than-4-year) institutionsGR2022_PELL_SSLGR2022_PELL_SSL_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Graduation RatesGraduation rate data, 200% of normal time to complete - cohort year 2014 (4-year) and cohort year 2018 (less-than-4-year) institutionsGR200_22GR200_22_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Graduation RatesResponse status for all survey componentsFLAGS2022FLAGS2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Outcome MeasuresAward and enrollment data at four, six and eight years of entering degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate cohorts from 2014-15 at degree-granting institutions, by Pell statusOM2022OM2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Outcome MeasuresResponse status for all survey componentsFLAGS2022FLAGS2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Academic LibrariesAcademic Libraries: Fiscal year 2022AL2022AL2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Academic LibrariesResponse status for all survey componentsFLAGS2022FLAGS2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Frequently used/Derived variablesTotal cost of attendance: Academic year 2022-23DRVIC2022DRVIC2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Frequently used/Derived variablesSelectivity and admissions yield: Fall 2022DRVADM2022DRVADM2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Frequently used/Derived variablesEnrollments, retention rates and other selected enrollment indicators: Fall 2022DRVEF2022DRVEF2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Frequently used/Derived variables12-month unduplicated and full-time equivalent enrollment, and other selected 12-month enrollment indicators: July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022DRVEF122022DRVEF122022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Frequently used/Derived variablesDegrees/awards: July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022DRVC2022DRVC2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Frequently used/Derived variablesGraduation rates of full-time, first-time degree/certifcate-seeking undergraduate students: cohort years 2014 and 2016 (4-year institutions) cohort years 2018 and 2019 (less-than-4-year institutions DRVGR2022DRVGR2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Frequently used/Derived variablesAward and enrollment (Outcome Measures) rates of degree/certifcate-seeking undergraduate entering students: Cohort year 2014-15DRVOM2022DRVOM2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Frequently used/Derived variablesRevenues and expenditures: Fiscal year 2022DRVF2022DRVF2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Frequently used/Derived variablesAverage salaries and full-time equivalent staff: Fall 2022DRVHR2022DRVHR2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary
2022Frequently used/Derived variablesAcademic library indicators: Fiscal year 2022DRVAL2022DRVAL2022_STATASPSS, SAS, STATADictionary