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High School Transcript Study

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) periodically surveys the curricula being implemented in our nation's high schools and the coursetaking patterns of high school students through the High School Transcript Study (HSTS). The study provides information about the types of courses that graduates take, how many credits they earn, their grade point averages, and the relationship between coursetaking patterns and graduates' achievement based on their performance on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in 12th grade. HSTS was most recently conducted in 2019. Previous studies were collected in 2009, 2005, 2000, 1998, 1994, 1990, and 1987.

NAEP High School Transcript Study 2019

More high school graduates are completing STEM courses in 2019 than in 2009, and the percentage of high school graduates earning credits in STEM courses increased within all three subject areas.

Girl is assembling model atomic structure. Student studying on a computer and a book.

Design and Content

The NAEP High School Transcript Study collects information from a nationally representative sample of students and high schools. The study provides valuable information about our nation’s graduates, including: coursetaking patterns disaggregated by demographic characteristics (i.e., gender, race/ethnicity),average number of credits that graduates earn in major subject areas, and the relationship between NAEP scores and various graduate characteristics.

Icons representing each NAEP assessment subject in arts, civics, economics, geography, reading, mathematics, technology and engineering literacy, science, U.S. history, and writing.

Last updated 29 July 2024 (AA)