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Digest of Education Statistics
2020 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 301.20. Historical summary of faculty, enrollment, degrees conferred, and finances in degree-granting postsecondary institutions: Selected years, 1869-70 through 2018-19
Selected characteristic 1869-70 1879-80 1889-90 1899-1900 1909-10 1919-20 1929-30 1939-40 1949-50 1959-60 1969-70 1979-80 1989-90 1999-2000 2009-10 2018-19
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Total institutions1 563   811   998   977   951   1,041   1,409   1,708   1,851   2,004   2,525   3,152   3,535   4,084   4,495   4,042  

Total faculty2
5,553 3 11,522 3 15,809   23,868   36,480   48,615   82,386   146,929   246,722   380,554   450,000 4 675,000 4 824,220 5 1,027,830 5 1,439,074 5 1,543,212 5
Males 4,887 3 7,328 3 12,704 3 19,151   29,132   35,807   60,017   106,328   186,189   296,773   346,000 4 479,000 4 534,254 5 602,469 5 761,002 5 771,861 5
Females 666 3 4,194 3 3,105 3 4,717   7,348   12,808   22,369   40,601   60,533   83,781   104,000 4 196,000 4 289,966 5 425,361 5 678,072 5 771,351 5

Total fall enrollment6
52,286   115,817   156,756   237,592   355,213   597,880   1,100,737   1,494,203   2,444,900   3,639,847   8,004,660   11,569,899   13,538,560   14,791,224   20,313,594   19,651,412  
Males 41,160 3 77,972 3 100,453 3 152,254   214,648 3 314,938   619,935   893,250   1,721,572   2,332,617   4,746,201   5,682,877   6,190,015   6,490,646   8,732,953   8,444,614  
Females 11,126 3 37,845 3 56,303 3 85,338   140,565 3 282,942   480,802   600,953   723,328   1,307,230   3,258,459   5,887,022   7,348,545   8,300,578   11,580,641   11,206,798  

Degrees conferred
Associate's, total ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   206,023   400,910   455,102   564,933   848,856   1,036,662  
Males ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   117,432   183,737   191,195   224,721   322,747   407,219  
Females ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   88,591   217,173   263,907   340,212   526,109   629,443  

Bachelor's, total7
9,371   12,896   15,539   27,410   37,199   48,622   122,484   186,500   432,058   392,440   792,316   929,417   1,051,344   1,237,875   1,649,919   2,012,854  
Males 7,993   10,411   12,857   22,173   28,762   31,980   73,615   109,546   328,841   254,063   451,097   473,611   491,696   530,367   706,660   857,545  
Females 1,378   2,485   2,682   5,237   8,437   16,642   48,869   76,954   103,217   138,377   341,219   455,806   559,648   707,508   943,259   1,155,309  

Master's, total8
---   879   1,015   1,583   2,113   4,279   14,969   26,731   58,183   74,435   213,589   305,196   330,152   463,185   693,313   833,706  
Males ---   868   821   1,280   1,555   2,985   8,925   16,508   41,220   50,898   130,799   156,882   158,052   196,129   275,317   326,186  
Females ---   11   194   303   558   1,294   6,044   10,223   16,963   23,537   82,790   148,314   172,100   267,056   417,996   507,520  

Doctor's, total9
1   54   149   382   443   615   2,299   3,290   6,420   9,829   59,486   95,631   103,508   118,736   158,590   187,568  
Males 1   51   147   359   399   522   1,946   2,861   5,804   8,801   53,792   69,526   63,963   64,930   76,610   85,769  
Females 0   3   2   23   44   93   353   429   616   1,028   5,694   26,105   39,545   53,806   81,980   101,799  
  In thousands of current dollars
Revenue10 ---   ---   ---   ---   $76,883   $199,922   $554,511   $715,211   $2,374,645   $5,785,537   $21,515,242   $58,519,982   $139,635,477   $282,261,000   $496,720,000   $671,873,000  
Educational and general
---   ---   $21,464   $35,084   67,917   172,929   483,065   571,288   1,833,845   4,688,352   16,486,177   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---  
Expenditures12 ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   507,142   674,688   2,245,661   5,601,376   21,043,113   56,913,588   134,655,571   236,784,000   446,479,000   632,354,000  
Value of physical property ---   ---   95,426   253,599   457,594   747,333   2,065,049   2,753,780 13 4,799,964   13,548,548   42,093,580   83,733,387   164,635,000   ---   ---   ---  
Market value of endowment
---   ---   78,788 14 194,998 14 323,661 14 569,071 14 1,372,068 14 1,686,283 14 2,601,223 14 5,322,080 14 11,206,632   20,743,045   67,978,726   ---   355,910,203   675,115,000  
  In thousands of constant 2019-20 dollars15
Revenue10 ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   $8,333,053   $13,164,488   $25,791,915   $50,648,800   $146,508,688   $193,900,725   $282,877,998   $428,881,000   $589,527,000   $682,384,000  
Educational and general
---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   7,259,380   10,515,378   19,918,083   41,043,623   112,263,119   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---  
Expenditures12 ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   7,621,203   12,418,604   24,390,972   49,036,584   143,293,712   188,578,082   272,789,545   359,780,000   529,899,000   642,247,000  
Value of physical property ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   31,033,041   50,687,287 13 52,134,220   118,609,162   286,637,501   277,443,087   333,522,828   ---   ---   ---  
Market value of endowment
---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   20,619,095 14 31,038,467 14 28,252,865 14 46,591,520 14 76,311,898   68,730,224   137,713,469   ---   422,408,848   685,676,000  
---Not available.
1 Prior to 1979-80, excludes branch campuses.
2 Total number of different individuals (not reduced to full-time equivalent). Beginning in 1959-60, data are for the first term of the academic year.
3 Estimated.
4 Estimated number of senior instructional staff based on actual enrollment data for the designated year and enrollment/staff ratios for the prior staff survey. Excludes graduate assistants.
5 Because of revised survey procedures, data may not be directly comparable with figures prior to 1989-90. Excludes graduate assistants.
6 Data for 1869-70 to 1939-40 are for resident degree-credit students who enrolled at any time during the academic year.
7 From 1869-70 to 1959-60, bachelor's degrees include degrees that were classified as first-professional prior to 2010-11, such as M.D., D.D.S., and law degrees.
8 Figures for years prior to 1969-70 are not precisely comparable with later data.
9 Includes Ph.D., Ed.D., and comparable degrees at the doctoral level. Includes most degrees that were classified as first-professional prior to 2010-11, such as M.D., D.D.S., and law degrees.
10 Data for 1929-30 through 1989-90 are current-fund revenues only. Data for 1999-2000 include total revenues for private institutions and current-fund revenues for public institutions. Data for later years are for total revenues.
11 Includes revenues from student tuition payments, government appropriations, endowment income, private gifts, sponsored research funds, and other separately budgeted research and sponsored programs.
12 Data for 1929-30 and 1939-40 include current-fund expenditures and additions to plant value. Data for 1949-50 through 1989-90 are current-fund expenditures only. Data for 1999-2000 include total expenditures for private institutions and current-fund expenditures for public institutions. Data for later years are for total expenditures.
13 Includes unexpended plant funds.
14 Book value. Includes other nonexpendable funds.
15 Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to a school-year basis.
NOTE: Data in this table represent the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Data through 1989-90 are for institutions of higher education, while later data are for degree-granting institutions. Degree-granting institutions grant associate's or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. The degree-granting classification is very similar to the earlier higher education classification, but it includes more 2-year colleges and excludes a few higher education institutions that did not grant degrees. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Biennial Survey of Education in the United States; Education Directory, Colleges and Universities; Faculty and Other Professional Staff in Institutions of Higher Education; Fall Enrollment in Colleges and Universities; Earned Degrees Conferred; Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education; Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Fall Enrollment in Institutions of Higher Education," "Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred," and "Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education" surveys; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment Survey" (IPEDS-EF:89-99), "Fall Staff Survey" (IPEDS-S:89-99), "Finance Survey" (IPEDS-F:FY90-00), "Completions Survey" (IPEDS-C:90-00), and "Institutional Characteristics Survey" (IPEDS-IC:89-99); IPEDS Winter 2009-10 and Spring 2019, Human Resources component, Fall Staff section; IPEDS Spring 2010 and Spring 2019, Fall Enrollment component; IPEDS Fall 2010 and Fall 2019, Completions component; and IPEDS Spring 2011 and Spring 2020, Finance component. (This table was prepared February 2021.)

2020 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest