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Percentage of public school principals who regularly taught one or more classes at the elementary, middle, or secondary level, and among those principals, average number of years serving as a principal and average number of years teaching since becoming a principal, by selected school characteristics: 2017–18

      Among principals who taught any classes while serving as
Selected school characteristic Percent of principals who taught
one or more classes
  Average years serving as a
  Average years of teaching since
becoming a principal
   All public schools 6.8   8.3   4.4  
School classification 5.8   8.5   4.6  
Traditional public 18.3   7.2   3.5  
Charter school            
Community type  6.8   8.8   4.0  
City 3.6   8.3   4.4  
Suburban  6.4   8.0   4.7  
Town  10.9   7.9   4.5  
School level 5.2   8.9   4.5  
Primary 3.4   9.4   5.0  
Middle 7.9   7.8   4.7  
High 19.4   7.3   3.6  
Student enrollment            
Less than 100 23.6   5.8   4.2  
100–199 15.9   8.4   4.5  
200–499 5.6   8.4   3.8  
500–749 3.8   11.8   5.6  
750–999 3.4   7.5   4.2  
1,000 or more 4.0   9.2   4.6  
Percent of K–12 students who were approved
 for free or reduced‑price lunches
0–34 6.7   8.5   4.8  
35–49 7.1   8.2   3.3  
50–74 6.0   8.2   4.5  
75 or more 7.3   8.2   4.4  
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS), "Public School Principal Data File," 2017–18.