Carmarthenshire: Teenage girl pleads not guilty to attempted murder after school stabbings

Two teachers and a pupil were treated for stab wounds after the alleged incident at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman. The teen entered her pleas at Swansea Crown Court on Monday.

Vehicles from the emergency services at Amman Valley school, in Ammanford, Carmarthenshire.
Pic PA
Image: Pic: PA
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A teenage girl has pleaded not guilty to attempted murder after two teachers and a pupil were stabbed at a school in Carmarthenshire.

The defendant admitted three charges of wounding with intent and a further charge of "possession of a bladed article on a school premises".

The teen, who cannot be named for legal reasons, entered her pleas at Swansea Crown Court on Monday.

Two teachers and a pupil were treated for stab wounds after the alleged incident at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman on 24 April.

Dyfed-Powys Police later confirmed the injuries of Fiona Elias, Liz Hopkin and the pupil were not life-threatening.

Ammanford in Carmarthenshire
Image: Ammanford in Carmarthenshire
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The school, which has around 1,500 pupils between the ages of 11 and 18, was under lockdown while officers responded to the incident and was shut the following day to allow investigations to take place.

Headteacher James Durbridge said support would be on offer to those affected in the following days.

In a 10-minute hearing on Monday, the defendant confirmed her name and entered her pleas on each count as they were read out to her.

Caroline Rees appeared for the defendant and Helen Randall for the prosecution.

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After the pleas were entered, the prosecution told the court they sought a trial on the outstanding counts.

Judge Paul Thomas KC said the trial will begin on 30 September. It is expected to last two weeks.