A Look at the Degree Types for Principal Investigators Designated on Applications and Awards: FYs 2014 to 2023

August 26, 2024

We occasionally look at the breakdown of our supported workforce by educational degree to gain further insights into topics like age at first award, funding inequalities, and demographic diversity. Here we focus on the number of applications and awards by degree type over the past ten fiscal years (FYs) to see how researchers with these varied professional backgrounds are included in our grant portfolio.

New Decision Matrix Further Clarifies NIH Processes for Handling Allegations of Foreign Interference

August 15, 2024

Today NIH issued a decision matrix for assessing potential foreign interference as part of its ongoing efforts to be transparent about its policies and procedures. The decision matrix builds on the detailed information already available on our site and also offers additional detail as to how NIH considers whether to contact institutions to request additional information.

Trends Generally Continue in FY 2023 for Demographic-Specific Funding Rates for Type 1 Research Project Grant and R01-Equivalent Applications

July 29, 2024

Last year, we showed that there were slight improvements in the funding and success rates for Black/African American and Hispanic researchers in fiscal year (FY) 2022. The race-ethnicity gaps also narrowed over the past few years, though the overall number of Black/African American and Hispanic applicants remained low.

Feedback Sought on Implementing Recommendations to Re-envision the Postdoctoral Experience

July 25, 2024

NIH is dedicated to improving the postdoctoral experience to ensure the biomedical research enterprise can retain and attract our nation’s brightest scientific minds and remain globally competitive. Today, we seek your input to help us implement specific Advisory Committee to the NIH Director recommendations to re-envision the postdoctoral experience.

Marking a Milestone: The Modernized ClinicalTrials.gov Becomes the Singular Website Experience

June 6, 2024

On June 25, 2024, the modernized ClinicalTrials.gov will become the singular website experience. This major milestone is part of National Library of Medicine’s multi-year ClinicalTrials.gov modernization effort, which has been guided by stakeholder engagement, input from the NLM Board of Regents Public Service Working Group, and a user-centered design approach.