From Scratch Communications

From Scratch Communications

Bedrijfsconsulting en -services

Purmerend, North Holland 983 volgers

Evidence-informed communications consultancy for inclusive brands

Over ons

Know Your Message – Live Your Message – Share Your Message We help a wide range of sectors and industries to maximise their environmental, social and commercial impact with clear, customer-focused strategy, copywriting and design. We’ve developed a radically values-based way of doing marketing. With accessibility, privacy and a minimal climate footprint at the forefront of our tools and practices. Because better copywriting is more than making things sound good. Design is more than just making things pretty. And ethical marketing is more than just avoiding a list of unethical tactics. Good intentions matter. But making an impact requires comprehensive research, impeccable execution and measurable results. Some of our happiest clients work in extremely specialised, complex fields. Where sales cycles are long, technical expertise reigns supreme, and you need to sell the idea first — the product or service second. Everything your company does is marketing. So all customer-facing teams need to own it together. Past & current clients include: - AbacusBio, New Zealand - 5-star superior Hotel Bareiss, Germany - Brand the Change, Kenya - dogado group, Germany - Dutch Harvest, Netherlands - Exazyme, Germany - Fair Wear Foundation, Netherlands - Forum Gemeinwohl, Germany - Grüner Knopf, Germany - klicksafe, Germany - On AG, Switzerland - Sky UK - Support Driven, USA

Bedrijfsconsulting en -services
2-10 medewerkers
Purmerend, North Holland
Particuliere onderneming
Customer Service, Customer Support, Copywriting, Training, Localisation, User Research, Tone of Voice, Sales pages, Conversion Copywriting, SEO Strategy, SEO Copywriting, Transcreation, Messaging Strategy, English Copywriting, German Copywriting, Sustainability, Ethical Marketing, Inclusive Copywriting, UX Copywriting, Social Impact, Social Enterprises, Green Tech, Sustainable Fashion, Green Tourism, Education, Website Copywriting, Email Copywriting, Landing Pages, Sales Pages, Brochures, Social Media, Media Literacy, Change Management, Web design, Brand design, Positioning en Brand strategy


Medewerkers van From Scratch Communications


  • Great example of why we always recommend starting your conversion rate optimisation at the checkout #preach

    Profiel weergeven voor Holger Schueler, afbeelding

    Actionable values, authentic culture, real collaboration | Strategy | Coaching | Workshops | Trained facilitator of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®

    Hey EuroDNS, your checkout experience is a conversion killer. I bet you could gain double digit growth by auto-detecting the credit card type. It is even worse than my screenshot shows, because entering a Mastercard number fails when Visa is selected. This has been best practice for at least a decade. Let me know if you need help improving your UX. I know you do. :)

    • Screenshot of the EuroDNS Checkout experience for the domain, showing unnecessary drop-down for credit card types.
  • Exactly 1 month to go till the next Global Climate Strike on 20 September! For all the everyday climate protectors, we're offering an alternative approach to Climate Strikes: We're donating an Impact Day to organisations that work to protect the climate. So, if you're looking to ... - Reduce the CO2 emissions of your website - Research & develop your brand message - Get English or German copy written / translated / localised - Optimise your email or website copy for conversions ... simply fill in our briefing form to apply for your free day. English briefing form: German briefing form: We'll choose the best fit(s) from all applications, based on our availability, your needs, and your climate contribution.

    Climate Strike: Apply for your free Impact Day

    Climate Strike: Apply for your free Impact Day

  • We're back from our summer break with an exclusive offer: Organisations actively applying or contributing to Drawdown solutions for the climate get our conversion copywriting day rates for €1800 instead of the usual €2345 (with 2 expert copywriters collaborating on the day). That's a discount of more than 23%. Drawdown solutions comprise "93 technologies and practices that together can dramatically reduce concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere". They're science-based – which makes them a great fit for our evidence-based consulting & creative work. Find out more: (Offer valid for Impact Day bookings only and until further notice. To qualify, let us know how your work contributes to Drawdown solutions. 3rd-party validation may be required.)

    • Solar panels, tree tops and a bit of sky in the background. Text says: 23% off copywriting day rates for Drawdown solutions. From Scratch logo in the top right corner.
  • From Scratch Communications heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Sabine Harnau, afbeelding

    Growth & creative consultant for inclusive brands • evidence-informed ethical marketing, UX, copywriting & conversion rate optimisation • Co-chair @The Ethical Move

    I recently got asked to share my top 3 usability tests for conversion copywriting with Lyssna. They turned the list into this snazzy infographic 😍 Want the full article? Check the comments!

    • My top 3 usability tests for conversion copywriting

Written by: Head of Growth & Creative, Sabine Harnau

First click testing: Allows me to check if people "get" our copy. Do they interact with the experience in the way we imagined? What misunderstandings arise?

Preference testing: When working on a rebranding or website relaunch, Preference tests are super valuable. I like to test our ideas against the existing version (the 'control') to check if it's likely to perform better.

Five second testing: The true star of the show. They can tell me so many different things: How clear is the message? How well do people remember it? Do they think my client's offer is for them? Does it elicit the attitudes and emotions l intended? (Do they feel empowered, amused, curious? Or does it leave them feeling overwhelmed, bored, impatient?)
  • "Look carefully when you applaud someone for their canned inspiration on Linkedln. They may be on their next chapter, cashing in on selling the cure for their own disease."

    Profiel weergeven voor Holger Schueler, afbeelding

    Actionable values, authentic culture, real collaboration | Strategy | Coaching | Workshops | Trained facilitator of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®

    What would be worse than someone making a career from telling companies how to build things that are known to be fantastic for profit but utterly terrible for the collective mental health of humanity? 10 years ago, Nir Eyal wrote a book: Hooked - How to Build Habit-Forming Products. This is a massive euphemism. It means how to make your product addictive. It's the tobacco & alcohol playbook, applied to tech. It has created some of the worst experiences of our time, and the total cost of the damage is immeasurable. Now the same person is offering meaningless listicles in how to not be miserable, without mentioning his previous involvement once. This is what we are up against. This is why we need to talk about ethical marketing and ethical product design. Look carefully when you applaud someone for their canned inspiration on LinkedIn. They may be on their next chapter, cashing in on selling the cure for their own disease. Thanks Matt Watkinson for making me aware of this "transformtion".

    • Screenshot of a LinkedIn post by Nir Eyal:

These 5 habits are making you MISERABLE:
1. Constantly checking your phone
2. Comparing yourself to others
3. Focusing on the negatives
4. Not setting boundaries
5. Neglecting self-care
Once you start noticing these habits in your life, you can begin to break them.
Swipe below to learn how!
"If you liked this post, you should:
1. Follow Nir Eyal
2. Repost to help your network
3. Subscribe to my free newsletter for more insights like this (link in bio)
  • "The number one reason why short-form sales pages do not convert is that they’re too short." Check out the latest post on our blog for in-depth analysis and fab examples:

    Profiel weergeven voor Sabine Harnau, afbeelding

    Growth & creative consultant for inclusive brands • evidence-informed ethical marketing, UX, copywriting & conversion rate optimisation • Co-chair @The Ethical Move

    Your sales page is probably not long enough. (I was tempted to add "unpopular opinion" – but then, many conversion copywriters would agree. So it's not that unpopular after all.) If your business offers services, online courses or high-end products, chances are you’ve got sales pages on your website. Some of them might be long-form sales pages, running to 2,000 words or more. And you might be wondering: Do my sales pages really have to be this long? Do people even read all this content? Couldn’t we get away with a shorter page? If your conversion rate is not quite as high as you’d hoped, you probably feel tempted to hit delete on most of the copy – and keep it short and sweet. But here’s the thing: In my experience, the number one reason why short-form sales pages do not convert is that they’re too short. Not long enough to: → bring your reader along on an emotional journey. → give visitors all the specifics they need to make a considered choice. → stand out. Short copy doesn’t always give you the space to get past the generic. And if your page is saying the same as everyone else’s your potential customers will get bored and click away before they reach the buy button. Don't believe me? Check out my recent article: - It explains how great copywriters (like the ones on our team!) structure your sales page. - I analyse 2 long-form sales pages that do an excellent job: reMarkable and Linking Your Thinking. - And I list plenty of practical takeaways so you can put these best practices to good use.

    Your sales page is probably not long enough

    Your sales page is probably not long enough

  • From Scratch Communications heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Holger Schueler, afbeelding

    Actionable values, authentic culture, real collaboration | Strategy | Coaching | Workshops | Trained facilitator of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®

    One of the worst films I've ever seen (Gran Tourismo from 2023) has yielded one of my favourite quotes in a Guardian review: "Commerce contaminates the entire endeavour." * Your UX, your marketing, your sales and your product should strive hard not be like Gran Tourismo, ever. * = Ryan Gilbey originally wrote "whole endeavour" but I prefer the double aliteration

    • A quote reading "Commerce contaminates the entire endeavour", with a poster of the film Gran Tourismo from 2023 underneath, featuring the 3 main actors David Harbout, Orlando Bloom and Achie Madekwe
  • "Iterate, iterate, iterate." We're taking our own advice to heart and adjusting our tag line. The goal: to reflect what our audience (that's you!) has been saying about working with us. - You love our evidence-informed way of working – and how it rubs off on you. - You love that we always consider how your strategy, copy and design might be even more inclusive. So, from now on, that's our new tag line. We're the evidence-based communications consultancy for inclusive brands. Thanks all for holding up a mirror to our brand!

    From Scratch Communications | LinkedIn

    From Scratch Communications | LinkedIn

  • "Make sure everything on the page is there by design. There needs to be a good reason for why it’s there, why it’s not somewhere else, why it looks exactly this way, and how that fits into the bigger scheme of your overall website design."

    Profiel weergeven voor Sabine Harnau, afbeelding

    Growth & creative consultant for inclusive brands • evidence-informed ethical marketing, UX, copywriting & conversion rate optimisation • Co-chair @The Ethical Move

    Today's e-commerce conversion rate optimisation tip: Put everything right where it belongs. Misguided novelty is an easy mistake to make when you want to stand out. But it creates visual noise that distracts from the three things your online shop needs to do: - Help people discover your products - Help people decide if / which ones they want to buy - Make it easy to buy your product Everything else is surplus. It might even harm your business by getting in the way of the purchase. What kind of thing do I mean? 1. There’s a lot of good website design and copywriting on the product pages at Buy Me Once. But 3 top navigation bars in 3 different colours is a bit much. And why is the shopping cart not next to the rest of the menu? Spelling it out as “Basket” instead of using an icon makes it even harder to find. 2. At Wordery, the cart icon is tiny and tucked away between the currency settings and the account. With the wishlist highlighted this much, it would be good to test whether many visitors expect the pink button to lead to the checkout. Note the social sharing buttons above the book title – let's make sure they don't distract people from actually getting the book. 3. Ever tried to plan a kitchen at IKEA? You may never know what the Metod / Maximera cupboard looks like on the inside. IKEA only show the complete product with a half-open door or a detail shot of the corner of the door. The video does not show the interior either, although it is part of this product version. And of course, clicking on the thumbnail makes it zoom in. Frustration guaranteed. The takeaway: - User Experience (UX) conventions exist for a reason. They’ve been tried and tested for years or even decades. They help visitors find their way in an online shop, fast. And they reduce cognitive load, so they can focus on what matters most: your wonderful products. - Put your cart in the most prominent place of the menu. That’s usually at the top right. - Make sure everything on the page is there by design. There needs to be a good reason for why it’s there, why it’s not somewhere else, why it looks exactly this way, and how that fits into the bigger scheme of your overall website design. Experienced designers will get these details right without you even asking – leaving you free to focus on your product strategy. Shameless plug: We have ace designers at From Scratch Communications. Ping me if you'd like a chat about optimising your online shop. 👋

    • Screenshot of the Body Wash Refill Starter Kit for Dry Skin at Buy Me Once. The page has 3 horizontal bars at the top. The shopping cart is in a different bar than the rest of the menu, and it is spelled out as “basket” with no additional icon.
    • Screenshot of the Wordery product page for the book Ecolinguistics by Arran Stibbe. The rightmost item in the top navigation is My Wishlist, which is also highlighted in pink on a green background. The cart is the third item from the right. Social sharing buttons appear above the book title.
    • Screenshot of the Method / Maximera high kitchen cupboard at IKEA. There are two product photos but neither shows the interior. Clicking on the thumbnail showing the half-opened cupboard switches to zoom mode instead of opening a larger image in a lightbox.
  • "What if you could magically get 25% more conversions just by removing the tabs?"

    Profiel weergeven voor Sabine Harnau, afbeelding

    Growth & creative consultant for inclusive brands • evidence-informed ethical marketing, UX, copywriting & conversion rate optimisation • Co-chair @The Ethical Move

    Today's e-commerce conversion optimisation tip: Make it easy to find more information about the product Make sure important product information isn’t hidden away in tabs. As Baymard Institute reports, core product content is usually overlooked in ‘Horizontal Tabs’ layouts – it might as well not be there at all. It’s surprising how many people miss information displayed in tabs or don’t understand that they can click certain visual elements for more details. Some reports put it at up to 25%. You might think, “Fine. So the majority gets it.” And of course, you’re right: the majority gets it. But what if you could magically get 25% more conversions just by removing the tabs? That’s why we always recommend looking at those percentages in terms of how much more you could gain with quite a small investment – as opposed to thinking, “Okay, 75% get it. That’s the majority. I’m fine with that.” It can take lots of effort to achieve even a 5% conversion lift. Even a 2.5% or 3% improvement is cause for a celebration. That’s 3 more people buying something for every 100 that land on your page. 🚀 An improvement like that can make a huge difference to your business bottom line. Here's an example from the BAM Bamboo Clothing online shop: Wondering which size to order? Interested to learn what other customers thought of their Enduro Bamboo ⅞ Deep Waistband Leggings? If you don’t pay close attention to the horizontal tab layout, you might completely miss the fact that this information is available on the PDP. The takeaway: - Avoid using horizontal tabs to present your product details. - If your online shop template has horizontal tabs, write a strongly worded email to the provider and get a custom website designed. - Snap up the easy UX wins to build the best possible website based on evidence.

    • Screenshot of the product details of the Enduro Bamboo ⅞ Deep Waistband Leggings at BAM. There are three horizontal tabs: Description, Size Guide and Reviews.

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