Blackbaud Award Management™

Streamlined Scholarship Management for Higher Ed

More qualified scholarship applicants.
More donor delight.


of relevant scholarships visible to qualified applicants.


source of truth for scholarship management and stewardship.


in scholarship funds awarded annually by our users.

Intuitive Award Management Starts Here

Expand access to scholarships.

Remove barriers and reach the right applicants with a system designed to de-mystify the scholarship application process. Every student gets a time-saving personalized view of scholarships that match their qualifications.

  • Automatic match provides unique recommendations for students to available scholarships

  • Recommendations capability shows students lists of awards they may be qualified for

  • Nightly imports of relevant data from your student information system improves the quality and accuracy of each application

Streamline the review process.

Fewer scholarship committee meetings. Higher quality student applications. A smoother process than ever before. It’s all possible as you give all your stakeholders access to one central solution.

  • Seamlessly share data between departments on campus and eliminate the need for in-person reviews, so your committee can engage from anywhere, any time

  • Flexible permissions provide access to information while keeping student data protected

  • Automatically import relevant student data through renewable awards to ensure requirements are met year over year

  • Single sign-on to access all your college or university scholarship applications

Delight your donors.

With one unified database for donor reporting, you can stop spending time wrangling disparate post-acceptance workflows and share compelling impact with donors each awarding cycle.

  • Editable digital thank-you letters simplify donor stewardship

  • Simple donor reports available however you communicate – print, email, or online access

  • One source of truth for key donor data across your CRM, fund financial data, and scholarship recipient data

  • Online donor profiles to spotlight donors’ impact

How do you choose the right award management system?

This framework will help identify your college or university requirements. While many scholarship award management systems are out there, finding the right one is crucial.

Find out how to choose the best system for your institution.

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Do you need to streamline your scholarship process?

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Blackbaud Award Management has assisted us with providing our campus the tools and data necessary to begin streamlining our processes and provide a single point of entry for our students to access scholarships.

Oliver Mamangun

Assistant Director of University Scholarships California State University, Long Beach

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Stewardship, simplified.

Keep donors updated on how their scholarship funds are being used. Give your gift officers critical information at their fingertips.

When you connect Blackbaud Award Management with Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT,  using the free connector from our partner Red Arc, your gift officers get a 360-degree view of constituent award activity directly within Raiser’s Edge NXT.

No chasing down updates. No cumbersome imports. All the insight they need.

Experience the difference.

A True Scholarship Management Community

Connect with your peers at institutions of every size, worldwide in our community forums and events.

By Your Side

From guided implementation to on-demand support from scholarship pros, we’re here each step of the way to keep you moving forward.

Proven Higher Ed Expertise

With 40 years’ of impact in higher ed – and growing momentum every day – it’s no surprise that top institutions trust Blackbaud.

Schedule a demo

Take the next step toward your institution’s success with Blackbaud Award Management. A Blackbaud expert will reach out to schedule a 15-minute discovery call.

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