US News

Principal resigns after stealing prescription drugs from nurse’s office

A Pennsylvania high school principal has resigned after reportedly admitting to police that he stole prescription drugs from his school nurse’s office.

Michael Flick, the principal of Great Valley High School in Malvern since 2012, is now facing charges of theft and possession of a controlled substance.

“I encourage anyone dealing with these issues to reach out for help,” a statement attributed to him read, that was obtained by and sent home to parents by the district’s superintendent.

“May our students view my experience as a reminder that seeking professional help is always the right decision,” the letter added, noting the 44-year-old is seeking treatment.

Officials told the newspaper that Flick confessed to police and prosecutors that he took the drugs from his own school.

A criminal complaint viewed by said police started investigating last Wednesday after the school nurse reported that 93 pills were missing.

“This news comes as a tremendous shock to our school community, and there are many details that we are not able to share,” Great Valley School District superintendent Regina Speaker Palubinsky said in an email to parents.

She added counselors will be on hand for students starting Wednesday.